• Everyone, in life tries to find their way..everyday we try to find that very place we fit in..
    Some find it early..some late...and some neve do..

    But when it comes to ourselves. no one knows you like yourself. Me?.. Its just been a struggle.. But not an economic struggle..no.
    Its an inner struggle.. The only war big tht only you cn fight.

    Iv always had everything in my life..
    More than i deserve come to think about it..
    But It wasnt always like this...the day sin knocked At my door..i was a mere child..he wanted to enter.. BUt i didnt open.. He ofered me..things..things i could not believe..nore could it understand...i let him in..once u let sin in your life..its impossible to push it away...like an unwelcomed guest... It live in me..years.. But could not consume me completely..he still managed to take half of me ... My half went wih him on it own free will ..and got lost..lost in sin..consumed in it..

    I just broke.. Into 2 pieces.. One of them found its way...and the other forever lost in nothing...

    Half of me joined tried dark dephs of sin... While the othe part of me grabbed its hand..to save it,and pull it back into the beauty of life again..to purify it, so i can be one again..

    But my lost half resists itself...an refuses to be pulled...this is not done by it alone..theres something...something else ,pulling it back..into nothing..

    After all these years of fighting alone..and being close to succeding. I find that my Lost half is not keeping itself away...its been trying to find me all this time.. But it cant...cause its being held by somethin more powerful than it..

    I have been blinded all these years..by what i thought was correct...it turned out to be a trap.. Set down for me,..by my self...

    Now i know that in order to unite myself back again...i have to eliminate sin itself.. The very thing that corrupted my lost half... I cant do it alone..i need love...i need hope.. I need strength..i need...
    .. .. You.. God.. Please.. I want to dedicate my life and talents to you.. Please... Open my soul, cleanse it.. And set it free.