• Welcome to the pits of hell
    We hope you enjoyed your long fall down
    Now as soon as you’re ready sign this line
    Ignore the purpose; it doesn’t matter at this time
    Behind you are some vials
    Pick the one you want
    I’d say don’t worry, it’s not poison
    But I fear I may have forgot
    Now open the door and pick your path
    We hope you enjoy this journey inside
    After all it may be your last.

    Welcome to floor one
    Where jokes fly around in the wind
    Sharp as knives, ready to attack
    All aimed at you, all at your back
    Though if darts aren’t your kind of game
    One stab in the back will send you on your way.

    Welcome to floor two
    Here words are pies, ready to be thrown at you
    Don’t worry how you currently appear
    Our ammunition isn’t always clear
    And how you look right now, won’t compare to when you get out
    But if pies don’t quite suit your tastes
    Here’s the door, we’ll show you your place.

    Welcome to floor three
    Where attention is the name of the game
    Pick your platter
    How do you wish to be served
    Too much to eat or none at all
    But if your platter is not in sight
    Get in the corner
    Into the night.

    Welcome to floor four
    Here you never know what’s in store
    Hugging the left doesn’t always work
    And there are spooks within ready to give you a fright
    Turn you away from what might be right
    If you need a break and some fresh air
    Follow the exit sign to anywhere.
    Welcome to floor five
    Where everyone wears a disguise
    So put on your best clothes and a mask
    Dance with everyone in sight, but refrain from trust
    What’s beneath the mask may not be worth the fuss
    Get up, on your feet
    No? Fine then, get out
    See what else you can do, what else you can be.

    Welcome to floor six
    Avoid the zombies; they have a craving for brains
    Due to having none of their own
    Just static that plays and plays
    As it repeats all that they’ve seen, heard
    Would you like to join the pack
    Just sit down in this chair
    The procedure won’t hurt a bit
    In fact you’re already halfway there
    No! Don’t run away
    Wasn’t this your dream to the day?

    Welcome to floor seven
    Where poison is our best cuisine
    Give us your vial; we’ll make your dish
    You signed the waver so this is legit
    And with a little extra thrown in on the side
    We can even through in that knife that’s caught your eye
    See the blood, it’s from floor one
    Where some poor soul decided they had won.

    Welcome to floor eight
    Here you decide whether you still want to go on
    With all that you’ve seen, all that you’ve done
    This is the last stop before you get to where you begun
    I see you still have the poisoned dish
    One sip, one bite and this can all be gone
    No? Fine, what made you such an optimist
    The door’s behind you, continue on your way
    But I’ll see you again on another rainy day.

    Congrates you have made it to the top
    Now that wasn’t a very long way up
    Still complaining, you never change
    Perhaps you need to go another way
    Get on this board, don’t mind the wobble
    You’ll fall on down, go through again
    Pick another path; see if it’s the right one instead.