• I finally realized how truly alone you made me feel…
    And for showing me I shall not place my trust in most,
    Not with my thoughts nor my emotions.
    You try and turn the tables,
    Making me feel horrid and lost.
    Then you tried to make me believe your like me,
    When honestly your nothing to me.

    Your merely on the other side of this world,
    Yet you dare to mock me.
    The way you breath even sickens me,
    You are just a horrid thing.
    I never desire to touch you,
    Nor even to love you.

    You only played with me like a puppet on its strings.
    This was your idea for a little game?
    I will shun you and let you feel brutal shame.
    My rage intensifying,
    Leaving me shaking and shivering.
    You said you loved me yet you just abused me,
    Letting me rot into hells grounds.

    I will never pity you nor cry for you.
    Letting my emotions toy with me over and over,
    I can not break from these strings.
    Letting them tug on them,
    Letting them push me around like their little toy.
    Yet one day I shall break free..
    Free from these strings that have held me back.
    Then I will let you burn in that hell I was in