• I long for you….
    Who is here for me today and will be there for me tomorrow…
    Who I can hold close until we feel each other's hearts beat as one…
    Who I can keep warm during the long winter nights…
    Who I can tell "I Love You" 1000 times, then 1000 more...
    Who I would do anything for to see smile…
    Who I can provide a shoulder to cry on, but hopes you never need it…
    Who I can pour into all the love my heart can give…
    Who I can spend this life and the next together…
    Who I can entrust my eternal soul…
    Who I can cherish in entirety…
    Who accepts me for who I am and not what I can provide…
    Who accepts me for who I am despite my faults…
    Whose gentle touch the only one I need…
    Whose happiness becomes my happiness…
    Whose laugh becomes heavenly song to my ears…
    Whose eyes I can gaze into for eternity…