• Masks
    The Two Sides of Me
    By: Maroc

    I am responsible,
    And earn people’s trust.
    I am irresponsible,
    And look for those to bust.
    I help those in need,
    And guide those wary.
    I take out of greed,
    And create anything scary.
    I never really flee,
    I never do anything undignified.
    I will kill all those I see,
    I do anything unjustified.
    Any pain is a taboo,
    I am on the right path.
    Anything good I will gladly undo,
    Despair is my craft.
    Heaven guides me,
    Hell treats me.
    And now you know how I feel,
    I ask, which one is real?
    Now, I must ask,
    Which one, is just a Mask?