• Pale members of mist caress,
    My battle torn soul and fleash.
    Close my eyes and mend my woe,
    Under thy pionions mother crow.
    Teach me to sail upon troubling seas.
    In darkness help me find Avalons glee.
    Cast thy veil over the sun....
    Beautiful Lady Morrighan.

    When my fifth winter i did see,
    To me you came and on your words i was weaned.
    Thy coaching hast forged a hero.
    Thy caveats a faithful forshadow.
    Teach me to sail upon troubling seas,
    In darkness help me find Avalons glee.
    Cast thy veil over the sun......
    Beautiful Lady Morrighan.

    Continue with me wherever i may roam,
    Till the hour my bride's conjugal love i call blessed home.
    When the nupital door is closed, that signals our good-bye.
    Ne'er again shall i see thy face till i am striken and die.
    Teach me to sail upon troubling seas.
    In darkness help me find Avalons glee.
    Together evil shall be undone,
    Me and thee beautiful Lady Morrighan.