• The clang of metal on metal
    The thumping of flesh beating
    The silence high above and down below when the sound, the sound that calls
    To attention many of man to their feet or to their knees
    Many try and stand stall
    Many do but with a tear in their eye or at the very least a small glimmer

    The sound of bright and dark colors flowing, and flapping in the wind
    The sound of someone trying to hold back what they can no longer deny
    Click clack, click clack a sound echoes from these majestic creatures

    Click clack, click clack
    This sound sounds heavier now. Heavier with sorrow but laced with pride
    Pop-Pop-Pop is what you are most likely to hear next as all types
    Of men lay down their tears and sorrow with this honor bound fate

    Pop-Pop-Pop. You can hear it ringing in your ears now
    Almost as a relief to block out the unwanted noises in fear that you'll start to release sorrow,
    Which isn't such a bad thing.

    Creaking mixed with the deep, heavy groans of metal
    As the honor bound is lowered into their final resting place
    Where many can visit and celebrate what has come and gone and what has been.