• You keep dodging my words,
    Yet you are welcoming
    You continue to glow with warmth,
    Cheering those around you
    You leap about and soar with excitement,
    Yet you never run out of energy
    You create your own light, your own life, your own lies;
    Some may try to snuff you out, others to reach out to you,
    But you are never affected
    You continue to shine with positivity,
    At least on your exterior
    But on long winter nights as I observe your rituals,
    I cannot help but notice the out-stretched, ominous nightmares that you cast on the walls
    In wonder and amusement, I question whether or not this shadow is me,
    Or is that shadow something else?
    I try not to mind it, but it does not cease to nag me;
    I must know the answer-
    I rise, the shadow rises
    I lift an arm, the shadow lifts it's arm
    What a wonderful source of entertainment your lies are
    Tired, I decide to wonder off to bed;
    After passing the chair, I reach over and finally snuff you out-
    Darkness launches itself over the room and I am engulfed,
    I have lost security,
    I am trapped,
    Like your flame, I am gone.