• I don't need you,
    I need me,
    I am me,
    I should be... me.

    What have I been lately?
    The conformity I feared,
    Influenced by the negativity of my peers,
    One day drugs the next day tears,

    She is everything I wanted out of someone,
    but the past has conjured hate and rejection,
    Now I don't know how to fix it but I still bother,
    I wish she knew how much I actually love her,

    Why do I go through all this sorrow for you?
    You are worth all the trouble I have to go through,
    I know inside your mind you sort of don't want to forgive me...but...
    I'd do anything to fit myself inside of your heart.

    Every time I hear your voice it's a burning wound in my chest,
    Where my feelings ache like a sleepless rest,
    and my bones break from the festering nest,
    That is breeding the pest that is my distress,

    You are not a quick lust that I stumble with haste,
    but actually the girl that I want to be the one to fit that empty space,
    The last puzzle piece that puts my happiness into place,
    If I could I'd give you everything of my heart right to your face...

    Oh the majesty that would extrude from my soul,
    Wrapping around you like a mystical energy so warm,
    Hugging you and pressing your cheek onto my torso,
    All by natural feelings and nothing at all forceful,
    I don't need you... to survive,
    I need me... to be happy,
    I am me... when you connect with me,
    I should be making you happy; I want you to be happy.

    That's what will make me the happiest.