You should look into it more. and see if you could get a glimpse of what kind of work they do. Then you could decide.
3nodding I already been to one meeting, so i saw every thing they do are really important, they don't waste time on silly things. They organize recycle, and they answer to student complaints. They supervise on prices in the cafeteria.
I want to be in school paper and write articles. The problem is, someone need to billed the paper so i can write in it. If i won't help in, then it could be that i won't have paper to write in. Of curse billeting a paper+ write an article, will take more of my time then just, write an article. If i want to do other stuff it will take me more time.
I really don't know if the work and effort of just learning will be hard. I am in a program that force me to make good grade. I know that to be in school paper can help to get to know the system, and write on stuff that connected to my study, so mybe it could help me learn more, and mybe it will just take to much of my study time.