These are some of my poems that I have written so far, they're also posted in my journals. I might make one for Why Not soon though I don't know for sure yet.


Friendship, not really something you can buy;
But more like something you must earn,
Friendships you buy, tend to not last long,
Unlike friendships you earn, that could last a lifetime.

Friendships can only stay if you work together to keep them;
If friends can make it through hard and easy times,
And if they can trust eachother till the end,
Then that's what I call true friendship.

Great friendships can't be broken by simple matters;
Some friendships even turn to love,
But all friendships depend on one thing,
Who you really are and really act.

Thats my definition of Friendship.


The night sky, silent, pitch black;
Soon followed by the sounds of crackling and popping like a fire,
Then, you look up to see, colors glimmering in splashes in the sky,
Fireworks, like rainbows in the night sky.

Colors fill the sky;
The smell of smoke drifts around,
Sometimes, they're even formed into pictures,
Fireworks, colors fill the sky.

Lights for the night,
Sounds for the silence,
Colors for the darkness,
Fireworks, a thing of beauty.

Taken For Granted

The forests, one by one, they disappear;
Tree by tree falling down,
The roar of chainsaws against tree trunks,
The forests, taken for granted.

Drop, drip, drip, fresh water down the drain;
There's soo much fresh water that we'll never run out,
But we will, it's not an unlimited source,
Water, also taken for granted.

Mother Earth's beauty and many resources;
The beauty, gone, the resources, huge amounts of deposit,
But then again, resources aren't unlimited,
Mother Earth, we even take her for granted...

Pollution, why must we cause soo much;
Mistakes, why can't we learn from them,
The rivers, no longer clear...
We must take care of our world, the golden rule, treat others like you want to be treated, so why must we treat Mother Earth so cruelly...


The leaves blow in the wind;
The waves crash on the shore,
Animals, lazy from the hunt,
That is the way of nature.

The croak of frogs, the chirps of birds;
Worn out paths and new-built roads,
The ruins worn out through the years, newly built cities of our time,
Nature, this is its way.

Nature, what's your nature;
Kindness and hate, two main natures,
Natures of love and hate, many have experienced,
All natures have beauty I'm not mistaken.

All natures are special and beautiful in their own way,
No matter what people say.

A Helping Hand

The Sun, it showers us in hope and light.
The Stars, they shine for us in the night.
The heat, it gives us warmth and dryness;
As the air gives us our liveliness.

The shouts, can give courage, yet, it can also give sorrow.
Schools, they can be tough, but they help us as we grow.
Life is very fragile, yet, it is a very precious part of us.
Death is a very sorrowful, and very disturbing role of life, usually, it impacts more than one of us.

Help, everyone needs its hand;
Especially if they are stranded on an unknown land.
Go help someone and help them stand,
Who knows when you might need that helping hand.

My True Love

From the bottom of the deepest sea to the top of the heavens represent my love for you.
You're as beautiful as when the sun sets over a lake.
I have never met a person as kind as you.
Your heart is as pure as an angel's heart.
Your smile makes me confident and warm inside.
Even in the worst of times, you try your best so I will too.
You help people in need and thats what I like most about you.
I'll never forget you for as long as I live.

That's all of them so far! hope you liked them!