I am embarking upon a quest to attain a belt buckle!! A belt buckle so great, it is going to be worth the 300k+ I am intending to spend on it scream Object of my desire!
Because I like making myself feel bad
15% bitchin ^^
------------------------------------------The signs deal, I'll make name signs for 3k a piece, additional fees may apply if you want multiple names, anything past 2 is 100g a letter, or 500g a word for some sort of phrase afterwards.
The example of a rough work.
biggrin biggrin Mouge the Irishman-5k+a Unsightly body hair
biggrin Not so welcome people here[this is the black list...]None ^^
Cool Stuff:Madness Interactive, it keeps me from going postal on you guys.Cool people:Star wars charity guild, they invited me, made me feel special ^^
Why Not? Guild, It's my home on Gaia, full of bitchin people.