Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:32 pm
I'm learning Spanish at school and I was wondering if anyone here who speaks Spanish could help me practice.
I also want to learn the basics of Japanese, Russian, French, and German, so I would be thankful if anyone could teach me the basics in those languages as well. If you want to help me, I'll post what I already know of the languages, and update those posts when I learn something new.
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:36 pm
Numeros 1)Uno 2)Dos 3)Tres 4)Quatro 5)Sinco 6)Seis 7)Siete cool Ocho 9)Nueve 10)Deis 11)Once 12)Doce 13)Trece 14)Catorce 15)Quince 16)Dieciseis 17)Diecisiete 1 cool Dieciocho 19)Diecinueve 20)Veinte
Abecedario A-ah B-be C-ce D-de E-eh F-efe G-ge H-hache I-e J-jota K-ka L-ele M-eme N-ene N'(I know it's not the right accent mark, but whatever)-enne O-o P-pe Q-qu R-ere S-ese T-te U-oo V-uve W-uve dobla/dobla uve X- equis Y-i griega Z-zeta
What is your name? --FORMAL Como se llama Usted? Cual es su nombre usted? --INFORMAL Como te llamas? Cual es tu nombre?
My name is______ Me llamo Robin. Mi nombre es Robin.
What is his/her name? Como se llamma el/ella?
His/her name is Se llama ______
How are you? FORMAL Como esta Usted? INFORMAL Como estas?
I am... Estoy- Bein(good) Moy bein(very good) Mol(bad) Consada(tired) Contenta(happy)
Greeting and Goodbyes Buenos dias- Good morning Buenas tardes- Good afternoon Buenas noches- Good night Adios- Goodbye Hasta man'ana- See you tomorrow Hasta luego- See you later Hasta pronto- See you soon Nos vemos- See you Tengo que irme- I have to go
Random Words/Phrases Pluma- pen Libro- book Casa- house Gato/gata- cat Si se pueda (sp?)- Yes I can!
Where are you from? INFORMAL De donde eres? FORMAL De donde es usted?
I am from ____? Soy de Kentucky
Where is he/she from? De donde es?
He/She is from ____ Es se ________
Subject Pronouns - yo: I - tu/usted: you - el/ella: he/she - nosotros: we - vosotros: you all - ellos/ellas/ustedos: they
This is ______ (male) Este es ______ (female) Esta es ______
Who is he/she? (she) Quien es ella? (he) Quien es el?
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:41 pm
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, these are just things that I picked up from anime.. And I probably won't be able to spell things either so I'll put how I say them in parenthesis.
Random Words Brother- Aneki (Ann-eh-key) Sister- Nichan (Knee-chan) But- Demo (Day-mo) Yes- Hai (Hi) Hello- Konichiwa (Ko-knee-chee-wa)
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:43 pm
I really don't know anything about this language, but I would love to learn!
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:45 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:47 pm
I really don't know anything about this language, but I would love to learn!
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:50 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:51 pm
I really don't know anything about this language, but I would love to learn!
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:52 pm
Oh, la la! Tu n'est le pas parles! Pourquoi, mon amie?! My other post, I asked: "Do you speak French?"
This post, I said, "You don't speak it! Why, my friend?" ninja
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:57 pm
Drunken_Ninja08 Oh, la la! Tu n'est le pas parles! Pourquoi, mon amie?! My other post, I asked: "Do you speak French?"
This post, I said, "You don't speak it! Why, my friend?" ninja Oh. Because we don't have a French class at school. I thought it was French, but I wasn't sure smile
Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:58 pm
Hola! I know I haven't posted in a while, but I'm going to try and just write out a little bit.. I'll probably mess up though, so correct me on anything I do wrong smile I'll also write it out in English so you can see what I'm trying to say.
Yo hablo espanol unpaco...Me llamo Robin. Como estas? Estoy consada y aburido. Me encanta los caballos. Me encanta los caballos de mi amigo, Nicole. Tengo catorce anos. Soy de Kentucky. Hace frio en la casa de mi. Yo soy baja.
I speak a little Spanish... My name is Robin. How are you? I'm tired and bored. I love horses. I love my friend's horses. I'm 14 years old. I'm from Kentucky. It's cold in my house. I'm short.