dramallama HEY!STOP!LISTEN! dramallama
tired of finding those pesky bugs and inks in the daily chance?
Never use them and wish you could throw it all away?
well why not and donate them to me?
in order to fulfill my !Quest! FOR A WHITE BODY DYE!!
i dont want your goldzz keep your filthy money and shove them into your pockets! bugs and inks is what im after.
Never use them and wish you could throw it all away?
well why not and donate them to me?
in order to fulfill my !Quest! FOR A WHITE BODY DYE!!
i dont want your goldzz keep your filthy money and shove them into your pockets! bugs and inks is what im after.
-any amount will do im not asking much, white dyes would be much appreciated! ^_^
If you need any help with your quests id gladly try and help in any way i can. just let me noes.
1. Vice Admiral Kuroneko
2. baby~angel~Tana
3. SassyStarburst
4. hiniko nara
5. GogglesMandatory
6. elysia x
7. Kal94
8. Amiante
9. Sweet Asbestos
10. Love Force (10 donators yay ^ ^)
11. Lady Reader 2
12. Tbro
13. Xx-Samu Kimi-xX
14. Racine_107
15. Darkmane