`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven.
Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -

Pretty sure Erebus, Nyx, Tarturus is a solid Triple Deity / Triune.

Keep this in mind - Belial is the leader of the Sons of Darkness: Belial / Satan - same

'But for corruption(Chaos?) thou hast made Belial(Erebus), an angel of hostility(protogenoi). All his dominions are in darkness, and his purpose is to bring about wickedness and guilt. All the spirits that are associated with him are but angels of destruction.' <= Children mentioned speak enough if you've done research (all revolving around death and destruction).
In Milton's Paradise Lost
Belial came last; than whom a Spirit more lewd
Fell not from Heaven, or more gross to love,
Vice for itself. To him no temple stood
Or altar smoked; yet who more oft than he
In temples and at altars, when the priest
Turns atheist, as did Eli’s sons, who filled
With lust and violence the house of God?
In courts and palaces he also reigns,
And in luxurious cities, where the noise
Of riot ascends above their loftiest towers,
And injury and outrage; and, when night
Darkens the streets, then wander forth the sons
Of Belial, flown with insolence and wine.
Witness the streets of Sodom, and that night
In Gibeah, when the hospitable door
Exposed a matron, to avoid worse rape.
-Paradise Lost, i. 490-504

Ones of interest for me are Chaos, Erebus, Nyx, Tarturus and Aether.
Chaos - God = The beast = A collaboration of darkness?
Belial - Erebus = Antichrist?
Belial - Nyx = Belial appears as two angels in demonology?
Lucifer - Aether
Beelzebub - Tarturus
Erebos is not only the God of Darkness but also the personification of darkness that surrounded the Underworld or Tartarus but like I said before. It was also used to describe the Underworld
Both Homeros and Hesiodos use Erebos to describe the Underworld. But his name is never use as another name(Which would seperate him from the underworld) for the Underworld. Erebos' name was only used at most as another name for Tartarus or the darkness that separated Tartarus from the rest of the Underworld.
Erebus and Nyx surround Tarturus while giving birth to Aether. Tarturus is locked from the rest of the cosmos by Aether, and leads a successful revolt against Aether?
Let's say God = Chaos(the primordial abyss that spawns all gods), everyone says that god is connected to all things and is the beginning. That supports the "god" created everyone under him perspective. Belial = Erebus, Lucifer = Aether, and Beelzebub = Tarturus. Belial fathered Lucifer with some deity I don't know of as far as satanism/christianity. Same time Belial appears as two angels. Now here's where it's interesting, Erebus & Nyx fathered Aether. Erebus being darkness and Nyx being night, so in that sense they're the same entity as far as Protogenoi are concerned. Aether would've also been the elemental god of "bright, glowing, upper air" that bound tarturus from the rest of the cosmos. So if Beelzebub = Tarturus, one can see why he would've rebelled against Lucifer. This all also supports the theory of Erebus, Nyx, Tarturus being a solid Triple Deity / Triune; as far as the underworld is concerned. Now onto the matter of Belial leading the "sons of darkness" who're all described as destructive. It's self explanitory looking at the children of Erebus & Nyx.

Note: Looking back on this, and it's highly accurate to the Ogdoad of Khmunu(Egyptian). He who created man.
OGDOAD: The primordial Egyptian Creator Gods.

The OGDOAD were the eight original beings before there were any beings. They come in husband-wife pairs: HUH and HAUHET, the rulers of infinity, KUK and KAUKET, the rulers of darkness, NUN and NAUNET, the rulers of primordial waters, and the secretive AMUN and AMAUNET, who rule hidden things.

The males have frog heads while the females have snake heads. This may have deep symbolic importance, or perhaps they just felt like it. Because there was no-one around to tell them any better, they may also have evolved into baboons at some point.

The legends tell how the OGDOAD got together and built a little island in the middle of Chaos. Not the most scenic of spots but real estate was limited in those days.

A Cosmic Egg was placed on this island and Sun God ATUM(RA, and possibly Lucifer?[the split of Khepri]-) hatched out. The OGDOAD greeted the first sunrise with howls(Not a good thing).

With the arrival of ATUM the OGDOAD withdrew(linking that to Aether and binding of Protogenoi to Tartarus). Now they take a back seat while the newer Gods get on with running things.

Belial/Satan (Lord of Darkness, king of the wicked, father of the sons of darkness) > Erebus (Husband of Nyx, son of chaos, darkness > Kuk (An Androgynous being doubling as Kauket, son of chaos, darkness)

Nyx(Wife of Erebus, daughter of chaos, darkness) - Kauket (Androgynous double of Kuk)

Keep in mind Belial would be two angels which supports this theory of Erebus / Nyx and Kuk / Kauket. They are androgynous.

Kuk (also spelled as Keku) is the deification of the primordial concept of darkness in Egyptian mythology. In the Ogdoad cosmogony, his name meant darkness. As a concept, Kuk was viewed as androgynous(supports my theory on Belial), his female form being known as Kauket (also spelled as Keket), which is simply the female form of the word Kuk. Like all 4 dualistic concepts in the Ogdoad, Kuk's male form was depicted as a frog, or as a frog-headed man, and the female form as a snake, or a snake-headed woman. As a symbol of darkness, Kuk also represented obscurity and the unknown, and thus chaos.

The Egyptians believed that before the world was formed, there was a watery mass of dark, directionless chaos. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis), four frog gods and four snake goddesses of chaos. These deities were Nun and Naunet (water), Amun and Amaunet (invisibility), Heh and Hauhet (infinity) and Kek and Kauket (darkness). The chaos existed without the light(why the son Lucifer / Aether - Hemera / Khepri is seen as bad to them), and thus Kek and Kauket came to represent this darkness. They also symbolized obscurity, the kind of obscurity that went with darkness, and night. (Chaos)

The Ogdoad(protogenoi) were the original great gods of Iunu (On, Heliopolis) where they were thought to have helped with creation, then died and retired to the land of the dead(protogenoi bound to tarturus in the sense of underworld?)where they continued to make the Nile flow and the sun rise every day.
The eight deities were arranged in four female-male pairs, the females were associated with snakes and the males were associated with frogs: Naunet and Nu, Amaunet and Amun, Kauket and Kuk, Hauhet and Huh. Apart from their gender, there was little to distinguish the female goddess from the male god in a pair; indeed, the names of the females are merely the female forms of the male name and vice versa. Essentially, each pair represents the female and male aspect of one of four concepts, namely the primordial waters (Naunet and Nu), air or invisibility (Amunet and Amun), darkness (Kauket and Kuk), and eternity or infinite space (Hauhet and Huh)

Together the four concepts represent the primal, fundamental state of the beginning, they are what always was. In the myth, however, their interaction ultimately proved to be unbalanced(CHAOS), resulting in the arising of a new entity. When the entity opened, it revealed Ra, the fiery sun, inside. After a long interval of rest, Ra, together with the other deities, created all other things. - Awesome, looks like I've been on right track all along.



Kek as a frog

Kek (Kuk, Keku) means darkness. He was the god of the darkness of chaos, the darkness before time began. He was the god of obscurity, hidden in the darkness. The Egyptians saw the night time, the time without the light of the sun, as a reflection of this chaotic darkness.

The characteristics of the third paid of gods, Keku and Kauket, are easier to determine, and it is tolerable certain that these deities represent the male and female powers of the darkness which was supposed to cover over the primeval abyss of water; they have been compared by Dr. Brugsch with the Erebos of the Greeks.

-- The Gods of the Egyptians, E. A. Wallis Budge

As a god of the night, Kek was also related to the day - he was called the "bringer-in of the light". This seems to mean that he was responsible for the time of night that came just before sunrise. The god of the hours before day dawned over the land of Egypt. This was the twilight which gave birth to the sun.


alt=kalt=kalt=wt egg determinative

The feminine of the god Kek, Kauket (Keket) was a much more obscure goddess than her husband. She was a snake-headed woman who ruled over the darkness with her husband. Her name also meant darkness, as did her husband's name, but with a feminine ending.

The Four Frog Gods and Four Snake Goddesses of the Ogdoad

O you eight chaos gods, keepers of the chambers of the sky...The bnbn [phoenix] of Ra was that from which Atum came to be as ... Kek, darkness... I am the one who begot the chaos gods again, as Heh, Nun, Amun, Kek. I am Shu who begot the gods.

-- Coffin Text, Spell 76

Kauket was the feminine to Kek's masculine, more of a representation of duality than an actual goddess, so she was even less of a deity than Kek, and much more of an abstract.

She was, though, also related to the day - she was the "bringer-in of the night". This seems to show her to be the goddess of the night, just after sunset. The goddess of the the hours of the evening, as night covered Egypt, and the sun had disappeared. This was the twilight which turned into the darkness of night.
On matters of Aset Ka:
Aset Ka is an occult Order, Europe based, that goes under the name "Kemetic Order of Aset Ka". It is one of the most influential Kemetic Orders, as well as vampiric movements, inside the occult underground in Europe, especially in the Iberian Peninsula.

With its headquarters based in the city of Oporto, Portugal, Aset Ka is known for its traditional approach to magick and vampirism, studying a very different variety of occult arts, philosophies, and practices.

It's traditions are based on Left Hand Path, Black Magic and Dark Occultism, mixing Luciferian and Setian philosophies with Egyptian Magick, practicing mystical Vampirism and studying chaos magick and chaotic energies, as well as different forms of High Magick, energy work and rituals(keep in mind this is everything I do xDDD), considered highly elite in the wide occult studies spectrum.

Being a Kemetic Order, they trace their roots back to Ancient Egypt, culture where they take many of their philosophical and spiritual works, as well as base magical system, religion and symbols.

The name Aset Ka is transliterated from Ancient Egyptian, and is composed of two different words:

* Aset being the Egyptian name for the Goddess Isis, which is a Greek name for the Egyptian Goddess of magick and power, and also meaning literally "Throne" in Ancient Egyptian, being the reason why Isis is many times painted with a throne symbol on her head. She is sometimes considered to be the Goddess of Many Names, the face behind many divinities, and the Goddess of All Gods;
* Ka meaning vital energy and being part of the Egyptian concept of soul.
Asetianism is a dark tradition based on predatory spirituality with an intense knowledge of metaphysics.
Aset Ka is the Kemetic Order responsible for the keeping of this knowledge and protection of the Asetians.
The Asetians are the first-born vampires, the divine bloodline of Aset.
The word Asetian refers to the immortal bloodline created by Aset. In Her own divine act of creation, She gave birth to three Children out of Her essence alone. Those are the Primordial Asetians, the first of their kin, perfect representations of the Lineages found in Asetianism. This explains the triple nature of the bloodline and is represented by the three Asetian Lineages: Serpent, the Lineage of Viperines; Scorpion, the Lineage of Guardians; Scarab, the Lineage of Concubines.

Then with that, solidified knowledge on me being directly involved with father; mostly through empaths reading energy(distance means nothing).

On my energy and soul from Geri / Libi:
Mysterious: You are a very interesting man.
Barbaric: Thanks.
Libitina: he is
Mysterious: Not many souls stay sturdy with that many scars.
Barbaric: I've found myself more interesting as of late lmao.
Libitina: i was lucky to find him
Libitina: you hold more power than any satanist Adam and i ever met
Libitina: on imvu
Barbaric: Awesome.
Barbaric: :'D.
Libitina: another reason i was drawn to you
Libitina: icon_razz.gif
Barbaric: Hehe.
On my energy from Deemon:
Deemon: Ok....question...
Barbaric: Yes?
Deemon: May i kiss you?
Barbaric: Go for it icon_razz.gif.
Deemon: -Leans over kissing your lips softly then looks away.-
Deemon: Its an urge....
Barbaric: icon_razz.gif.
Barbaric: Thanks.
Barbaric: ^^
Deemon: -Smiles.-
Barbaric: xD.
Deemon: Well you can't just go kissing people unless theyre close to you then its ok but I dont think Warlord and I have that...
Barbaric: It's fine, I don't mind at all with other vamps icon_razz.gif.
Deemon: Well....your making me feel breathless to tell the truth
Barbaric: I'll believe it lol; been told that before icon_razz.gif.
Barbaric: Guess it's a gift from father xD.
Deemon: I bet you been told you make me feel like my heart's stopped too
Barbaric: Not that in particular.
Barbaric: Been told my energy is overwhelming though.
Deemon: Well you are overwhelming
Barbaric: Thanks icon_razz.gif.
Deemon: It's odd
Barbaric: Why I want to improve with everything xD.
Deemon: I've never been this attracted to anyone but my gay brother like this and well he's just my feed bowl....he's my only source of energy
Barbaric: I see icon_surprised.gif.
Deemon: Is that bad?
Barbaric: Nah, I'd say it's natural.
Barbaric: icon_razz.gif.
Barbaric: Least from what I've seen with afew others xD.
Deemon: Well its second time its happened to me
Deemon: What kind of feeling do you get from me?
Barbaric: Want to say warm and joyous.
Deemon: how the hell am I warm and joyous?
Barbaric: No idea lol.
Deemon: I been through hell the last few weeks lol
Barbaric: I see o-o.
Deemon: my aunt said I could always spot a rainbow in the dead of night though so idk
Barbaric: What feeling you get from me o-o?
Deemon: Well without looking at you I could feel your dominance some sort of side that makes me want you i cant pinpoint it and strange warmth that makes me feel like im well kinda like I am being cornered
Barbaric: I see o-o
Barbaric: Interesting.
Deemon: to tell the truth the words to really describe it....theres a feeling of knowing
Barbaric : Knowing like how icon_surprised.gif?
Deemon: Like a dark knowing
Deemon: kinda like when someone goes into the hospital and you know thier not coming out
Barbaric: Ah.
Deemon: Strange
Deemon: Something tells me youve had a past darker than mine.....
Barbaric: Awesome.
Barbaric: Pretty sure this isn't my first reincarnation; more or less last before I wander astral for awhile.
Deemon: It's kinda like innocence is me....
Deemon: Even though when I was younger I slept with my father thinking that was the way he showed he loved me....well come to find out later after he died that it was wrong.....I was manipulated and used.....
Deemon: Why did I just tell you that?
Barbaric: I see icon_surprised.gif.
Barbaric: It's cool.
Barbaric: Sorry to hear he'd do that.
Deemon: I think I figured out why you got the warm joyful feeling...
Barbaric: Meep? o-o
Deemon: You sense innocense....I detect non innocense
Barbaric: Ah.
Deemon: innocense is always drawn towards the darkness
Deemon: whether it consumes them or not is thier choice
Barbaric: Interesting you say that icon_surprised.gif, remember my other empath friend said I held alot of darkness and she was like drowning in it xD
Barbaric: One of the few that were intoxicated by it.
Deemon: that I can not explain lol
Barbaric: All good, some things don't need explaining.
Deemon: I had a dream I was in a one room schoolhouse....then I wound up ontop of a church in the middle of a field....next to the field was a set of woods with a golden hand pointing down the trail.....lining the edges of the trail were artifacts from many countries and at the end of the trail was a statue the grim reaper
Deemon: I looked into the reaper's eyes and appeared in a dark area the only light was the red glow of a gem on a silver staff
Deemon: It floated in mid air over a rock surrounded by water
Deemon: everytime I moved foward I heard the water...and everywhere around me I could hear water dripping like I was in a cave
Deemon: When I touched the staff I woke up
Barbaric: I see icon_surprised.gif.
Deemon: it was pretty realistic
Barbaric: I can imagine.
Deemon: My friend Malinda said it was the staff of life
Deemon: I dont know if thats true or not but it sure as hell scared me
Deemon: Everytime I go into a church theres a burning at the base of my spine
Barbaric: I see icon_surprised.gif.
Deemon: Yes im saying random facts but idk why
Barbaric: It's fine ^o-o^.
Deemon: So....
Deemon: Wait, random facts.....babbling...
Deemon: Your making me nervous like your really here.....I dont normally do that around guys online
Barbaric: Sowwy ;x;.
Barbaric: Not trying to xD.
Deemon: It's k
Deemon: icon_razz.gif just its so un natural
Barbaric: icon_razz.gif.
On my energy from Danika
Barbaric: What is it about me that attracts you icon_surprised.gif?
Danika: everything
Danika: the darkness i feel seeping out of you even way over here
Barbaric: Ooo interesting o3o, you feel that too?
Barbaric: I've had acouple others intoxicated off that :'D.
Danika: mmhmm
Barbaric: Can you describe it to me please?
Barbaric: Always looking for more input on that.
Danika: likea thick dark cloud that could crush and suffocate anyone unworthy of being even this far away from it
Barbaric: That's funny.
Barbaric: I love it lol.
Danika: it seeps into your system like lotian into pours making anyone it touches either die from the sear impact or comepletely enthralled by it
Danika: thats what it feel like
Barbaric: I see icon_surprised.gif.
On my energy from amber: <= The big one
amber: Azreal, is there any reason why i sense otherkin within you?
Barbaric: I follow what I will lol.
azreal: plenty i am night born romani
amber: thought so icon_biggrin.gif
azreal: youv encountered us before?
amber: darling, i am psi, my ex husband was Dragon kin......therian......i know a lot
azreal: and dealing with roma riddles is a pain this i know
Barbaric: Not the only one under the black flame 'ere anyway lol.
azreal: my question is can you sense what otherkin it is?
amber: similar to dragon but not......the specifics ellude me
amber: you shield well
azreal: i must
azreal: im a cross breed
azreal: and a guardien
amber: ouch
Barbaric: Sense me too? icon_razz.gif
amber: Barbaric, always
azreal: as long as people think i am simply vampiric in nature i am safer
amber: we share quite a bit
Barbaric: Hehe.
Barbaric: Can you detail mine abit? Curious about it.
Barbaric: Have asked alot of people that feel it xD
azreal: not every one can dark
azreal: if there outside of my physical are of influance i can not sense them unless bonded to them
amber: this is not your first life or will it be your last Barbaric....but i digress, we are all more than 1 life into our existences
Barbaric: Very intuitive.
azreal: very
Barbaric: I want to lurk in astral already damnit.
amber: you feed just like i do Barbaric
Barbaric: ******** the chain of reincarnation xD
azreal: as long as the dark flame exsists i exsist
amber: but you don't need it to sustain you
amber: whereas i do
Barbaric: I see icon_surprised.gif.
azreal: the dark flame?
Barbaric: Interesting.
amber: there is a bit of kin in you....and something more
amber: something unspeakable....but i am not afraid
Barbaric: Hehe.
Barbaric: Father Belial would be proud icon_razz.gif.
amber: you are also beyond Dom....and you KNOW how much i appreciate that icon_wink.gif
Barbaric: XDDD
Barbaric: Finally finished getting research done on my patrons though.
Barbaric: Erebus, Nyx, and Tarturus.
amber: feeding off of you would be a very ******** experience
amber: i'd have energy for months
Barbaric: xD.
Barbaric: You're welcome to feed anytime you want icon_razz.gif
Barbaric: Hehe
amber: oh i know, i just take from the ambient and that is enough in here
amber: this is one of the only rooms where i can freely feed without anyone raising an eyebrow and i appreciate that
Barbaric: I hear that.
Now on my spiritual form tying in:
Chameleons are widely regarded with unreasoning fear, especially in West Africa, where various beliefs associate the reptile with the Sun. In Dahomey, the chameleons are said to fetch fire from the Sun. In early Christianity, the chameleon was used to symbolize Satan who, like the chameleon, could change his appearance to deceive mankind. Other deep-rooted belief that persist are that chameleons are "nourished by the air,"(AIR = CHAOS?) and hence do not eat(or need to feed rather?). They do have huge lung sacks that, when fully expanded, become almost transparent. Nevertheless, chameleons do eat food.
Message I sent Edvyn:
Okay did more tracing; satan would've originally been a "serpent"(which was term for reptile) he was originally a chameleon (which is what my spiritual form looks like)[keep in mind he's tied with darkness as Belial]. Traced Kuk/Kauket to Apep, which would've been the "serpent" of darkness and chaos. I'm pretty confident they're the same, and apep was actually a chameleon, appearing somewhat draconic in nature; not a snake. Also looked up chameleons abit, they're associated with unreasoning fear, and the chameleons are said to fetch fire from the Sun. Could place sun as Ra, which supports the Apep/Chameleon/Opposer/Etc..(since Apep is the enemy of Ra).
That and chameleons are said to be nourished by the air. Keep in mind, primordial chaos is attributed by air in afew places. Her Latin name is Chaos and like the other Gods she too has other names: Poros and Aeros which both mean "passage/ contriver air".
Message I sent to amber:
Heya amber; finally finished my personal research off and got my deities tied to Kuk/Kauket(Ogdoad of primordial darkness and chaos). Was wondering if chameleons meant anything to you regarding that, and if information is somehow tied in with apep.
Sorry if I'm bothering xD, thanks alot; appreciate it.
More or less that's my patron/father, darkness & chaos, and I know I have a direct tie to it. It is within me.
Piecing more together / Conversation with Belle: (Everything making sense)
Fel: Oh okay.
Belle: I only know english..... I'm limited in communication lol
Belle: altho saying that I had an odd conversation in my forest room the other night with azreal in annunaki o.O
Fel: Interesting
Belle: yes very considering the right words to answer him with just popped into my head out of nowhere even tho I had no clue what I was saying
Belle: but he translated what I had said and it was only something I knew about myself
Fel: Wow
Fel: That sounds real cool
Belle: it was actualy, slightly disturbing tho too cos Ive no idea how I could possibly know an ancient language
Barbaric: Interesting.
Fel: Well that as well..
Fel: I would have done some research.
Belle: the only research I could do would be on star seeds and the niburian council
Belle: theres very limited information on them online
Fel: Oh okay i see/
Belle: star seeds are a type of otherkin.... extra terrestrial in nature
Belle: supposedly waring factions of an ancient alien race from the pleiades constalation came to earth 1000's of years ago and suposedly settled on earth as the atlanteans
Belle: star seeds are the reincarnation of these atlanteans
Fel: Wow
Barbaric: Interesting.
Belle: suposedly star seeds or indigo children as their commonly known carry a crystal alien gene cos their biologicaly part alien and this gene activates when theyre in their teens and they awaken to being a star seed and having genetic memorys of their alien race
Belle: similar in otherkin awakening but those are past life memorys
Fel: Fasinating.
Belle: according to star seeds the earth is soon to go through a transformation and move into a higher plane of existence the 4th dimension and their on earth to help this process along by helping the human race to evolve and make this tansition
Barbaric: I see.
Belle: its amazing what stuff gets recorded in my head from reading it online LOL
Barbaric: xDDD
Belle: cos it is cos its usualy useless information I seem to remember very well yet I cant ever remember very important things like birthdays ect XD
Belle: I just rememeber stuff most ppl would classify as 'weird' lol
Barbaric: Find it more fascinating then weird xD
Belle: yes I find it fascinating too icon_smile.gif
Fel: Me three
Fel: Hehe
Belle: icon_biggrin.gif
Barbaric > Belle: Question about the Earth thing; any idea when transition to 4th dimension is supposed to take place?
Belle whispers: no clue..... but its interesting how all this star seed stuff has happend in the past 10 years and seems to be increasing in online activity as 2012 aproches
Barbaric > Belle: That's what's interesting me.
Barbaric > Belle: Because I've been hearing around about some type of "war" that will change how the earth looks.
Barbaric > Belle: So forming together some sort of chaos theory I suppose with research I've done.
Belle whispers: the myans were said to have been in contact with an alien race that helped their culture and technology evolve so maybe they know something with their calendar running out
Belle whispers: oh interesting
Barbaric > Belle: True.
Barbaric > Belle: Right now I want to say if 2012 happens, it's because the protogenoi will be unbound from tarturus in a sense.
Belle whispers: there could be a war cos some star seeds are completely against helping the human race evolve for this transition and actualy want to destroy us
Belle whispers: yes true
Barbaric > Belle: Interesting.
Barbaric > Belle: I'd believe it, the starseeds that want to destroy us would've been sons of belial if my info on atlanteans were right
Belle whispers: it is very interesting how all these diffrent things seem to have similarities and connections
Barbaric > Belle: Yeah
Barbaric > Belle: Extremely xD
Belle whispers: oh I see
Belle whispers: its quite possible that instead of disapearing the atlanteans moved into a higher dimension and became the sidhe at least thats my personal feeling on the matter
Barbaric > Belle: I'd believe it.
Barbaric > Belle: My question is, when earth moves into 4th dimension, what happens to the people of it; like do they embody their spiritual form?
Belle whispers: it dose all seem to add up and point to that conclusion everything I know about the sidhe and the atlanteans
Belle whispers: my guess is we'll become more energy based lifeforms rather than physical carbon based
Barbaric > Belle: I see.
Belle whispers: the sidhe are from the 5th dimension and exist as energy lifeforms rather than physical but can take on physicality
Barbaric > Belle: Already know my spiritual form is a chameleon for a fact, so that transition interests me.
Belle whispers: what exactly is a chameleon, bi-pedal reptilian humanoid by any chance?
Barbaric > Belle: Blarhh, crap is only leaving me with more questions xD
Barbaric > Belle: Yes.
Barbaric > Belle: With wings on back xD.
Belle whispers: now thats interesting cos supposedly the race the atlanteans were at war with were a reptilian race and supposedly so was the alien race that had contact with the mayans
Barbaric > Belle: Okay, so I'll take info and my thoughts (which I've usually had on it); I'm a destroyer.
Belle whispers: I think the atlanteans were a silicon based lifeform or crystaline
Barbaric > Belle: I see.
Barbaric > Belle: Very interesting.
Belle whispers: very interesting indeed
Belle whispers: it all just seems to add up very nicely
Barbaric > Belle: Yeah, too nicely to be honest; lmao.
Belle whispers: hmm yes i was just thinking that actualy.... almost like it could be one big cosmic practical joke lol
Barbaric > Belle: I hear that.
Barbaric > Belle: Okay, now s**t really adds up for me xD.
Belle whispers: well thats good, maybe youve got a few unanswered questions finaly answered
Barbaric > Belle: Yeah, that answered em alittle more.
Belle whispers: ohwell I'm glad its been useful to you hun icon_biggrin.gif
Barbaric > Belle: More then useful icon_razz.gif. Thanks.
Belle whispers: yvw icon_biggrin.gif
I am of the reptile, and I proclaim your destruction.

We are the "dragons" of all civilization(which is why they are[as in dragons] held in high regard, and reoccurring in nearly every culture - including all obscure places).

I have heard from others feeling a war coming. It's between Earth and the Anunnaki.

"Anunnaki": Anunnaki are reptilian in form but can have disguises in human form.

The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunna, Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian deities. The name is variously written "da-nuna", "da-nuna-ke4-ne", or "da-nun-na", meaning something to the effect of 'those of royal blood' or 'princely offspring'. Their relation to the group of gods known as the Igigi is unclear - at times the names are used synonymously but in the Atra-Hasis flood myth they have to work for the Anunnaki, rebelling after 40 days and replaced by the creation of humans.

Anunnaki are scared because their bodies cannot handle the polar/frequency changes that is taking place as we speak. Therefore they will die. Supposedly, Gold gives off a radiation that helps the Annunaki deal with the changes." (Keep in mind, 2012 the earth is supposed to change it's polarity.)

Also keep in mind that there is also starseeds.

Starseeds are individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning that they might have originated from another world. They experience the aloneness and separateness that is the human condition, but also have the sense of being foreigners on this planet. They find the behavior and motives of our society puzzling and illogical. Starseeds are often most reluctant to become involved in the institutions of society, e.g. political, economic, health care, etc. Even at an early age, they tend to discern the hidden agendas of such conventions with unusual clarity."

Starseeds incarnate into the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins and purpose as do Earth humans. However, the genes of starseeds are encoded with a "wake-up call" designed to "activate" them at a pre-determined moment in life. Awakening can be gentle and gradual, or quite dramatic and abrupt. In either event, memory is restored to varying degrees, allowing starseeds to consciously take up their missions. Their connections to the Higher Self are also strengthened, permitting them to be largely guided by their inner knowing.
Also another small note: Jesus was related to Lucifer. "The morning star."
Rev 22:16
I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star"

He gave knowledge to humans, which is what the primordial darkness & chaos opposed. This caused humans to seek more enlightenment which was forbidden by our makers because they wanted us to be unquestioning slaves.

Jesus Christ himself historically spoke out against all organized religion and money handlers(Note: Think Illuminati, and how they tie in with all of this)... money peddling in the name of "God" is an abomination that goes on daily. Organized religion is a physical form of spirituality which means nothing in comparison to heaven, Jesus was constantly trying to get that message across.

Christ was tempted by the servants of the Old Gods - "demons"(Directly related to what I've typed thus far). As you've probably read with him being offered the world by "Satan". Also, taking all this information in, one can see how he died, visited "hell" and was "risen".

They created us and kept you from knowledge. The "holy" spirit circumvented this crime by producing fruits of knowledge. That knowledge is tied in with metaphysics, more importantly transcending your human shell. Humans are naturally multi-dimensional beings, as seen with stuff such as astral projection/out of body experiences/etc..(if you want to know why psychedelics are illegal, now you truely do).

The old gods oppose humanity transcending; they are not "good" beings to say the least. They want you bound to this realm in order to maintain absolute control on you.

Physical reality is an illusion. We operate in this illusion, not knowing that is illusion. Therefore we fear death and pain - we are slaves to illusion. Things do exist and this physical reality is an illusion only in the sense of our perception of it.

The only way to end your slavery is to attain knowledge. This is a fundamental truth. Knowledge dissolves illusion like light dissolves darkness. The methods of doing this, apart from actually dying, are transcendental meditation and other forms of dimensional travel. Anyone attempting to teach humans how to leave this dimension through the above mentioned methods will either be murdered, slandered, sacrificed, or their teachings will be purposefully washed out and mis-translated. All of the above has already happened to more than one person. The first person in history that we are aware of doing this is Jesus.

Read from a "satanic" perspective, the Bible reveals itself as a history of Hebrew magicians and sorcerers. In a careful reading of the Bible, the prophets of the Old Testament are shown to be practitioners of the Black Arts and Jesus Christ, in his stance against hypocrisy and self-righteousness, is revealed as a great Satanic Priest and Black Magician. To the inquiring mind it is clear why the Magi of Persia (the Wise Men), were the first to acknowledge the birth of Christ, for through their Magical Art and the practice of Astrology, they recognized him as a naturally born magician. The eighteen lost years of his life were surely spent in the east studying the knowledge of the Magi. The practitioner of the Black Arts may be the truest Christian and he who would follow the Dark Path set out in this book the truest Apostle of Christ

The Sumerians believed the Dragon of Chaos, Tiamat, to be the mother of the gods. The gods brought order to Chaos, but they were themselves the children of Chaos and subject to its laws and conditions. The devil was not originally a "rebel" against the order of creation but, the beginning and the end, the source of all creation. "The dragon sleeps," we are told in the texts of old, "but shall awaken."

The sorcerer realizes that his consciousness and his will are a manifestation of the universal dynamic, which man calls SATAN. Having attained DEITUS, man becomes the very embodiment of SATAN. The dragon (a second consciousness which contains the knowledge of his ultimate purpose) awakens. As man becomes the embodiment of SATAN and rises to become a God, Lucifer arises, for the rise of Lucifer is a metaphor of man's ultimate purpose and direction. In DEITUS, you see not only the limits of the current Aeon, but become aware of future aeons which shall come into being as the universe evolves to ever greater levels of consciousness and man rises to his manifest destiny.

DEITUS is the achievement of the power of a God. To become a God, you must realize that you are a God. It has been commonly believed that God created the universe(chaos). It is actually the universe(chaos) which is creating God. Satan is a metaphor for man. The rise of Lucifer is the rise of man to his eventual destiny.

The mystic says "deny the ego, surrender yourself to the universal consciousness." This is folly for by rejecting one's own consciousness, the universal consciousness which animates the individual is also rejected. If I am God made manifest then my thoughts are the thoughts of a god and my actions are the actions of a god. My desires are the desires of a god and my Will is the Will of a god. If I am "good" or I am "evil" then I am a god of goodness or a god of wickedness. The sadomasochistic nature of the dynamic consciousness becomes evident as one considers that the source consciousness which animates all things manifests as both predator and prey. Whatever is within one's nature to do is within the nature of God to carry out.

Deep within every man this knowledge resides. This is why man sees himself in others. What he hates in others is what he hates most in himself. What he fears in others is what he fears most in himself. What he loves in others is what he most wants to possess himself. How he treats his fellow man is a reflection of his true feelings towards his individual consciousness.

The universe is not reality. It is only a "dream". Consciousness alone exists. A single consciousness alone exists, isolated in a void of nothingness(chaos). There is no God. There is no other consciousness besides that of the One. It sleeps. It dreams. As it awakens from one dream, another dream begins. There is no reality for it to awake to. There is nothing outside of consciousness. The universe seems real to the characters in the dream but what they perceive as "self" does not exist. The consciousness of the many are the consciousness of the One. The lives of the many are the dreams of the One.

The earliest Christians approached Christianity as a philosophy compatible with other philosophical beliefs. The Gnostic Christians saw no conflict between the Christian religion and the mystery schools of Greece and Rome. Among the Celts, Christianity was adopted by the Druids and was practiced alongside the earlier pagan religion. The Greeks and Romans approached Christianity from an intellectual perspective. The scriptures were accepted within the context in which they had been written and were not interpreted as the literal Word of God.

The acceptance of Christianity as the official religion of Rome (and creation of the Roman Catholic Church) signaled the end of this intellectual Christianity and the start of a new authoritarian Christianity. In its rise to dominance, the Church proclaimed earlier pagan religions to be forms of devil-worship and condemned millions of innocent men, women, and children to death. Various Gnostic sects were among those executed. Intellectual freedom was suppressed and obedience to the Church was demanded.

Only by accepting the Bible for what it is, a book written by men and not the "living" Word of God, can one approach a true understanding of these scriptures.
Energy and matter are both made of information that has logic and structure. The difference between energy and matter is that matter is made of information (from light energy photons) which come together in specific organised ways which we perceive as physical.

"The Beast consumes energy and separates matter from spirit - producing what we know as 'evil'."
A personal feeling to those that have made sense of it. These Illuminati, those who supposedly control all your lives and care not of you being bound, those who control the knowledge of transcendence, their selfish desires revolving around money, corporation, power, esoteric knowledge, and controlling you themselves directly in the face of chaos & darkness; that selfish control will in turn be the agent of their destruction. Father is opposed to their ways, and they will soon learn that.

One final log of conversing with others:

Barbaric: Okay, finished more research.
Sal: wb barb lol
Barbaric: I'm anunnaki/starseed hybrid.
azreal: you havem y attention'
Kaiden: makes sense, your aura dude... spacey
Barbaric: icon_razz.gif
Barbaric: http://vampirefreaks.com/journal/Barbaric added more lol.
azreal: i am just curius, can any one even sense my aura
Guest_Dark: ....i will read later barbaric when im in a better state of mind
Kaiden: yeah came across a few reptillians, they shift even in public.. arrogant folk usually
Kaiden: k war I'll scope it l8t
Barbaric: The weak will be consumed lol.
Barbaric: As is intended icon_razz.gif.
Guest_Dark: no az hunny i cant but then again im not looking
Kaiden: so you approve of your draconian brethren?
Kaiden: I can absorb anu but then it leaves feeling way pissed off
Barbaric: I answered it more lol.
Sal: hmm
Kaiden: I know you were War, observing and draining poor weak minded fools... the room dies often
Kaiden: so it gets boooring
Barbaric: Lol.
azreal: heh kaiden, i wonder if you have figured out just what i am yet
Barbaric: Pretty sure my current gf is also a hybrid.
Sal: haha
Kaiden: try me az
Kaiden: yeah ya lot stick together, its a hormonal thingy... um energy resonance
azreal: what do you read in my aura fox
Kaiden: like old spice for... lizards or victoria secret for snakes
Kaiden: you are one handsome dude az
Sal: lol
azreal: O.o
Guest_Dark: lmao
Kaiden: wish I was a girl... I'd take the victoria secret
Guest_Dark: not the answer he was looking for
Kaiden: no it was a pull, I acted on it... don't mind me
Sal: wow
azreal: random i am used to
Kaiden: mhm
azreal: let me know when you think you have a read on my aura
Guest_Darks: weee
azreal: dont make yer self sick dark
Guest_Dark: lmao
azreal: war what do you know of the roma?
Barbaric: Children of chaos.
azreal: the night born yes
Guest_Dark: as i told darque....first time drinking i have 8 bottles smirinoff and didnt get a damn buzz.....one bottle isnt doing s**t
Kaiden: yeah but it wasn't your fault... you gave in and attacked a girl, wasn't rape... just your darker nature, more raw... I think it was instinctive, but then raw emotions are easy, its the more deeper ones I find beautiful... any idiot can indulge
Barbaric: I am of the same blood lol.
Barbaric: Always had visions of the black flame while younger. Tied that to satanism.
Kaiden: chaos is the world... control is an illusion, so I been told, but I believe... chaos can be directed, before it comes back. icon_wink.gif
Sal: O.o
Barbaric: Least then.
Barbaric: Lol, doesn't matter if it comes back on me; I feed off it.
Kaiden: oh it comes back
azreal: it always comes back
Guest_Dark: i loce chaos....
Barbaric: All "magick" comes back lol.
Guest_Dark: love
Kaiden: emptiness, doesn't discriminate -smirks-
Barbaric: Thus threefold law in a sense.
Barbaric: Hehe.
azreal: includeiong the hunger of the black
azreal: *includeing
Guest_Dark: you know what...ive found its easier to be bad than trying to be good over the many life times ive had
Kaiden: always is hun
Barbaric: Good and evil only exists in perception, do what you will.
Sal: always is
Guest_Dark: lol maybe thats why ive been bad from the start
Kaiden: easier to harm and dominate, much harder to heal and understand
Sal: true
azreal: simply find a balance
azreal: follow instinct
Kaiden: good and evil exist in perception, yet all perceptions vary... there is only choice and consequence
Guest_Dark: i have balance...just like bad way more.....lots more fun
azreal: no risk no reward
Kaiden: actions and reactions, the tricky part is the recoil and waiting for the result.
Barbaric: Indeed.
Guest_Dark: and when i do follow my instinct most of the time it isnt good for others
azreal: I am a preditor, i hunt i kill
Barbaric: I devour all :3.
Barbaric: Lol.
azreal: as all touched by the flame guardien or otherwise
azreal: i consume
azreal: it is all fuel to me
Barbaric: Yup.
Guest_Dark: just dont comsume me
Sal: I'm just in denial.
Kaiden: said the moth to the flame, what is it about fire... everything burns, I have met fellow fire dancers and shifters on here
Kaiden: fire burns all, only the true can shift it... but then only the wicked feel it, perhaps I find peace in knowing everything suffers, if such a governing body exists to control and manipulate all... its this party... I desire to destroy
azreal: not burn consume
Barbaric: Yup.
Kaiden: in time...
Barbaric: Such is the way of chaos.
azreal: chaos and void
Barbaric: Going to be amusing what happens to the illuminates of society.
Barbaric: Hehe.
azreal: hmm i was told i may find another guardien
azreal: since it holds two aspects
Barbaric: Their idea on control goes against fathers will.
Guest_Dark: -sways back and forth since the swing isnt moving-
Kaiden: the weak illuminated light that shines its own levels on truth? hehe, nerds that worship geometry and equations, over emotion.
Barbaric: Chaos is against the law they impose for their own benefit.
Kaiden: they do not truly live, just puppets enslaved by words and texts in a book, fools.
Kaiden: they are sheep
Barbaric: Yup.
Sal: wow
Barbaric: I bet they will taste good :3.
azreal: and the void will consume those who do not open there eyes
azreal: i have to agree
Kaiden: sheep are easy, but then wolves make better prey... so do leeches
Barbaric: Too true.
Sal: I agree
azreal: now who said i hunt the sheep?
Guest_Dark: theres always something higher on the food chain that tastes better
Barbaric: And we're of that, lol.
Barbaric: Asclose as it gets to chaos atleast.
azreal: as close to the void as possable
Kaiden: I still say we are old ladies that like to gossip too much
Sal: lol
azreal: .....now im hungryer
Barbaric: xD.
Kaiden: I am hungry, not in the mood for frog legs though.
Guest_Dark: not the pounding again.....im hungry as well but not for food
Kaiden: hehe
Sal: same here.
azreal: oh my i think i let to much out

For full version:

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'