Hello! This is a RP for those who love +Anima. Here are the rules:
1. You must follow the Gaian TOS Rules.
2. If there are any other rules that Gaia has, follow them too.
3. Keep it PG-13. NO bad stuff.
4. Try not to swear a lot. You can, but I don't recomend it.
5. There can be romance, just not to gross(unthink able things)
6. Please have fun.
You also need to do a profile about your character in the RP. Which means, you need this..
sad What animal you have)
sad You don't have to have one)
sad You do not have to have a pichure)
If someone quits, then there will be room for other people to join. You can also tell what there past was and how they came to be the way the are. There can't be a lot of members(sorry to say to everyone) so you might want to join soon. I also have to tell you if you can join so don't just say that you joined when you didn't. We will also move from place to place so you might want to be active. I will tell everyone when the +Anima are moving. I believe that is it. Here is my profile..
Name: Jeckt Blackheart
Age: 14
Gender: male
+Anima: Raven
biggrin ual Peacemacker(a type of gun)
Apperance: +Anima form
normal form
Hobbies:art,procting,flirting,fighting,gun pratice