Title: Another Survivor
Genre: Comedy//Romance//Action//Drama (I get a feeling there would be more drama than comedy really, but however the roleplay flows.)
Description: This is the basic idea of an island with many mutant creatures (Mostly altered humans with animal DNA, but I'm allowing people to be creative as they wish.) Failed or experiments that aren't meant to be seen by the world are to be dumped onto the island for survival and made sure they're kept there no less. The first small group worked together for awhile, but a fight broke out and the group split into two. One went to one side of the deeper parts of the jungle, the other more out to the beach side. A civil war of some sorts onto the island.
Title: Red Riding Hood (???)
Genre: Fantasy//Adventure//Romance
Description: Really this has nothing to do with little red riding hood. There will be a legend of a Goddess of Nature who turns to become mortal. The legend is...
The Goddess of Nature fell for the wolf. The wolf is truly the God of War, he was the one that created competition, the instinct to hunt within all animals. He favoured the wolf form so he could watch the battles from a distance, but when the evil Rotris touched him in his wolf form, the magic caused him to be forever stuck. The Goddess of Nature keeps him as her companion in hopes of returning him to his real form one day.
And there will be more of a mortal story, adventure for mortal items. A girl who is the Goddess in mortal form that moves with the God of War (Stuck in his much less powerful wolf form) through the world ot find a cure. (I'll make up a starting point, sort of in a way like Dungeons and Dragons, but it won't be that roleplaying style. Just a more feeling.)