Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:35 pm
The Final Conclusion
In the year 2311, the world is much as it is now, in the modern day, though its inhabitants have changed. Technology has not advanced very much in many fields, and in fact the science of war and various other disciplines have regressed significantly. This is due to the metagene having finally activated in the rest of humanity. Every living 'human' on the face of the planet today is either Homo Sapiens Mutandis, Homo Sapiens Magus, Homo Mermanus, or Homo Deius. In layman's terms, "Mutants," "Magi," "Animaline," or "Gods," with the two uncategorizable Homo Sapiens Superior and Homo Infernus scattered here and there (Old Mutants and Zealots, to the layman.)
Some mutations are more powerful, some less so, but there is no single living being that traces its ancestry back to a member of the species Homo Sapiens that is not in some way 'talented' the way the few "Superhero" teams were back in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Given that there are Zealots with the power to manipulate the very laws of time and space to their whims, crime is logically low, and various things from power to transportation are provided by the specifically-talented, but there are no floating cities, no great leaps in civilization, and aside from a near-nonexistent rate of violence there are no obvious changes to day-to-day life. The few exceptions are outlined in the third post.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:36 pm
OOC InformationK then. This is the only post that will be out-of-character in this first page. First off, there are no rules here. That is, I will not impose arbitrary sanctions on you beyond "Do what makes sense to you as a person, not as a roleplayer." Roleplayers, myself among them, are overly-dramatic and tedious. People, myself among them, are filled with common sense (or at least have some grasp on what the term means) and can use it to good effect. The point of this roleplay is that superpowers have become commonplace and therefore are no longer very special. Particularly powerful specimens may be called on by the community to perform some vital service, but you won't be fighting crime or getting into massive fights. There are Magi that deal with those sorts of things when they break out, and if you aren't lucky you might get one of the more homicidal ones like Mordo IV. Those who attempt to plot world domination without my plot-token-approval are advised that telepathy is not uncommon and you will be found out.
That said, there are restrictions even though there are no 'rules,' per se. No-one may have more than two of any given kind of character, and only those on the Blue List may run a God (and even then, only one God.) Talk to me if you want to do an alien, any alien race to appear in Marvel or DC canon is kosher to use. Lastly, please use original characters. This may be based on the X-Men universe, but it's also set three centuries into the future of that 'verse. Family lines are traceable, but at minimum there would be eight to ten generations between your character and one of the original X-Men.
Next, this is a remake of an old RP that never really got off the ground. Could I get some people to give it a try this time? Pweeze? crying
now, for the species and limitations.
1. Homo Sapiens Mutandis - Unlike the Old Mutants (Homo Sapiens Superior, the species chronicled in the X-Men comics and similar), RP-setting Mutants cannot have mutations that break the laws of physics, so no energy-powers or anything of the like. Strictly physical, or originating from the body. If you can control ferrous metals you'd damned well be carting around an electromagnet in your chest. Mutants can breed with other Mutants, Magi, or Old Mutants.
2. Homo Sapiens Magus - Theoretically the least-restrictive of the six species, Magi are normal humans in the physical and mental senses, and are genetically identical to normal humans. Their abnormality lies in an innate talent for magic, which is a real force in this roleplay. They can jigger about with physics, space, and time however they like. Polymorphing, teleportation, resurrecting the dead, and manipulating other people's minds are impossible (for the first two) or taboo and punishable by death (for the latter two). While 'theoretically' the least restricted, Magi are closely watched by their brethren, and death will swiftly follow should a Magus break any rule, no matter how small. Can breed with Mutants, Old Mutants, and Magi.
3. Homo Mermanus - Despite the name, Homo Mermanus refers to an entire species of animal-like humanoids that have animalistic characteristics or abilities while retaining a humanoid shape. Note that this species only gains the proportional physical traits of their animal half, and they gain all the physical traits in full, good or ill, save for stature. There is no such thing as an invertebrate-half Animaline. Merfolk are by far the most common, but changes do not always breed true and even between two Animaline of identical kind there is a significant chance of a different creature-half being born to them. Animaline breed only with other Animaline.
4. Homo Deius - Like the New Gods in the DC Universe, Homo Deius are the most powerful of beings, capable of altering reality at a whim and completely unrestricted in the powers available to them. Lesser Gods make due with a single focused powerset, with the greater deities having progressively-greater powersets. The greatest God alive, Ao, is a God of the Metagene. Gods are the most restricted and least-available class, to be handed out only to roleplayers that I have a long history with and that I trust implicitly NOT to godmod. Gods breed only with other Gods.
5. Homo Sapiens Superior - Old Mutants, the originals and the first race to appear on Earth distinct from Humanity. They are restricted to energy-manipulating powers, psionics, and the like. In other words, you Old Mutant must be some sort of pseudoscientific-power individual. They can break the laws of physics, and in fact must do so unless they are mentalists. they can breed with Mutants, Magi, and other Old Mutants.
6. Homo Infernus - Not necessarily damned to Hell as their special name implies, Homo Infernus is the default designation for humanoids born without a metagene and which prove incapable of learning arcane arts. They are sent to the house of a Homo Deius and made into an acolyte there. they draw their mystic abilities from the patronage of the deity. Ao does not accept Zealots. Being consigned to the Zealotry is the closest thing to a social taboo that still exists among the citizens of Earth today, and Zealots ritually castrate or otherwise sterilize themselves so that they may not beget offspring. Those that refuse often have a dozen or so nonzealots perform an Ad Hoc operation for them. For obvious reasons, therefore, Zealots cannot breed at all.
Nations still exist, though their meanings are different. The word 'Nation' in the RP setting more closely resembles the word 'Tribe' as used in the real world. For example, a Magus is punished for violating the laws of the Nation of Magi, and an Animaline would be punished for violating Mer Nation bylaws. Basic legal strictures from this era have carried over, with the below changes and exceptions:
1. Genosha, Mediterranean Sea (Mutant Nation) - In addition to normal legal strictures, Mutants are forbidden to use their powers in any way that would limit or remove the powers of another Mutant. Antimutants (Homo Sapiens Mutandis Antithera, a rare mutation that causes the recipient to feel the compulsive need to feast on Mutant and Old Mutant bone marrow) are executed at birth.
2. Shangrila, Tibet (Nation of Magi) - Magi are forbidden to resurrect the dead or attempt to influence the mind or actions of another living being. Doing so, except where physical restraint is required to apprehend a lawbreaker, is punishable by summary execution.
3. New Atlantis, Pacific Ocean (Mer Nation) - Strictures against killing other Animaline for food do not apply to Animaline, but killing for a nondietary purpose, or failing to eat the entire kill, is punishable by being publicly skinned.
4. Avalon, Norway (Asgard) - Gods follow mortal laws because they make sense. There is very little else that can actually persuade them to follow the laws if they do not wish to do so.
5. Muir, Ireland (Old Nation) - Using one's powers to cancel another being's powers is punishable by incarceration and possible Zealotry. 'Hallers' (old Mutants whose mutation is a natural antimutation) are executed at birth.
Profile skeleton:
[size=9][color=steelblue][b]Name:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Mutations/Spellcasting Focus/Animal/Deific Domain (delete all nonapplicable):[/b] [b]Location of Residence:[/b] (defaults to the capital city of your Nation, with Orion acting as a hub) [b]Age:[/b] (Mutants, Old Mutants, and Zealots max out at 85-100 years unless mutated otherwise, Magi max out at 400 unless they master circular aging, Animaline average their animal-half's maximum age and 85 to get their maximum age, and Gods have no limit) [b]Picture Link:[/b] (If you don't know how to link to a pic you don't belong here)[/color][/size]
As a final note, when you're roleplaying, keep in mind what kind of things would be taken care of by people using their powers for mundane utility. Power, heating, A/C, anything you can imagine (except the Internet, that's still digital) is likely maintained by some sort of power somewhere.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:37 pm
The world is much unchanged from the early 21st Century, save for a few specialized cities detailed below.
Genosha - The Mutant Nation capital, Genosha has various districts tailored for various body types. There is an aquatic district below the harbor, an aerial district built in the southern part of the city (not suspended in the air, but more vertical than other portions of town), underground districts, and various other types, including a single massive crystal in the central grassland area for those who are naturally incorporeal. The Earth God Doin maintains the Underground Quarter, a massive area beneath the Citadel Quarter where the entire population of the island can evacuate in times of trouble.
Shangrila - Capital of the Nation of Magi, Shangrila is not subject to the whims of time and magic cannot be used to alter the structure of the city unless one of the Council approves.
New Atlantis - A massive artificial island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, as big as North and South America put together (courtesy of Doin, an Earth God), New Atlantis is a ring-shaped island with every biome in the world contained within. The central circle contains the original Atlantis, where the Water God En takes his residence. En serves as an interim ruler for when the latest Altemes inevitably dies.
Avalon - The de facto headquarters of most Gods, Avalon is the remains of the asteroid of the same name, increased in size by Doin of the Earth until the entire multihundred population of Gods can remain inside. Since every God can alter gravity and the other basic laws of physics subject to their own self, verticality and perspective are completely abandoned in this place. Zealots have smaller areas carved out for them, but these are still the size of small office buildings. There are no more than 1000 Gods planetside at any given time, and all but two or three are within Avalon the entire length of their stay. By choice, and to spare the other races the impact they normally have on life outside Avalon's walls, all Gods save three have their homes within Avalon's dome.
Muir - Inhabitable only because Old Mutants have so little care for their own racial unity, seeing themselves as only a different division of normal Mutants, Muir has a ward around it that rebuilds any changes to the island every day at midday.
Orion - Formerly New York City, Orion is the home of Ao and the other three most powerful beings on the planet, to wit: Elias Hale, Sorceror Supreme; Proteus, most powerful living Mutant or Old Mutant; and Altemes XXXVII, Liege of New and Old Atlantis. Altemes is the latest in a long line of liegelords to occupy the seat, whereas Proteus, Ao, and Hale have all occupied their thrones for at least the past three hundred years. Orion is where all species are tried for their crimes, and usually executed. Likewise, appeals for a change of mutation, either due to personal preference or because of physical inconvenience, are granted here.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:39 pm
Mutants Magi NPC Name: Elias Hale Spellcasting Focus: Thaumomancy (Study of the manipulation of Magic itself and ways to manipulate the magical ability of other Magi) Location of Residence: Orion Age: 319 Picture Link: [X] Doctor_Whiteface Name: Alexandre Smythe Spellcasting Focus: Conjuration Location of Residence: Shangrila Age: 643 Picture Link: [X] Animaline Gods List of Gods Ao, God of the Metagene En, God of Water Doin, God of Earth Reos, God of Gods Torm, God of Force and Movement Tyr, God of Sound and Light Sur, God of Darkness Danen, God of Travel Seikatsu, God of Evolution Mashin, God of Mechanical Life Ged, God of Space and Time El, God of War Nur, God of Peace Karse, Goddess of Chaos Deird, Goddess of Law Tebal, Goddess of Shadow Shaar, Goddess of Entropy Sune, Goddess of Passionate Emotion Etus, Goddess of Movement NPC Name: Ao Deific Domain: Metagenetics Location of Residence: Orion Age: ??? (At least 350) Picture Link: [X] Other: 'Lord Ao' accepts no Zealots and those Zealots who attempt to learn from Him receive no divine magic. He has used His own Domain over Metagenetics to alter His own Metagene so that He is functionally immortal and omnipotent. Wire_Colossus Name: Seikatsu Species: Homo Deius Deific Domain: creation, evolution, generational mutation, and life itself. Location of Residence: Avalon, usually, but he can be found wandering a vast plane where his creations and his brother’s creations are allowed to roam loose. Age: unknown, Even Ao doesn’t know. Though he appears to be an 18year old human, he could be 18 years, he could be as old as the universe, the truth is, no one knows, and he isn’t telling. He’s too lost in his own creative energies to even care about his own age. He’s been crafting life for so long that he can’t remember anything about what it’s like to live his life. The truth is though that he’s 500 years old. Detailed Description: appears to be 18 years old, 6ft tall, 160 pounds, shoulder length straight white hair, pale white skin, and solid black eyes. He seems to take good care of himself. [X] Name: Mashin Species: Homo Deius Deific Domain: creation, machine evolution, generational upgrade, and Mechanical life itself. Location of Residence: Avalon, usually, but he can be found occasionally on an open plane where he allows his creations to roam free, in order to test them and let them form their own robotic culture, a barbaric and and uncivilized one, but a culture none the less. After all, It is hard to turn construction equipment into intelligent beings. Age: unknown, Even Ao doesn’t know. Though he appears to be an 18year old human, he could be 18 years, he could be as old as the universe, the truth is, no one knows, and he isn’t telling. He’s too lost in his own creative energies to even care about his own age. He’s been crafting mechanical life for so long that he can’t remember anything about what it’s like to live his life. The truth is he’s five hundred years old. Detailed Description: appears to be 18 years old, 6ft tall, 160 pounds, shoulder length straight white hair, pale white skin, and solid black eyes. He seems to take good care of himself. [X] Doctor_Whiteface Name: Ged Species: Homo Deius Deific Domain: Space-time Location of Residence: Avalon Age: Irrelevant - Ged's power has by its very nature made the concept of "age" as it relates to Him a ridiculous notion. In terms of absolute time, He is 297 years old. Picture Link: Two of His most common forms Old Mutants NPC Name: Proteus Mutations: Able to manipulate and rearrange electrons Location of Residence: Orion Age: 302 Picture Link: [X] Zealots
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:41 pm
I declare this roleplay open and this post reserved for the names of those that I trust (below in blue) and those I don't (in red). I don't really expect to see most of the red-names in here, but consider it a good warning in case you ever meet them: These people are right assholes and should be AVOIDED.
THE BLUE LIST: the good guys, roleplayers with legit skill. They can roleplay Homo Deius, and no-one else. (except the Gold Lister, see below) AninOnin, for being an incredibly good-natured and literate roleplayer LovetoCauseMayhem, for length of association and Anin's reasons
THE GOLD LIST: This person runs the roleplay with me. Her word is as valid as mine, except when we disagree. If that happens, we talk it out through PMs until we agree, then deliver our decision. Wire_Colossus, for being a good roleplayer with a wealth of ideas, and for helping me find this RP so I could restart it.
THE RED LIST: You do not want to be here. BLADE SWIFTKNIFE, for being the biggest d**k I have seen yet on this site, less the person directly below. Kojima_Shiro (or whatever he's calling himself now), for being all that BLADE was plus not having the grace to set it in proper grammar or use the excuse that the Guild was inactive Laura Vandemar, Sergeant Perks, Corporal Maladict, possibly up to a dozen mule accounts, for orchestrating a massive deception-troll on almost threescore trusting Guildmates and spamming the Guild with their nonsense and trollfaggery until we all quit in disgust. They appear to have quit Gaia altogether, but watch out.
Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:42 am
In the halls of sacred Shangrila the Archmagus of Conjuration stepped out onto one of the legion of balconies and cast a spell on himself, less complex than the teleportation that his fellow Magi cast daily. For one such as he, it was simplicity itself to Summon himself to another location within his sight, and as the spell took only a moment to cast it was easy to achieve a long-step effect that the Portomants had been trying to achieve for years. Within a few minutes he was standing at the Straits of Gibraltar, and the sensation of a powerful mystic field to the south pulled at him like a magnet.
Conjurers and Portomants always had to know how to curve long-range spells around Avalon, the home of the Gods that took up most of the old Scandinavian countries. So much power in one place distorted the Astral Plane in a manner that no analogy could capture. There was a smaller distortion to the south, now, a God where there normally were none. A few seconds' casting brought him to within a fewscore miles of the God in question.
Oh, goody. A herd of elephants.
Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:51 am
Seikatsu was watching the elephants, looking at them and all the while an orb floated beside him, and orb with nothing in it, it seemed. But as moments passed something became visible in the orb. A baby elephant. It was slowly growing, slowly changing, but this was happening fast enough to watch. The elephant, or former elephant couldn't feel a thing. It was being forced to evolve.
Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:59 am
The Archmagus of Conjuration observed the process of creation. It was... interesting, to be sure.
Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 11:16 am
The elephant continue to change, its front toes rapidly evolving into thick muscular fingers, it's limbs growing longer and thicker. the four legs tripled in thickness, and only grew 50% longer than an adult elephants legs would. The joints changed the shoulders becoming more like those of a human and allowing the front legs to be used as arms. The skin toughened until bone armor plates covered it, and then the stomach and intestinal tracts evolved from strictly herivore to omnivore. The sides of the trunk grew claw lgrasping pads that slowly hardened with calcium until they became bones designed for gripping and tearing. The skull began to change as the tooth sockets that the tusks were in rapidly formed ball and socket joints and the tusks themselves rapidly evolved dozens of more ball and socket joints and as muscles from the face slowly moved the envoloped them, and then the skin and other tissues followed. soon the muscles of the former tusks lengthened the new tentacles to the same lenbgth as the trunk, and the former tusks, evolved into slightly smaller versions of the trunk.
Then the orb dissipated and the creature floated to the ground. It slowly opened it's eyes and made a thunderous rumble that made the regular elephants back away. It slowly climbed to it's hands and feet and stood up on all fours, before knuckle walking over towards a tree and using it's tentacles and the turnk uprooted it before sitting and using it's arms to break the tree and it's limbs so that it could begin to eat.
Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 11:24 am
The Archmagus waited until the God was finished with His Creation, then walked closer to observe. Conjuration was all well and good, but cardio was essential for health.
It puzzled him why his fellow Magi always ignored mundane exercise.
After a few minutes, he approached the God. "Would it be rude to inquire to Your Domain, Avalonian?"
Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 11:31 am
Seikatsu looked down at the ArchMagus and said slowly, "My name is Seikatsu. I am god of life itself, of evolution, of generational mutation, and god of creation. Though the other gods do not admit that my domain includes more than just evolution."
Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 3:41 pm
The Archmagus nodded once. "I do not believe I have seen You before. Might I observe Your work?"
Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 4:10 pm
Seikatsu sighed byefore pointing to the creature he had made, "There is a past work....Study it, or perhaps it is a new work you are in need of..." Then another orb appeared beside him, and he slowly descended along with it to the grould in front of the Archmagus.
"Behold the power of creation."
He then looked to the orb as something tiny formed within it, an ant drone. The ant began to grow larger, larger than any insect in the earths atmosphere could possibly grow. It grew until it was the size of a lion, then it started to change, the limbs first. The wings and the front most pair of legs began to slowly grow nearer to each other until they met and merged together, forming a singler pair of legs with a larger structure. The thorax and abdomen starter to grow and divide into more and more segments. Then the remaining four legs grew closer to the new pair until they two met and merged with them, creating a single pair of strong legs. Each leg ended in three segmented leg tips, proving that the two legs had once been six. There was an audible cracking sound as a redundancy was created within the body of the ant, an endoskeleton in addition to the exoskeleton. The lungs and breathing tubes were then evolved into more mammalian lungs, and the exoskeleton gained many cracks where it could expand to allow the creature to breathe. The tail was lengthened a great deal until it was as long as a the archmagus was tall with a stinger on the end. The mandibles were then enlarged and the mouth parts became more sophisticated. Then the orb dissipated and the new creature was allowed to move for the first time in it's life. It looked at it's creator and he looked at it, then it ran off, chasing a normal elephant.
"Such is the Power of creation and evolution, such is the power of life."
Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 4:13 pm
The Archmagus was truly impressed. He had heard of the power of the Gods, but to see it in action was... beyond words. He had only seen comparable work twice in his life. "Impressive, to be sure. Evolution before one's own eyes is... a unique experience. Though it does raise some interesting theological questions. Ha."
Waving his hands in what looked like vague circles, the Archmagus turned towards the God. "Might I display some of my own humble Art before You, Lord Avalonian?"
Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 4:18 pm
"I have a Name. Call me by it. It's Seikatsu." He sounded displeased. He didn't like being refered to as avalonian.
"So a mortal has attempted to create life then? Show me..."