Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:38 pm
"Two to the head to be sure"
Dear Anyone that Find's this.
Its been three months since the infection hit, but the world outside it looks like its been three years, people went crazy as soon as his hit whether they were infected or not, looting, rape, killing, it was madness but you already know this, I don't know why i'm telling you it well your out there living it just like me.. there's a Wal-mart down the street from the house im staying in if you find this there, ive got a huge stash of food on the roof, my best friend was a manager there and she had a key, she was killed yesterday but I still have the key, I hope the food servers you well since i'm obviously dead at this point.
Truth be told this hasn't been all bad so far, I got to beat my step father to death with his own golf club (I never really liked him that much and he was pretty bad to me..) that felt good.. really good honestly, I guess i should mention he was one of them when I did it, My mother was up north at the time with my grandparents on his side, they are hunters and he has lot's guns in the house I imagine they are ok, its pretty rural however its 8 hours away I doubt ill ever see her again, I just like to think she made it out of this all alive, my sister is a strong girl I like to think shes doing ok as well but she lives in the big city about a hour from us I can't be sure but I know I can't go after her its not safe enough.
I met a doctor a while back, or at least thats what he told me was. He's dead now, a couple guys about a month ago broke into his place well he was sleeping and slit his throat, I watched them they whole time but i've only got my bow and arrow and they had gun's, they gutted the place. Its a shame he was a good man, Anyways he told me that whatever is happening to these people it happened to fast and no one had a chance to make a cure, that there was never going to be a cure. He told me that the day before he died well we we're looting his brother in law's house, the poor guy had O.D'ed in his room it stank something awful.
I am running out daylight thought and I don't want to waste any candles writing this letter to someone that might never find it or just blow my head off for the stuff i'm carrying. I hope you have better luck then me if your reading this note but for now im just gonna carry it in my pocket.
P.s. Ive killed 31 warm so far there is a box in the closest with a item from each of them, mostly stuff from a wallet or pocket Please leave this alone.. I know im dead or your killed me but this is how they live on.
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:57 pm
The Rule's (for those that need them)
Welcome to my "Zombie Roleplay", I'm making this because I saw someone post they wanted a more "walking dead" like RP made and I figured oh what the hey I got a few minutes.. SO here we go, the rules to make this a little fun.
1.) You still need a profile ( I hate them honestly but I figure some people still like them) BUT your character is limited to YOU!.. You don't have to use your actual name and im not going to ask for pictures of proof.. But your Roleplaying as yourself.. your abilities.. your weapons available to you.. the only thing different will be we are all located "near" each other.
2.) So that means your profile skeleton is limited to whatever you want to share about yourself.. Just PM me it and I will post it up for people if I approve (im pretty easy going though).
3.) Did I mention you are you? as in current you.. not skinny athletic you from ten years ago in highschool.. or the you you want to be.. YOU are YOU.. Only you've been alive in the world for 3 months since it all started.. this comes with obvious things.. you wont be able to god mod.. and you will die if the situation calls for it.. if I shot you in real life.. well you get the point.. one more thing about the profile.. I will reject it if I think you are making yourself to be something unrealistic.. I am 6'4 200 lbs and a pretty damn good shot with a bow and arrow (like I have the awards to prove it good biggrin *gloat*).. BUT i've never run more then 100 ((Add the word taco as your pm title to prove you read everything.. or ill ignore your pm)) meters in my life.. so my character wont be running anywhere without basically killing himself (No im not out of shape I swim alot..) I also eat basically next to nothing and remain antisocial to this day so the world ending wouldnt affect me much.. this could be extremely different for you.
4.) Zombies.. infected.. whatever you call them (and it is your choice) will be the slow moving kind like in the walking dead and will be more active at night like in TWD.. infact.. look to them for pretty much everything.. not because this is a WD rp but because the zombies are already set and everyone knows how they move and what they do.
5.) Disclaimer.. I'm right.. unless im wrong.. but I wont be because im right.. as in my word is final. Deal with it.
6.) Even though this will be DEEPLY ROOTED IN "REAL LIFE" you will still have to gain permission before killing someone's character.. its called being polite.. I think?.. regardless permission is required.. if you kill another human person's character without permission I will inject myself into the world as a 100 foot tall you eating unkillable bag of potato chips and consume your soul and return it to the person you killed in place of the one you took from them.
7.) Well this is about the "zombies" it is more based on the people and the way they cope with the world as it is in there life.. hence why you are rping as you.. im not going to force you to change your rp style or the story you create.. but its just were I would like to see this go. Annnd I think that's it.
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:00 pm
PROFILES Name: Jessica, I preferred to be called Jessa though Age:15 years old Height: short: 5'1" Gender: obviously a female ._. S.O. (I unno if it's relevant but..): Bisexual
My Personality: My personality pretty much contradicts itself a LOT. Around those I'm comfortable with, I'm outgoing and spunky, I try to be the comic-relief in glum times. If I'm not that, then I'm quiet and very reserved.. not really the one to initiate contact of any shape or form, unless I absolutely had to.
My abilities and whatnot: My traits that are more relevant to this RP is that I tend to take on a nurturing nature with mother-like protective instincts. Some people find it annoying, some don't .. all depends. I am not necessarily in shape .. o.e I can run for a bit but I'm not getting too too far without nearly collapsing >.< I can't jump too high, I'm kind of on the weak side, and can't really climb to save my life. All in all, I'd be one of the first people to die should this all become real xD The only thing that could keep me alive if my mental strength I guess xD I'm somewhat clever I suppose, usually finding a logical way out of dilemmas if the situation calls for it c; Just because I'm clever at times doesn't mean I'm exactly Einstein, far from it. I have my moments. My role in the whole zombie apocalypse is basically one or two things: 1) If I'm alone, a panicky teenager who tries to be resourceful to survive and/or 2) If I'm in a group, I'd be a pretty damn good healer. I'm not really afraid of blood so I think that'd be a good spot for me xD
Image : Smile for the camera.------------------------------------------------------------- Name: James "Tails" (Yes seriously.. Tails is a nickname and is used in place of my real name as often as legally possible.. stems all the way back to parts of my childhood I can't remember.) Age: 24 Height: 6'4" Gender: Male S.O. : if it comes up in the RP ill divulge wink (suspense for suspenses sake)
My Personality: Stubborn and sarcastic with a very distinct sense of humor and very inquisitive nature.. if I see something I don't understand I can't help but rip it apart mentally and get into every crack and gear.. It means the things i'm interested in I tend to go overboard in at the same time become very involved in.
My abilities and whatnot: Relevant to this RP my skills lay in 1.) Obviously my archery skills 2.) Well not "athletic" per say I and very agile especially for my size, i'm not parkour worthy but I have been known to climb onto roofs of buildings, scale trees etc etc 3.) I Can read people..REALLY well.. and have no problem using this to gain advantage over people if it gains me things I want/need..
Image : Ahahahahahaha no.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Shaylene Marie Wilson Age: Twenty Height: 5'4 1/2'' Gender: Female S.O. : Polysexual
My Personality: Bipolar about sums it up. I am bipolar and not on medication. I am a very over protective parent, I have a hard time trusting others though I were my heart on my sleeve, I prefer to do for myself what I can. I like to take care of my own, and everyone else once I get comfortable with them. I am outgoing and loud, a little bit on the ditzy side, and I have a tendency to be overly blunt. I was raised by my mother, who was raised by her father, so I am not very girly.
My abilities and whatnot: I am great at hiding. I learned to be this way because I suck at running. I can run a mile in 9 minutes and 15 second, but I always get a stitch in my side and start wheezing. I am really good at finding food and putting together meals from almost nothing. I am better at archery than I am at shooting, but I do both fairly well. Left-eye dominant baby! Great with mechanics, I love working on cars.
Image : My hair is going to get me caught. //Protect him with your life -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jodie Catherine - 'JC' or Jodz for short Age: Twenty One Height: 5'5 '1/2' Gender: Female S.O. : Unsure
My Personality: Easily prone to breakdowns and fits or paranoia at times Im not exactly stable but I'm also no where near nuts (just yet). I always try and wear a smile for people and seem optimistic in bleak situations, mainly to convince myself that a cause is worth while. at times it can almost seem that I have a split personality due to my illnesses but often a hug will solve it.
In a group I would be the mother hen or scout. If I wasn't fussing over people I would be finding new ways to horde food and supplies for later use. Never a leader always a sheep.
My abilities and whatnot: I can run for a good distance but for several days afterwards my legs would be to sore for much else the walking at an amble. Close range combat is defiantly not a skill I posses and I would be more likely to run then join an altercation though I do have some skill in archery I'm not good enough to kill with it, just about hit a target.
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:50 pm
((soo... should I just like.. start and people will join along the way or do you wanna wait for more people to join?))
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:03 pm
((I guess so.. honestly your the only person to respond in any form to it.. if you wanna start go ahead, otherwise i kinda see this becoming a flop.. if you deperately dont want to make the first post ill make a profile and post later tonight i suppose but like i said its not looking promising))
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:24 pm
(I'll make a profile. I just need to get some time to type it all out. So you've definitely got one more person on the way.))
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:20 am
~Tails~ ~Some people have all the luck~
"Common man its going to get dark soon and we all know you don't have any gun's, just give us the food and ammo we saw you pick up"
The younger man's voice floated up through the open windows of the building Tails sat in hidden well away from there view, he hoped.
"For a bunch of young idiots with gun's, your unfortunately not that stupid" Tails muttered to himself as he listened to the guy speak below him with his thick Italian accent, a creak and scrape against the floor made Tail's skin ripple, his eyes quickly darted to both doors in the room, he hadn't had time to scout out the building he was hiding it, they could be hundreds of them in here or only one. "It only takes one" he whispered again to himself.
He had seen the men down below earlier as they pulled up in there ratty old jeep, that thing alone was loud enough to attract every cold in the city to them even in daylight let alone there shouting, and with the sun starting to fall the situation was becoming problematic, four young men maybe in 20's if they were they were just.. two of them had guns, the youngest had a sword strapped to his back like some he had some hilarious notion he was he-man the last one had run off, with something that could have been a rifle with a scope.
Tails hand dropped to his waist fingering through the quiver strapped to him with two belts now just to be sure... "One..Two..Three..Three arrows" Tails Sighed with exhaustion these guys has been chasing him for hours "Three arrows against 4 guys and two possibly three guns.. why can't they just leave me alone it's only like half a box of noodles" his watch beeped nearly causing him to jump out of his skin telling him it was 7 pm the sun was going to set within the hour, his gently rubbed his hand over the face of the watch and smiled a little, it was as glow in the dark kinetic watch.. the battery never died so long as he kept moving and in this world that was a sure thing.. it was a gift from the doctor before he had his neck slit.
Something moved again this time loud enough and close enough to spook Tails, He whipped off the wall he had his back pressed to ripping a arrow from its hold and raising his bow all in the same swift motion his eyes scanned the room like a hawk looking for prey only to be met with.. nothing..
"Hey I saw something move up on the third floor"
Tails palm slammed firmly into his forehead as the guy below literally yelled this to his friends in his probable excitement of actually seeing tails for the first time in hours "you guys haven't seen me walking around this city for the last week but you can see my shadow in a window from a block away three stories down, seriously what the hell guys", the though crossed tails mind that he could stop talking to himself any time now, it wasn't really helping the cause much.
Tails retook his spot on the floor just under the window out of any possible line of fire they could muster, the sounds of a seemingly large dog barking and snarling at something off in the distance resonated with Tails as he prayed to anyone that would listen that the dogs weren't these guy's.. or worse wild.. the dogs around here had become feral sometime ago and run in large violent packs well known to eat people without hesitation, a stray had bit him in the leg about a month ago before he slammed his knife into the poor animals head, he hated to do it but such was the world now.. had he been in a poorer situation he probably would have eaten the animal too but thankfully had a large stash of food in his little camp that seemed miles away now however.
Tails began listing options in his head as plan's all of them involved either dying or severely pissing off the people below which in turn probably involved dying.. he knew as a rule that pissing off people with guns usually killed someone, "Not today, Death" Tails said quoting the game of thrones as he remembered it.. it was a cheesy line but somehow it held true here and now.
"I could use a little help here, anyone.."
That scratching sound from somewhere close by sounded off again triggering his lightning quick reflex's quicker then his brain could stop them his hand dropped once more to a arrow, he scanned the room once more before letting his muscles untense "if a watch beep scares me that bad a bloody cold is going to literally scare me to death if they pop out of one of those doors."
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:26 pm
~ J e s s a ~ Jessa panted as her anxiety took the energy right out of her. She scurried along between buildings, trying desperately to find somewhere safe to hide. Or maybe she was really just looking for a human. She hasn't seen one in weeks In the beginning she used her wits to pull together a makeshift 'safe house', stocked with a decent of non-perishable foods she snagged from abandoned houses and, if she could find one that wasn't picked dry, grocery stores, and she also had whatever she could find to defend herself. However, while she was out one day about a week ago, someone found her little safe house and stole almost everything from her. The thief or thieves were at least somewhat compassionate and left her a can or two of food instead of just leaving her with absolutely nothing. Or maybe they just couldn't carry it all. Now the only thing she really had was a dead police officer's pistol which was now tucked in the waist band of her over-worn, ripped up jeans. So far she's only had to use it once to kill a, what she liked to call, 'not-human'. She was out too late and the not-human got too close, too fast and in one lucky, closed-eye shot she saved herself and scurried off to protection. She paused for a second and fingered the pistol, just to make sure she still had it. Jessa sighed and squinted off into the distance. The day was almost nearly over. Her chest heaved with exhaustion from the rising anxiety. She prepared herself to run off again to find a hiding place when she was stopped in her tracks by the loud rumble of tires and engine. She gulped and ducked behind a car, peeking up through the window. It was a rugged jeep, full of.. humans. Four men, armed and aggressive, yelling up at a building. Or at each other.. she couldn't really tell. All she knew is they were yelling. She stood up slowly and pinned herself up against a brick wall, hoping to be out of sight. Her anxiety got higher as the sun got lower. In a panic she dodged off of the increasingly dangerous streets and into the building the goons stood in front of.
She slowly inched herself up the building's staircase, going through each floor. She preferred to be higher up, it makes her feel safer. As a force of habit she weaved her ways through the halls and rooms, trying to find anything that could be of use to her. It looked as if it was once an old office building. Jessa entered yet another used-to-be office and smiled to herself when she found a thin, semi-ripped up pad of paper and an old pen laying on a tattered desk. She'd have stayed in that room if it wasn't only on the second floor. She approached the desk and tried out the pen and drew little scribbles on the paper. She giggled for the first time in weeks, months. The pen worked. Jessa smiled and hugged the usually insignificant pad of paper and tucked the pen behind her right ear. Then off she went to find somewhere to safely sleep for the night.
She wove through the offices on the second floor, not finding much at all so she continued up the staircase to the third floor. Just like before, she bobbed in and out of the offices. She cringed at every small creak the floor made under her feet. Jessa slowly tip-toed down the hall but then paused, her heart about to break through her chest cavity. She heard a beeping noise from behind the door to her right. She gulped and her face went pale. What the hell is that? Her curiosity pushed her towards the door, and then it stopped. She stopped with it, her head tilted very slightly to her right. Once again, curiosity pushed her to the door, this time right against it with her ear against it, intensely listening for anything. Then she heard someone murmur softly behind the door. She gulped and analyzed the worst case scenario, and the best. Worst case scenario, it's a goon or two like the idiots downstairs. Best case scenario, a normal person or two, maybe friends.
She inhaled softly and turned the door knob, peeking in nervously and whispering to the dark room, "Hello?"
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:36 pm
((Wow, heart i'll admit I smiled.. alot when I read your post.. I was expecting a one or two line post.. not this deliciousness)) ~Tails~
~Some people have all the luck~
Tail's mouth opened to scream out in surprise but no sound came, it didn't have time to before his mind took control of the body quickly moving it on pure adrenaline and survival instinct, before he could blink even from his sitting position he had managed to pull a arrow back and was already releasing it from from between his fingers, it was at this exact moment his own thoughts caught up with what he was was doing.
His right hand holding the bow shifted as far to the left as time permitted in that split second he had left before the arrow was left to its own devices, it whizzed past Jessa's head close enough that the air it displaced dragged her hair with it like a gentle breeze as it sped past before hitting the wall behind her with a solid thump as it drilled itself into the wood with unnerving ease.
"Holy sweet mother of fu.." He caught himself before swearing at the new person that had nearly scared him to death popping her head out like that, his heart was beating so heavy in his chest at that moment the pendant he wore around his neck was actually able to grab some air with each beat, he dropped his bow to the ground throwing his hands up in the air trying to seem as non threatening as he could
" First off, I'm so sorry.. like rea"..
He was cut off by what sounded like a whip cracking in the distance directly followed by the glass above his head exploding inward as the bullet from a rifle pierced it showering down on him like some crystal rain, he decided maybe putting his hand infront of the window like that might have been a bad idea at that point..
"Ha, How'd you like that you.." The guy down below shouted some profanity in what Tail's assumed was Italian but couldn't be sure. "Hope he didn't blow off your good hand, gonna be some lonely nights ahead if you make it outta here alive bub."
Tails could only shake his head in response throwing flakes of glass off his hate as he did so with each turn, but the bullet had shaken him more then he was going to let on, he wasnt going to be doing that again any time soon.
"I don't suppose those are friends of your's down there and your the friendly girlfriend that is going to tell them this is all a misunderstanding."
He tried to smile his warmest smile for her, he knew it looked bad when he did but it wasnt exactly like he could get up and shake her hand, if she was even still there, there was no footsteps running away but then again his attention was preoccupied at that exact moment by the glass shower he had just taken.
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:07 pm
((*bow bow* emotion_awesome )) ~ J e s s a ~
Jessa's jaw dropped as the arrow whizzed past her head. Her face went pale and she stared at the dark silhouette of her attacker with wide, frightened eyes. She gulped and her chest heaved. She nearly had a panic attack right there. Jessa watched his hands raised and relaxed a bit at his almost-apology. Then, unexpectedly of course, the bang of a rifle led to a shower of glass. Jessa instinctively dropped to the ground at the sound of the bullet and covered her head. She listened to the twinkling sound of glass falling to the floor. Slowly she picked herself up, looking up at the shattered window and then at the guy who almost shot her with an arrow. She got up on her knees and tilted her head to side very slightly, chest still heaving. Jessa was totally out of breathe at this point. Her eyes narrowed at the mocks of the men below.. the men who fired the gun she presumed, "...hope he didn't blow off your good hand, gonna be some lonely nights ahead if you make it outta here alive bub." was what they yelled. Jessa sighed and shook her head. Humanity really has left nearly everyone... even the humans. It quieted down a little and she opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by her 'company'
"I don't suppose those are friends of your's down there and you're the friendly girlfriend that is going to tell them this is all a misunderstanding." Jessa now narrowed her eyes at the male and caught a glimpse of his fake smile. She was actually taken aback at his remark. She let out an exasperated sigh, "Actually.." She was shocked at the sound of her voice. She hasn't actually heard it in quite some time, but she continued while she brushed some tiny shards of glass off her knees and palms. They left tiny lines on her hand, but no blood, so she was fine. "Those aren't my friends. And I'm most definitely not the, 'friendly girlfriend', as you put it." She spoke calmly, but firmly. She had her moments of parental maturity, and then her moments of child-like clueless-ness. Now, however, she was in her moment of maturity.. having already faced death one too many times in one day. She stood up and smiled at him sweetly, if he could see it. She awkwardly patted herself down to see if she had everything on her. Her back pocket still bulged with a rag she carried in case she needed it as makeshift gauze, her gun was still clinging onto the edge of her denim waist band. She bit her lip to try and figure out what she didn't have. Feeling behind her ear, she gasped and then crouched down, searching for her beloved pen and paper, patting the ground. She winced a couple times as shards of glass pricked her, but it was all worth it when she fingered the familiar shape of a pen and she quickly tucked it behind her ear. Not far behind was the smooth touch of the paper which she quickly brought to her chest.
She stood up straight and then turned around to approach the stranger, ducking down awkwardly to avoid being seen by the idiotic goons. She was able to see him a bit better with the slowly fading sunlight and smiled. He's totally human. Then she frowned, "Your hand..." She sighed and crouched down in front of him, placing the notebook at her side. She reached out to touch his hand, "May I..?"
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 9:36 pm
~Tails~ ~Some people have all the luck~"Your hand.." He echoed to himself drawing both his hands to eye level.. "Is bleeding"
The physical sight of the wound greatly removed the effect of naturally produced pain killer known as adrenaline, Tails entire hand began to throb as tiny tendrils of crimson began to run down his skin, The bullet must have just grazed the hand hand peeling the skin off he thought to himself as he silently watched the first drop run its course being pulled down to the floor by gravity.
He could only sigh as it all happened before him, the guys below were right though it would have sucked if their aim was just a few millimeters to the side just not for the reason they stated obviously, he dropped his clean hand back into lap offering up the bleeding one palm bared to the girl not entirely sure of what she could or would do, he didn't really see a downside to letting her look anyways.
Tails couldn't help but examine the girl as she moved closer, the first thing of note was how much older she acted and sounded compared to her look but he guessed most people had to grow up fast considering the way the world was now, his other point of interest being the gun hanging loosely from her hip, he knew he didn't know much about pistols but that one she had seemed pretty big for such a young lady, he wasn't going to press about it.
"I really am sorry about that" he nodded his head to the arrow in the wall, its shadow reached out long across the wall, a distinctive form of notice that they were going to running out of daylight in his mind.. he would have to dig that out that arrow out before he left, more time he didn't have.
"Just wasn't really expecting anyone to be sneaking around in here".. His eyes bounced to the other door in the room she hadn't come from then back to her "Well anyone warm anyways. I don't normally try to kill people that say hello"
He frowned a bit as the idol chatter below from the group of men drifted up, they were all talking in Italian now and Tails couldn't understand anything they were saying
"Although I can think of a few people I might have if I was given the chance."
It tasted disgusting to say things like that and truthfully have to mean them like it tainted his tongue, but these guys were willing to kill for a couple packages of instant noodles.. yeah but i'm gonna die for them what does that say about me.. he answered his own thoughts inside his head with a answer he didn't like anymore then the people below, he gave her another quick look over before completely relaxing.
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:00 pm
((this one is kinda short Dx sorry >.<)) ~ J e s s a ~ Jessa gently took his hand and brought it up close to her eyes. She could barely see in the gradually darkening room. She clicked her tongue in response to him noting that he's bleeding, "It's not that bad.. but still.. it's an open wound and you definitely wouldn't want to get a nasty infection during these times." She looked up at him with a hint of a smile, trying to ease in some humor. She moved herself closer, crouching awkwardly. Jessa delicately placed his hand on her knee while she reached behind her and pulled out the clean, but raggedy, rag.
She smirks at his words, "No worries. I understand.. I should've been more careful. Good thing I wasn't just an inch to the right huh?" She smirked and winked playfully, picking up his hand and dabbing it with the rag, just to clean off the blood. She glanced up at him, "I'm really sorry if this hurts.. I don't have any water or..." She paused for a second. "Or maybe..." She held onto his hand with the rag pressed gently onto his palm with one hand and reached around to her back pocket, awkwardly feeling around. She smiled, pulling out a tiny bottle of 'germ-x'. She looked back and forth from the tiny bottle to her new 'friend', "You're going to hate me for this...." She sighed and removed the rag, putting a small drop of the 'germ-x' on the edge of it, dabbing his palm with it, "This probably hurts.. I'm so sorry but.." She continued to gently clean his wounds, "It has to be done.."
She then glanced up at him, "My name is Jessa by the way."
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:14 pm
~Tails~ ~Some people have all the luck~Tails eyes grew wide and his heart beat quickened as she took his hand, blood even found the strength to rush to his cheeks which at times felt so cold that he wondered if they were just skin all the way through during the chillier nights.
This wasnt any form of sexual attraction his body was responding to even though as far any people he had seen in week's she was the most attractive.. and female.. by far.. He actually sighed a little before catching himself doing so and stopped looking around more then a little awkward.
"Sorry, this is the first time anything has touched me in" he paused and dropped his head a little "Well.. a long time, anything warm that is."
It was around this point she pulled out the small bottle of disinfectant, he couldn't even clearly see the bottle but the smell was unmistakable as soon as she popped the lid.
He couldn't help but winch as she ran the rag up over the wound even with a small dab the bloody stuff still stung, it reminded him very much of getting attacked by that biting ant when he was in the keys down south, A vision of its huge gnawing pincers rushed its way to the front of his mind refusing to go away.
"Well Jessa, its a odd place to find someone I must admit but im glad your here"
"My name is Ta-" he jumped a bit as she hit the center with the bloody alcohol based cleaning agent cutting off his own words "Tails" he quickly put up his other hand as soon as he said it
"Yes i'm serious, don't ask just go with it." he let his hand fall back into his lap flashing her a quick smile from the side of his mouth.
"Well doc what do you think, am I gonna make it through the night or should I go find a cold now and get it over with."
"If we wait around here any longer with these idiots im not gonna have to go far to find one" he thought to himself as he watched her and that little rag that could make grown men tear up with that bloody germ-x.
Something seemed off in the moment however and it was suddenly nagging at him in the back of his mind, The guys on the street had become quiet which seemed completely out of there character depth, they hadn't taken the jeep if they had left "maybe one of the deities finally answered me and made them all mutes.. I did ask for help"
He looked back up at Jessa, his eyes were starting to have a drape of shadow cast about them from the brim of his hat "Nah" he half whispered outloud to himself well saying full on still stuck in his thoughts.
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:53 pm
~ J e s s a ~
Jessa smirked at his involuntary blushing, continuing her work. She actually felt her cheeks get a little warm as well. The only things she's really touched for the past month was her gun and inanimate, miscellaneous items. Not she has someone's hand. His hand was warm. Warmth was something she hasn't felt in too long. She sighed and smirked, "It's the first time I've actually touched anyone in quite some time.." She sighed and dabbed his palm a bit more, noting his wincing, "I'm so sorry.. I told you you were going to hate me.." She bit her lip, glancing up at him every now and then. She was just ecstatic about actually finding a human. A good one too. Even though he kind of almost killed her.
She giggled, "Hey it's no biggie. I'm still alive and I probably should've been more careful, huh?" She shrugged, not looking up from his bloodied palm.
"Tails?" She glanced up at him. "So that's seriously your name... huh. I find that kind of neat." She smiled and turned back to his hand, tending to it with care. Jessa took on this, protective trait when anyone is hurt. Even if she doesn't know the person at all.. like Tails for instance.
"Those morons really have gotten quiet though.." She murmured, half to herself, half to Tails.
A couple dabs later, she was satisfied and held up his hand, "All clean~" She smiled and then leaned back to sit properly, "I'm pretty sure you'll make it, Tails. It might be tough but.. I think you'll survive." She winked, trying to match his humor. She sometimes amazes herself with her ability to be cheerful in the most glum times. Jessa looked up at her new friend, "It's getting dark.." She sighed unhappily, looking up into the window to look at what was left of the sun, "It's sad. I used to love watching the sunset. I could gaze at those beautiful colors all day, but it only lasted a short while." Jessa smiled at looked at Tails, "When my Pop-pop was still alive and he had the shore house, he and I used to sit out on his deck that looked out onto the bay and we'd just watch the sunset." Her smile slowly faded and she gazed up at the window again, "But now all the sunset is, is an alarm. Once it starts happening, you better run because those not-humans are coming out. Now the sunset shoos us away rather than invite us in." Jessa sighed and shook her head with a shy smile,"I talk too much I'm sorry."
With a giggle she grabbed her notebook and stood up slowly, trying to stay out of view of the italians downstairs.. if they were still there. She dusted herself off, a few tiny shards of glass stuck in her jeans. She looked up at Tails, "We should probably get a move on huh?"
She held out her hand to help him up.