Been, away. working, changing jobs, changing homes, changing computers,
Job changed, same type of job, but new location, was doing a rather s**t commute before, now much closer.
Home changed, moved from one place to another place, it's expensive, but manageable.
Number 60 is meand the computer thing. Yeah, over the summer, on the last day to upgrade windows, my old laptop had a meltdown, lost pretty much everything. backup failed, external harddrive backup failed, lost all my passwords. Built a desktop within the week, set myself back a decent amount of money. Got most things back, things that I use. Still missing a bunch of stuff.
Haven't got a good reason for abandoning gaia. Just wasn't on the radar really. But I returned today because I've taken the day off due to being sick and playing games at the moment causes some gross headache.
I'll, check back in a few hours.