Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:14 pm
ok, so my problem...is i can't exactly identify just one. but i guess i'll go for the common one: my boyfriend is perfectly ok with me crying on his shoulder, but i simply despise crying. i feel weak, vulnerable, i simply hate it. but there r times that i can't seem to stop crying. and i cry it all out, even while knowing he's right there. and then i feel stupid bcs i feel i'm crying over the same thing too many times over, but i can't seem to stop. he says it's not true, but i feel it is. and i can't bottle up my feelings any longer. so then i cry, but then feel weak, stupid, depressive negative, AND i make a big deal about stupid things. i always worry that the worst will happen, that he'll leave me bcs one or another thing that i'll do. he says not to worry about that, bcs he'll never do it, but i can't help but worry about it.... can anybody understand that?! sweatdrop if so, please advice, help, anything will do... gonk
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:47 pm
i sort of understand what your going through. its okay to get your feelings out, but how often is the key. dont stress out too much on whether he will leave you! that just makes things depressing! instead, think of all the wonderful things you can do together, and that you really love eachother, it will work out and he wont leave. crying makes me feel like that too, but sometimes its good to just let your feelings out. if it happens too much, you might want to see some other help to get your emotions in check. but you sound like a pretty normal person to me, worrying about relationships is common. relax and take life as it comes! heart (of course, that doesnt mean let it run over ya! have fun!) whee
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:43 am
thanks angelBmine. feels good to know someone out there can understand. afterwards i was thinking whether or not someone had understood what i meant. i'll try to keep it in check. 3nodding
if anyone else can understand or relate, don't hesitate on commenting about it. the more advice, the better!! wink whee domokun rofl 4laugh
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:41 pm
no problem. hope everything works out! smile
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:25 pm
Sotur ok, so my problem...is i can't exactly identify just one. but i guess i'll go for the common one: my boyfriend is perfectly ok with me crying on his shoulder, but i simply despise crying. i feel weak, vulnerable, i simply hate it. but there r times that i can't seem to stop crying. and i cry it all out, even while knowing he's right there. and then i feel stupid bcs i feel i'm crying over the same thing too many times over, but i can't seem to stop. he says it's not true, but i feel it is. and i can't bottle up my feelings any longer. so then i cry, but then feel weak, stupid, depressive negative, AND i make a big deal about stupid things. i always worry that the worst will happen, that he'll leave me bcs one or another thing that i'll do. he says not to worry about that, bcs he'll never do it, but i can't help but worry about it.... can anybody understand that?! sweatdrop if so, please advice, help, anything will do... gonk don't worry. if this guy really liked you, he wouldn't leave you no matter how big a deal you made about say, your suspicions on that 3rd period teacher always giving you f's or something like that.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:07 am
anyone else?? advice is ALWAYS ACCEPTED! this is an issue that doesn't get old! sweatdrop
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:54 am
i know exactly how you feel i hate crying in front of people.if you have a boy friend that doesn't mind if you just cry on his shoulder thats special.most guys hate when girl crys in front of them.it sometimes makes guys feel like they just can't handle it.see my ex was so blind he didn't notice anything.i couldn't stand it.he would just get on my nerves so badly.as long as he isn't giving you any bad signs then i think you guys won't break up any time soon for that reason.see i would love to have a boy friend like yours.