Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 3:22 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:48 am
I support... My top five: Diana - 100% Neptune - 100% Vulcan - 83% Venus - 75% Vesta - 75%
the Von Helson sisters!
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:32 pm
Which Roman god/goddess are you? You scored as a Diana Diana was the twin sister to Apollo [the sun god] and the goddess of the hunt. She is also seen as an emblem of chastity. Also considered the goddess of the moon. Diana 92% Jupiter 58% Vesta 58% Pluto 58% Neptune 50% Vulcan 50% Venus 50% Juno 33% Mercury 33% Minerva 33% Mars 33% Uranus 25% Cupid 25% Saturn 17% Ceres 17% Bacchus 8% Apollo 0%
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:19 am
You scored as a Neptune
Neptune was the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.
Top Five: Neptune:100% Vulcan:100% Vesta:92% Venus:83% Mars:67%
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:47 am
Which Roman god/goddess are you? You scored as a Neptune Neptune was the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses. Neptune 92% Juno 83% Mars 75% Bacchus 75% Pluto 75% Vulcan 67% Vesta 67% Jupiter 67% Minerva 50% Diana 50% Cupid 42% Uranus 42% Saturn 33% Mercury 33% Apollo 33% Venus 25% Ceres 25% ..........................
my comments:
this took a lot of work to make, and that's cool. but it's worthless without BBCode.
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:18 pm
Which Roman god/goddess are you? You scored as a Mars Mars was the god of war. Well, that;s what he ended up as, after being the god of earth and the god of death. He tends to be rash and short tempered. His sacred animals are the wolf and the woodpecker. Mars 100% Vulcan 92% Diana 92% Minerva 83% Neptune 83% Jupiter 83% Cupid 67% Apollo 67% Vesta 58% Venus 50% Uranus 42% Saturn 42% Ceres 33% Pluto 33% Juno 33% Bacchus 33% Mercury 25% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm cool with that, but it really is no good without the BBCode. I like my result though smile
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:49 pm
I got Diana/Artemis (my favourite goddess)
Diana-83% Uranus-75% Vesta-67% Venus-67%
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:55 pm
Which Roman god/goddess are you? You scored as a Minerva Minerva was the goddess of wisom, war strategies, and crafts. She was also known for inventing numbers. Diana 100% Minerva 100% Cupid 100% Venus 100% Vesta 92% Jupiter 83% Vulcan 75% Uranus 75% Neptune 67% Saturn 67% Mercury 58% Apollo 58% Bacchus 50% Mars 42% Pluto 33% Ceres 33% Juno 25%
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:09 pm
I'm Minerva! Whose Minerva....?
Minerva 83%
Neptune 75%
Mars 75%
Vulcan 75%
Saturn 75%
Diana 67%
Venus 58%
Vesta 50%
Ceres 50%
Pluto 50%
Jupiter 50%
Juno 50%
Cupid 50%
Apollo 42%
Uranus 33%
Mercury 33%
Bacchus 33%
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:01 am
I'm venus was the goddess of love, sex, and motherhood. She was the most beautiful of the goddesses and had many lovers.I beleive Minerva is the other name for athena, goddess of wisdom. But according to this quiz I'm the slutty one! biggrin
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:35 am
You scored as a Vulcan Vulcan was the god of blacksmiths, fire, volcanos, and weapons. Vulcan made Pandora to open the box as punishment for mankind for stealing the gods' secret of fire
Vulcan 83% Diana 75% Cupid 67% Mars 58% Vesta 58% Neptune 50% Minerva 50% Mercury 42% Uranus 42% Pluto 42% Juno 42% Apollo 42% Bacchus 33% Jupiter 33% Venus 33% Ceres 25% Saturn 17%
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:17 pm
You scored as a Diana Diana was the twin sister to Apollo [the sun god] and the goddess of the hunt. She is also seen as an emblem of chastity. Also considered the goddess of the moon. Diana 92% Neptune 83% Cupid 83% Minerva 75% Vulcan 75% Bacchus 67% Pluto 58% Mars 58% Vesta 50% Uranus 50% Venus 50% Juno 50% Mercury 42% Ceres 33% Jupiter 25% Saturn 25% Apollo 17%
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:27 pm
Diana 92%
Neptune 75%
Minerva 75%
Venus 58%
Mars 58%
Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:44 pm
Which Roman god/goddess are you? You scored as a Neptune Neptune was the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.
Minerva 92%
Neptune 92%
Venus 83%
Saturn 75%
Diana 67%
Uranus 58%
Apollo 50%
Vulcan 50%
Cupid 50%
Vesta 42%
Ceres 42%
Juno 33%
Bacchus 25%
Mercury 25%
Mars 8%
Pluto 0%
Jupiter 0%