Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:17 am
The girl fell to the ground, her chest bleeding badly. She cowered when he yelled at her, and she quickly healed the wound. She got up to run when she looked back at him again, fighting himself as she saw the darkness. She swallowed hard before walking back to him, setting the jewels on the ground slowly before hugging him, hoping that would calm him down. "T-thank you." She whispered to him.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:27 am
The darkness was effectively taking hold of Liam once more, it was becoming a losing battle for him. He felt the girl wrap around him and he calmed a bit, enough to concentrate at least. Liam pulled himself away from her, he stared at her for a moment "...you have to go..." He said sternly, wanting her to get away from him as soon as possible.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:36 am
The girl blinked and tilted her head. He seemed like a completely different person now, and she didn't quite know what to think. "Y-your not as scary as I thought you'd be." She muttered looking into his eyes. Suddenly, she saw the door handle moving, but she didn't have enough time to run to the window. Thinking quickly, she took off her mask, letting her long blond curls ripple down as she grabbed and kissed the prince. The guard opened the door only to see the prince's figure along with the girl's hair.
"O-oh! I'm sorry. I heard something and thought..." The guards muttered awkwardly before quickly slamming the door closed.
The girl pulled away from Liam. "Sorry. You were right. That was close. I- I am very, very sorry."
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:46 am
Liam stared blankly at her, he couldn't make sense of what had just happened. Slowly he turned and sat on the bed, he groaned and hung his head, the only thing he thought about was Hector, and what she would say if she found out about this...
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:53 am
"A-are you ok? You look pale. I-if it makes you feel better, t-that was my first kiss. O-oh dear... that doesn't help does it." She said, walking over to him and looking at him as if he were a puppy. "U-uh... w-what's the matter?" She asked.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:14 am
Farah chuckled and tilted her head back to stair at the ceiling "Straight to the point I see. In truth I possibly can't do that much for you in the way of rescuing your friend, I myself have never been to Norra and so don't know it but I do know how to get there"
Sighing she hopped onto the end of the desk, sitting sideways so he legs wrapped over the edge furthest away from Hector allowing him to still keep the majority space of his desk. "I've worked with these dunes my whole life so I can get you there with out to much of a hitch on the navigation part"
The trader slipped open the satchel and pulled out a roll of paper the corners frayed and yellowed with age and use. "You're only true problem at this moment would be sky rats. I've never seen them attack a own in such numbers. one or two ships yes but never a fleet of them"
Unrolling the old map Farah held it up for Hector to examine. Many neatly inked notes lined the surface and lines, crosses, circles and other symbols were dotted throughout the actual terrain. "If it helps I can also hold my own in combat"
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:20 am
Liam groaned louder when she spoke, he didn't even want to look at her "everything is fine." He said slowly and aggressively, he really needed sleep, he was beginning to feel nauseous.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:34 am
The girl looked at him, then away, then at him again. She wrapped her arms around him, letting his head lay against her fluffy but aching chest. Gently, she ran her hands through his hair while letting out a calming hum in his ear like a lullaby.
"Our ship can rise above the cloud layer, and since only Ander's flag ships can do that, pirates shouldn't be a problem. We can even avoid checkpoints using these babies. The problem is we haven't completely mapped the sky currents above the cloud layer. One part of why ships can't fly that high is the pressure, but the other is that strong turbulents can rip ships apart. We've learned how to navigate them, which makes reaching places much faster, but we've only mapped this far." She said, pointing to her map on the wall. "As you see, we only have as far as Gunther and Hannon's capitals mapped because we've never really had to come out this far. I estimate that our current stream will lead us around here, where we will descend from the cloud layer in Namiko and meet the king. The hard part will be trying to find a route back. We may need you for that.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:43 am
Hopping off the Desk Farah poured over the map pinned to Hectors cabin wall.
"Impressive, so thats how the Ander nation says off of the radar" She slid a finger over one of the air currant lines, mapping it from the edge of the desert to the capital and then to a small blank patch just bellow "Do you mind if I make a few marks already?"
She looked back at the man, her finger still hovering over the small blank patch of map "The best start is with the towns, theres a few smaller ones you haven't got yet that would help out" Farah had spent a lot of her childhood with maps, her farther had once made them for a living for pirates and though she hadn't spent her time with cloud maps before the concept was very similar to a book she had flicked through. "I'll help out the best I can"
(( hehehe~ Liam got to their- -shot- x.x ))
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:46 am
Liam became rigged when when she embraced him once again "what...what are you doing...?" He said, his face flushing red when he pressed against her chest, he wanted to pull away but couldn't move.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:51 am
"Just relax." She told him. "My mother always did this for me when I was upset or tired. Consider this my um... thanks." She said, humming to him calmly, hoping he would drift off into sleep.
"For the most part, yes. And go ahead and write on it. I don't mind." She replied. "These maps are constantly changing anyway."
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:03 am
Liam sank against her, he hadn't been this comfortable in years, that mixed with how exhausted he was made him immediately pass out.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:10 am
((I think we'll need another time skip soon! xd ))
Slowly, she also felt herself drift off into a sleep, and she held him close throughout the night.
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:18 am
"Right then, just leave me to it" Farah grabbed a pen from the desk and stood next to the map, her face set into a concentrated scowl as she started marking off places with ease.
((sounds like a plan to me))
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:32 am