Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 4:37 pm
[A]shrielAshriel came back to reality suddenly, slightly startled. "Nah, nothing's wrong." She said quickly, rubbing the bridge of her nose. It wasn't really a big problem. Nothing that he needed to know about. The young girl smiled brightly, getting up to put the leftovers in the fridge. She would take the chicken for lunch tomorrow-hopefully he would be able to retain his human form long enough to feed himself tomorrow. A little mystery never hurts.
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 4:43 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn's amber eyes watched her every movement. "You're lying." He told her simply. "You're worrying about something." He didn't know what was bothering her, but he knew something was. "What's wrong?" The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:06 pm
[A]shriel"Nothing that you need be concerned about." Ashriel said simply. The only thing she was worried about was the fact that her friends were insisting on visiting her- and were going to follow her home from school the next day no matter what. How would she get them to shut up about her being low on money? She wasn't about to take charity from them! They needn't be worried about me.
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:35 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... "See now, that's a completely different answer than before." Raevyn told her calmly. "But if you're sure it won't affect me....." He trailed off, flicking his tail in a shrug. "Whatever." He didn't really expect Ashriel to confide in him, truthfully. Why should she? He was still essentially a stranger, though she knew more about him than any human alive -Alive being the keyword there. The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:49 pm
[A]shriel"It only affects you slightly. Please pretend to be a normal cat tomorrow afternoon. My friends have decided they are going to stalk me home." Well, it was going to happen eventually. It'd been three months since she'd last allowed them to her home, and they were getting suspicious-and stubborn. Lovely, I had to tell him in order to keep his damn secret.
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:00 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn glared at Ashriel, then sighed. "Fine....." He muttered, clearly not happy but he knew he didn't really have a choice in the matter. "I'll be nice and normal. But if any of them pick me up, they are going to regret it, I assure you." He told her warningly. He didn't mind being pet, actually he rather enjoyed it, but he absolutely despised being picked up. It left him helpless, something that he really didn't like. The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:47 pm
[A]shriel"Don't worry, they won't." Ashriel told him, rolling her eyes lightly. She looked around her apartment, trying to come up with an excuse for how horrible it looked. For how little was there. Her friends were going to freak when they saw it- possibly insist she live with them. Not that they had any room for her to live with them at their homes. How am I going to pull this off?
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:16 am
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... "Good. Other than being picked up, I can act normal." Raevyn told her. He would just have to keep reminding himself to be normal. The last time he'd tried to be normal, it hadn't worked so well. Ashriel had found out the truth. He watched her look over the apartment, seeing the thoughts plain on her face. "Would you stop worrying? You're making me nervous." Being an animal, he picked up on the emotions of those around him more easily than a human did. And when someone around him was nervous or worried, he began to get nervous. As was shown by his tail, the tip of which was twitching as he watched Ashriel. The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:06 am
[A]shriel"Well, they haven't come over since I moved in. Mostly because I didn't want to worry them..." She trailed off, looking around again. Usually she was confident, but right now she didn't see any reason to be confident. It was debatable whether or not she could convince them not to drag her into living with them; sometimes they were just as stubborn as she was. And that sometimes was usually about her welfare. Adding to this whole dilemma was the fact that she was rooming with a were-cat, and he didn't seem to know how to act normal. Well, I'm not sure about what they'd do...
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:36 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... "Seriously, you're weirding me out. And it's not even my problem." Raevyn told her, giving the impression of a scowl in his voice. "Look, if it's that big of a deal, I'll lend you some money, we grab some nice looking stuff and viola. Everything's fine." He said with a sigh, rolling his eyes. He wasn't seeing the big issue here, but Ashriel's emotions were making him nervous and he wanted it to stop. The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:54 pm
[A]shriel"Oh, sorry." Ashriel scowled at herself. "I got carried away again. It'll be just fine." She didn't motion towards taking his offer. No way in heck she would. Carefully, she sat down on the couch and relaxed, weirdly at ease after the panic she'd just been in. I can't take someone else's money without earning it.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:10 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn, who's fur had begun to bristle slightly, relaxed. "Fine, whatever. Accept it or not. But thank you for relaxing." He hopped to the seat of a chair, then to the floor. He sauntered into the living room and hopped up onto the couch beside Ashriel. "You have no idea how uneasy you were making me. Animals are highly sensitive to emotions." The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:15 pm
[A]shriel"Sorry. I don't like to worry people, so I end up worrying myself." Ashriel said calmly, tempted to lay down on the couch. Her hand ended up going between his ears and petting him; she obviously didn't care about how he reacted. It was just soothing to feel her fingers graze across his fur. Perhaps I should stop caring...
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:24 pm
The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... "Yeah well, in this case, you worrying makes me worry." Raevyn told her bluntly. He blinked in surprise at the feel of her hand on his head. Rather than move away, he simply relaxed, purring lightly. He slid down until he was laying on the couch, eyes half-closed. "That feels nice......" He murmured. The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:28 pm
[A]shriel"Oh? Sorry then." She apologized yet again, her hand still petting him. Ashriel couldn't help but smile at the purring; it made her feel all the much better. Some part of her wondered what her friends would say when they saw him. They'd probably ask her if she's responsible enough for a cat. Yeah, that's what they would say.