Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:42 pm
"There really are no other women on board except the captain is there" Joesph asked suddenly looking up at the sky. Why hold off on asking it he doubted that Kieren would tell what he asked to the captain. "I mean I know you likely do raids on cities I would expect but as for other women crew" he commented thinking about it for a moment. The thought of someone that ended up the same as he did flashed thru his mind and slightly brought a laugh to his lips.
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:13 pm
For Ship and Sea! "Actually, yes," Kieren replied. "The cook's aid an' the medic. Don't go thinkin' the medic's an easy mark, tho. She deals as much as she heals." He cocked an eyebrow at Joseph's laugh. "Oi, whatcha laughin' 'bout, mate?"
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:56 pm
"Just thinking how your gay" he laughed shaking his head as he thought about the other girls on the boat. "Guess I can just wai till the party the to meet them since I'm not hungry and I don't see myself goin to the doctor any time soon" he laughed running a hand thru his hair.
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:09 am
For Ship and Sea! Kieren's eyes went wide. "Me? Gay? Hey now, mate. That's goin' a bit far. Jus' 'cuz you ain't seen me wit' my girl don't make me a fairy." He fiddled with the knife in his pocket. "An' ya'd best not assume things 'round the rest'a the crew t'night. Else ya might end up on the wrong end of a blade."
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:28 am
"Hey hey now relax some I'm only joking. I wouldn't play to much with that knife tho you may make me think you took it to literal" he chuckled looking at him. He had already heard the sound of the metal in his pocket. He was more aware now watching the man's movements.
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:05 pm
For Ship and Sea! "Eh?" Kieren took his hand out of his pocket. "Oh, I was jus' thinkin' 'bout how the other mates might react ta that comment, e'en tho 'tis a joke," he said, putting on a casual air.
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:03 pm
"I don't think I have really talked enough to the others to even speak with them about half of what I have chatted with you about. Don't you think?" he questioned letting his guard down again the tenseness of that situation having been defused rather easily. "It was just a joke man relax this ship is making you to stressed you need to get off it more often" Joesph laughed.
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:11 pm
For Ship and Sea! Kieren shook his head, chuckling. "Ya know we ain't leavin' the ship t'night, right? We don't make port 'gain 'til we reach Tortuga." He leaned against the edge of the crow's nest and watched the sun starting to set.
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:37 pm
"I know but doesn't mean I can't want to be on land anytime sooner." Shifting from where he was at Joesph looked out at the open horizon. The storm clouds had started to be seen in the distance a darkening under them easily distinguishable as rain. "Drizzle or not the clouds are coming in on us" Joesph said pointing out towards them.
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:59 pm
For Ship and Sea! Kieren looked in the direction Joseph was pointing and swore. "You sure that was jus' a sou'easter? Looks like there's somethin' mixed in wit' those clouds. Storm approachin' on the port side!" he called down to the men on the deck. The quartermaster made his way to the captain's cabin through the suddenly more active crew, all the while shouting orders. "All hands on deck! Batten the hatches, an' furl the sails!" He rapped on the captain's door, barely waiting for her to bid him enter. "Cap'n, there's a storm a-brewin'. Encroachin' on our port side." "Furl sail and make sure all hands're secured ta somethin' steady. Get the lookouts down from the nest." Jaqueline barked the orders and pushed the quartermaster back out on deck, following after to help her crew.
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:15 pm
"So guess that nets me the twenty gold from the bet huh" Harding laughed as he looked down at the crew. The captains voice broke his thought pattern as he looked over at the other man. "Uhh guess that will have to wait from the look of it I don't think we should be up here much longer" Harding said looking out at the storm. It was still a ways off but thinking about what he had taken listening into conversations from sailors in pubs he had frequented storms on the sea were quick to arrive on a vessel.
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:41 pm
For Ship and Sea! "Yeah, you've won. If'n we survive, that is." While the captain aided her crew, the quartermaster yelled up to the two in the crow's nest. "Gemmon! Harding! Get down here!" Kieren winced. "Bloody hell, y'know it's bad when 'e has ta use my last name," he muttered, swinging over the side of the nest and hurrying down the rigging. By that time, the storm was nearly upon them, and the roiling sea made it tough to keep one's balance on the rocking deck.
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:17 pm
Shiningdragon21 "Huh and I was still hoping I was an anonymous crewmen" he laughed a bit hopping over the edge of the crows nest as he went down quickly behind Gemmon. Hitting the deck tho Joesph quickly lost his footing and hit the deck in a more literal sense the rocking of the boat far more then he had experienced before. "The hell" he muttered looking around as he tried to get back to his feet. The rocking and swaying while not effecting his stomach were massively effecting his equilibrium making it hard to get back to his feet let alone more away from under the mast.
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:56 pm
For Ship and Sea! Kieren grabbed Joseph's arm to help balance the other man and tied a length of rope around each of their waists. "Somethin' ain't right 'bout this!" he shouted over the creaking of the ship and the howl of the wind.
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:07 pm
"I know I can't walk for s**t" he yelled at him holding ont the rope around his waist as he struggled to keep his balance."To hell with the bet money I just want to live they the night" joesph called the roar of the storm beating down on them all but mutating his cries.