While, like a ghastly rapid river,through the pale door...
Rap? Eh. I've only liked maybe a few Rap songs. *not all that proud of it*
Most every rap song is the same, there's no musical ability or thought put into rap at all. It's like really bad techno for every song. They're either about being drunk or getting drunk (wow sounds like country), sex, drugs...just bad morals in general. Doesn't take talent to say (not sing) things about hating the law or getting drunk and try to make it rhyme. (failing at that) And if they DO try to sing, most of the time it's with help. *points at T Pane or whatever his name is* FAKER. No, not my taste of music at all.
But then you have some good rap, like Linkin Park.
...A hideous throng rush out forever, and laugh--but smile no more.