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Reply "COS" ^Can O Spam^
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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:33 pm

What do you hear right now?
"The Waltz/Ten Minutes Ago" from Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella (1997)

If you died today would your life be complete?

If you are being extremely quiet, what does that mean?
I'm upset or sad.

Do you know what high school your dad went to?

What time will you be getting up tomorrow morning?
Whenever I feel like it.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:34 pm

When you have nightmares, do you wake up crying?
I've never had a nightmare.

Is your last name longer than 6 letters?
It's exactly 6 letters long.

How are things between you and the person you like?
I don't have any real life crushes at this time.

Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Um... waiting for Summer Glau and William Shatner to come out on stage for their panels.

What were you doing at 7:45AM this morning?

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:36 pm

Where would you rather live, England or Italy?

Do you have any pets?
No personal pets. Betty White and Gunderson at the shelter/adoption center are the closest to "pets" I have at this moment because we've known each other for so long. sweatdrop

What’s your favorite color?
Pink and purple.

When was the last time you cried?
It's been awhile.

What will you be doing at 3pm tomorrow?
Probably watching a TV show.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:45 pm

Which Sailor Moon Character Are You? - Improved
© alwaysxloved

Sailor Moon
[x] You’re a Cancer.
[ ] You’re really quite short for your age (under 4’11” to 5’1”).
[ ] You are a hyperactive person.
[ ] Your weakness is cute boys/girls & junk food.
[ ] You’re very emotional & always seem to be crying over something.
[/] You have a black cat.
[ ] You hate school, & your least favorite subject is math.
[ ] You always seem to be late.
[ ] You may be kind & loving, but you are very jealous.
[x] You try to do good.
Total: 2.5

Sailor Chibi Moon
[ ] You’re the youngest of your group of friends.
[ ] You have/had pink (in your) hair.
[x] Your hobbies are painting/drawing.
[x] You have a total sweet tooth.
[x] Your favorite colors would be red & pink.
[/] You’re typically childish & stubborn.
[x] But you can be selfless, kind, trusting, & wise beyond your years.
[x] You make friends very easily.
[ ] Your mother is very childish/not mother-like.
[ ] You wish you were from the future.
Total: 5.5

Sailor Mercury
[x] You love school & are quite good at it/You have no least favorite subject.
[ ] You are always stressed out.
[ ] You love the color aquamarine.
[ ] You’re sign is a Virgo.
[ ] You have/had blue (in your) hair.
[/] You are quite shy, & find it hard to make friends.
[x] You are always very kind & helpful towards everyone.
[ ] Your favorite sport is swimming.
[ ] Your mom is always working.
[ ] You want to be a doctor/nurse when you’re older.
Total: 2.5

Sailor Mars
[ ] You have a bad temper.
[ ] You hate learning about more modern history (within the last 100 years).
[ ] Your dream job is to be a singer or model.
[x] You have dated someone your friend had a crush on.
[ ] You have a friend you’re always fighting with.
[x] You can run in high heels.
[ ] Your favorite color is red & black.
[ ] You love fortune-telling.
[x] You used to be a complete loner, but now you are popular.
[ ] Your sign is an Aries.
Total: 3

Sailor Jupiter
[ ] You hate airplanes.
[x] You’re a tomboy, but have a girly side.
[/] You’ve always been taking care of yourself & are independent.
[x] You’re very strong-willed.
[ ] You’re a troublemaker, or so people think.
[x] You’re one of the tallest of your group of friends.
[ ] Your sign is a Sagittarius.
[/] You have an ex who you’re always thinking about since everything reminds you of them.
[ ] You have dated a lot of people.
[ ] You love cooking more than anything.
Total: 4

Sailor Venus
[/] You have a white cat.
[x] Your favorite foods are Japanese foods.
[ ] Your favorite colors are red & yellow.
[ ] You love to exercise.
[x] You are very cheerful person.
[x] You love singing & want to be a singer when you’re older.
[ ] You’re good at almost any sport.
[x] You’re an only child.
[ ] Your sign is a Libra.
[ ] You would fake your own death.
Total: 4.5

Sailor Uranus
[ ] You have short hair, enough to be mistake for a boy.
[ ] You love watching cars race or you race cars.
[ ] Your sign is an Aquarius.
[ ] You’re into the same sex as yourself.
[/] You’re easily annoyed by people.
[/] You have a very dry sense of humor.
[ ] You enjoy running (track or cross country).
[ ] You have a girlfriend (or if you’re a boy, boyfriend).
[ ] You love to confuse people.
[ ] You’re a huge flirt.
Total: 1

Sailor Neptune
[ ] You’re average height for your gender.
[x] You’re very elegant & lady-like.
[ ] You are into the same sex as yourself.
[ ] You have a girlfriend (or if boy, boyfriend) that you just pretend is a good friend.
[x] You are very selfless.
[ ] You’re a Pisces.
[ ] Your least favorite food is mushrooms.
[/] You love music more than anything.
[ ] You have/had green (in your) hair.
[/] You can play an instrument of some sort.
Total: 3

Sailor Pluto
[ ] You’re a Scorpio.
[ ] You want to be a fashion designer when you’re older.
[ ] Your favorite color is dark red.
[x] You drink green tea.
[ ] You are not the best at playing music.
[ ] You are quite blunt with your statements.
[x] You enjoy sewing & cooking.
[x] You would be considered a loyal friend.
[ ] If you could have one superpower, it’d be to tell the future.
[ ] The bug you hate the most are cockroaches.
Total: 3

Sailor Saturn
[ ] You are by far the shortest of your group of friends.
[ ] Milk disgusts you.
[x] You enjoy reading more than anything.
[ ] You hate working out because you’re considered weak.
[x] You’re an only child.
[x] You have very few friends.
[ ] You’re a Capricorn.
[/] You’re a very shy person.
[x] You live with your father.
[x] You care for others & appreciates sincere friendships.
Total: 5.5

Apparently I'm a tie between Chibi Moon and Saturn. Venus coming up in second place.

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
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  • Magical Girl 50

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:59 pm

List your favorite TV Shows (in no order) and answer the questions.
1. Supernatural
2. Doctor Who
3. BBC Sherlock
4. Grimm
5. Sleepy Hollow

Who is your favorite character in 1?
Castiel and Crowley

Who is your least favorite character in 2?
Cassandra a.k.a. "Skin Trampoline Lady" xd

What’s your favorite episode of 4?
Oh... um... I think the episodes where Monroe is showing off his Halloween or Christmas decorations. It's pretty funny seeing how into holidays he gets.

What is your favorite season of 5?
They just finished their first season... so... *laughs*

What is your favorite ship in 3?
Sherlock/John xd

Who is your anti-ship in 2?
I wasn't too fond of the Doctor/Rose pairing.

How long have you watched 1?
It's been about 6-7 months now.

How did you become interested in 3?
I was doing a Sherlock Holmes project in one of my college classes and my professor informed me about a new British TV series that was coming out - BBC Sherlock. I was obsessing over Sherlock Holmes a lot then, so I of course had to check it out - and glad that I did!

Who is your favorite actor in 4?
Silas Weir Mitchell

What do you prefer out of 1, 2, or 5?
It's a tie between Supernatural (1) and Doctor Who (2)

Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Supernatural, obviously.

How would you kill off your favorite character in 2?
Well, all of my favorite characters technically have already died. The 11th Doctor "died" of old age and regenerated into the 12th Doctor. River Song sacrificed herself to become one with The Library's computer, instead of the 10th Doctor. Amy and Rory were sent back in time by the Weeping Angels and would die from old age.

If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
I would be a new character who is friends with Monroe.

Give a random quote from 1.
"Sweetie, you looked stressed." xd

Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Haha... probably not. Grimm takes place in Portland, Sherlock is in London.

Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely ok, couple.
Castiel and Crowley. *laughs*

Overall, which show has a better cast, 3 or 5?
Both have great casts but I prefer Sherlock's.

Which has better music, 2 or 4?
Doctor Who
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:06 pm

Choose your top 4 Fandoms:
- Supernatural
- Doctor Who
- BBC Sherlock
- Harry Potter

First character you fell in love with:
- Castiel
- River Song
- Sherlock Holmes
- Severus Snape

Character you never expected to love
- Lucifer
- The Master (Simon Pegg version)
- Jim Moriarty
- Bellatrix Lestrange

Character you would shag anytime
- Castiel or Crowley
- Jack Harkness
- Sherlock Holmes
- Uh... Severus Snape? whee

Character you’re most like
- Castiel
- River Song
- Sherlock Holmes
- Hermione Granger

Character you would slap
- Abbadon
- Rose Tyler
- Charles Augustus Magnussen
- Umbridge

3 favourite characters
- Castiel, Crowley, and Dean/Sam
- 11th Doctor, River Song, and Jack Harkness
- Sherlock, John, and Mycroft
- Snape, Hermione, and Luna

Favorite OTPs
- Dean/Castiel
- 11th Doctor/River Song
- Sherlock/John
- Harry/Luna

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Magical Girl 50

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Magical Girl 50
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:11 pm

Tony Stark / Iron Man

[ ] You like booze
[ ] You are the life of the party
[ ] You love gadgets
[ ] You can be rather cocky
[ ] Your favorite color is red or gold
[x] You’re good with computers
[x] You use sarcasm a lot
[ ] You love getting attention
[ ] You’re good at mechanics
[ ] You have issues with your parents

Dr. Bruce Banner / The Hulk

[x] You’re good at science
[ ] You can get very aggressive when ticked off
[x] You like to be secluded most of the time
[ ] You like wearing baggy clothes
[x] You like to meditate
[ ] You like doing science experiments
[x] You try to avoid getting into fights
[x] You like wearing purple things
[x] You’re clever
[ ] Your favorite color is green

Thor Odinson

[ ] You’re good with a hammer
[ ] You like coffee
[ ] You can eat a truckload of food and still be hungry
[ ] You can be arrogant
[x] You have long hair
[x] You have an interest in astrology
[ ] You can get sulky when things don’t go your way
[ ] You’re willing to take a fall for someone else
[x] You like to dress up as fantasy characters
[ ] You don’t get on well with your sibling(s)

Steve Rogers / Captain America

[x] You like helping those in need in any way you can
[x] You hate bullies
[x] You’re a great leader
[x] You’re a bit of a do-gooder
[ ] One of your favorite color is red, white or blue
[ ] You like wearing things with stars on them
[ ] You strongly admire the army
[ ] You have a good throwing arm
[ ] You like war films
[ ] You’re good at running

Colonel Nick Fury

[ ] You like wearing long coats
[x] You’re good at organizing things
[ ] You’re good at being in the loop
[ ] You like guns
[x] You’re good at giving information to people
[x] You like giving solutions to peoples problems
[ ] You like eyepatches
[x] You work best as part of a team
[ ] You like beards
[x] You like wearing black things

Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow

[ ] You like wearing tight clothes
[ ] You can do martial arts
[ ] You’re interested in the world of spies
[ ] You have/had red hair
[ ] You’re quite agile
[x] People generally don’t know much about the real you
[ ] You like to make yourself look good
[x] You can speak another language
[x] You’re good at taking orders
[ ] You were born in a different country to the one you are living in now

Clint Barton / Hawkeye

[ ] You’re very good at archery.
[ ] You currently like/love someone on your team
[x] You like to wear purple and black
[ ] You’re very good at aiming
[ ] You’ve worked at the carnival
[x] You like working in a team
[x] You’re up for almost anything thrown at you
[ ] You’d be a top assassin if you ever took the job
[x] You’re quiet
[x] You tend to get along with people well

Loki Laufeyson

[x] You want to be a great leader
[x] You want to prove something
[ ] You’re the younger sibling
[ ] You’ve been/are overshadowed by a sibling(s)
[ ] You don’t get along so great with your sibling(s)
[ ] You’re good at lying
[ ] You’re adopted
[x] You can be very clever
[ ] You are able to manipulate people well
[ ] Your favorite color is green or gold

Grrr! Arrgh! I'm the Hulk!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:14 pm

Last Year

[ ] Was way better than this year
[x] I had a different boyfriend then I have now
[ ] I had a different hair color
[?] I dated last year but not this year
[?] I had more friends
[ ] I had a crush that I’m now dating
[ ] I had a crush that didn’t work out
[x] I wasn’t in High School
[x] I wasn’t in Middle School
[x] I had a blast

5 Years Ago

[ ] Things were so easy
[ ] Everyone was each others friends
[ ] There was so much drama
[ ] A lot of people bugged me
[ ] I was in High School
[ ] I was in Middle School
[ ] I was in Elementary School
[x] I was in College
[ ] I didn’t have a cell phone
[ ] I didn’t have my own room

10 Years Ago

[ ] I wasn’t alive
[ ] I hadn’t started school
[ ] I just started school
[ ] I was in Elementary School
[ ] I was in Middle School
[x] I was in High School
[ ] I was in College
[ ] I was too young to remember anything
[ ] I miss my old friends
[ ] Someone I love passed away

Things I Miss

[ ] My childhood
[x] The way things used to be
[x] A loved one
[x] A pet
[ ] A material possession
[x] A T.V. Show
[ ] My old friends
[x] Someone who has passed away
[ ] When there was all the time in the world
[ ] When I could talk to my parents about anything

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Magical Girl 50

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Magical Girl 50
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:20 pm

[ ] Material things mean a lot to you.
[x] The reason you try hard in school is so you are very successful.
[ ] Your parents push you to become very wealthy.
[ ] You already live in a moderately-rich climate.
[ ] You have a job.
[ ] Money is better than love.
[x] You want to own your own business.
[ ] You go shopping at least once a week.
[x] You own a car.
[ ] One day you hope to have a very nice house and car.

[x] You get mostly all A’s in school.
[x] Many people call you very smart or intelligent.
[x] Sometimes you get good grades without even studying
[x] You enjoy learning about the world and everything in it.
[x] You’re a very curious person.
[ ] You want to cure cancer or something extraordinary like it.
[x] You believe that you learn something new every day.
[x] You read a lot.
[x] The internet is a great source of information.
[ ] You always have perfect grammar.

[x] Your family is the most important thing in your life.
[/] You come from a very large family.
[ ] You have at least 3 other siblings.
[x] Your parents are still married.
[ ] The main goal in your life is to get married and have kids.
[ ] You want at least three children.
[ ] A mini van is your choice of automobile.
[ ] You don’t care about jobs; you want to stay home and take care of your family.
[x] Your family has a lot of reunions.
[/] You would die for anyone in your family.

[ ] You love to flirt.
[ ] You’re a mess without a boyfriend.
[ ] You have had at least 4 boyfriends this year.
[ ] You go on dates every Friday/Saturday night
[ ] You’ve had sex/cannot wait for it.
[x] You love being held/kissed/being romantic.
[ ] You could never only be intimate with one person forever.
[ ] Looks/sex is the main thing you look for in a guy.
[x] The best date is a candlelit dinner and a long walk on the beach.
[ ] You fall for someone very easily, but not for long.

[ ] You are very popular in your school.
[x] It seems you are very easy to get along with.
[ ] You have at least 8 good friends.
[x] You want to be famous someday from singing/acting/modeling/other
[x] The best feeling is having everybody around you.
[/] You’re a very friendly and outgoing person.
[ ] You talk to just about anyone you see or meet.
[ ] You are mainly the life of the party.
[ ] You are in a variety of different clubs/sports in your school.
[/] No matter where you go, your best friend is always with you.

[x] You like to create new things.
[x] Many people call you very unique.
[/] You’ve been in a school play.
[ ] Art is something you’ve always enjoyed.
[ ] You are in the school band.
[ ] Music = Life.
[x] You love taking pictures or videotaping.
[x] Crafts are always very fun.
[x] Your wardrobe is always very fun and colorful.
[x] You’d like to get a job that deals with art.

[x] True love really exists.
[ ] So far, you’ve had a very successful love life.
[x] Forget dating at random, you want your soul mate
[x] Once you find your true love, nothing will stand in the way.
[ ] You’ve only had one boyfriend, or none at all yet.
[ ] Your main goal in life is to get married to your loved one.
[x] Sex is something you hold very sacred, and should only be shared with your love.
[x] The sweet, romantic boys are your type.
[x] The best feeling is loving, and being loved back.
[/] You would die for the one you loved.

[x] You enjoy helping people.
[x] You’ve volunteered more than the required amount.
[ ] You would die if someone didn’t like you.
[x] You believe that everyone has good in them.
[x] You want to be the nicest person you can.
[x] Everyone says it - You’re a sweetheart.
[x] At Christmas, you enjoy giving presents more than receiving them.
[/] You regularly help people with their homework.
[x] You want world peace.
[x] Little animals are the cutest things in the entire world.

[ ] Amusement parks are the best ever.
[x] Almost nothing scares you, and if it does, you deal with it anyways.
[x] You love to try new things.
[ ] Bungee jumping has always been on your list of things to try.
[ ] You love all Xtreme sports.
[ ] Camping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[x] Your goal in life is to travel the world.
[x] You love road trips.
[x] You’ve been to another country.
[x] Other countries’ cultures really interest you.

[/] You admit it - you’re gorgeous.
[ ] You would NEVER leave the house without your make-up on
[ ] You’re always getting new hairstyles and dying your hair.
[ ] Getting your nails done is your idea of a good time.
[ ] You would love to become a model.
[x] You have the perfect body shape.
[ ] Your clothes are always more than perfect.
[ ] You spend the majority of your money on your looks.
[ ] Beauty is pain.
[ ] You’re always tanning, even in the winter.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:34 pm

User Image
Well, I'm going to head off. Later.


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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
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  • Magical Girl 50

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:47 pm

User Image
Good evening everyone. I'm going to catch up on my remaining shows that I still need to watch... like I was supposed to do earlier today after my socialization shift, lol.
User Image
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:51 pm

User Image
Shows I Need To Watch:

Grimm - 1
Downton Abbey - 1
The Originals - 1
The Tomorrow People - 1
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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Magical Girl 50

Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
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  • Magical Girl 50
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:42 pm

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Shows I Need To Watch:

Grimm - 1
Downton Abbey - 1
The Originals - 1
The Tomorrow People - 1
User Image
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:44 pm

User Image
That certainly was an interesting episode. And what a great moment to leave the audience hanging on. Poor Monroe! I don't blame him for not being too thrilled at staying in touch with his parents about what's going on in his life.
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Prof. Moonie

Rainbow Nerd

33,240 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Magical Girl 50


Shameless Humorist

24,750 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:44 pm

Prof. Moonie
Tony Stark / Iron Man

[ ] You like booze
[ ] You are the life of the party
[ ] You love gadgets
[ ] You can be rather cocky
[ ] Your favorite color is red or gold
[x] You’re good with computers
[x] You use sarcasm a lot
[ ] You love getting attention
[ ] You’re good at mechanics
[ ] You have issues with your parents

Dr. Bruce Banner / The Hulk

[x] You’re good at science
[ ] You can get very aggressive when ticked off
[x] You like to be secluded most of the time
[ ] You like wearing baggy clothes
[x] You like to meditate
[ ] You like doing science experiments
[x] You try to avoid getting into fights
[x] You like wearing purple things
[x] You’re clever
[ ] Your favorite color is green

Thor Odinson

[ ] You’re good with a hammer
[ ] You like coffee
[ ] You can eat a truckload of food and still be hungry
[ ] You can be arrogant
[x] You have long hair
[x] You have an interest in astrology
[ ] You can get sulky when things don’t go your way
[ ] You’re willing to take a fall for someone else
[x] You like to dress up as fantasy characters
[ ] You don’t get on well with your sibling(s)

Steve Rogers / Captain America

[x] You like helping those in need in any way you can
[x] You hate bullies
[x] You’re a great leader
[x] You’re a bit of a do-gooder
[ ] One of your favorite color is red, white or blue
[ ] You like wearing things with stars on them
[ ] You strongly admire the army
[ ] You have a good throwing arm
[ ] You like war films
[ ] You’re good at running

Colonel Nick Fury

[ ] You like wearing long coats
[x] You’re good at organizing things
[ ] You’re good at being in the loop
[ ] You like guns
[x] You’re good at giving information to people
[x] You like giving solutions to peoples problems
[ ] You like eyepatches
[x] You work best as part of a team
[ ] You like beards
[x] You like wearing black things

Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow

[ ] You like wearing tight clothes
[ ] You can do martial arts
[ ] You’re interested in the world of spies
[ ] You have/had red hair
[ ] You’re quite agile
[x] People generally don’t know much about the real you
[ ] You like to make yourself look good
[x] You can speak another language
[x] You’re good at taking orders
[ ] You were born in a different country to the one you are living in now

Clint Barton / Hawkeye

[ ] You’re very good at archery.
[ ] You currently like/love someone on your team
[x] You like to wear purple and black
[ ] You’re very good at aiming
[ ] You’ve worked at the carnival
[x] You like working in a team
[x] You’re up for almost anything thrown at you
[ ] You’d be a top assassin if you ever took the job
[x] You’re quiet
[x] You tend to get along with people well

Loki Laufeyson

[x] You want to be a great leader
[x] You want to prove something
[ ] You’re the younger sibling
[ ] You’ve been/are overshadowed by a sibling(s)
[ ] You don’t get along so great with your sibling(s)
[ ] You’re good at lying
[ ] You’re adopted
[x] You can be very clever
[ ] You are able to manipulate people well
[ ] Your favorite color is green or gold

Grrr! Arrgh! I'm the Hulk!

Nice. xd
"COS" ^Can O Spam^

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