Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:38 am
Brie stared at the screen for a moment, trying to figure out what one is supposed to do with a brick before typing:
CT: maybeyou're supposed to throwit through someone's window? CT: ordraw some graffiti onit? CT: I dunnno, butit's obviously important.
Thalia rolled her eyes, saying, "I'm not going to kill anyone... for now."
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:48 am
((Profiles are updated.))
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:45 pm
> Be Troll Doctor Seuss
You are PYTHIN GOREAS and right now your MORAIL, ANTORN, is bugging you about something or other. You were working on your MAGNUM OPUS, THE MEOWBEAST WITH THE TALL, STRIPED HEADGEAR ARRIVES AT THE HOME OF TWO CHILDREN WHO, UPON HAVING BEEN LEFT ALONE WITH NOTHING BUT A FISH, AND THE AFOREMENTIONED MEOWBEAST... It's a work in progress, and not quite as political as your prior work, THE TROLL SNEETCHES. The working title was much longer, but you decided that, as an artist, you had the right to make up words to fit the rhyme. That, and you were getting tired of all of this COPYRIGHT BULLSHIT. As prefaced, you are being talked at by your MORAIL.
"I just can't deal with all this ******** sexual tension!" "calm down. do you want me to auspiticize between you and syndar? because i will. i will auspiticize the s**t out of that relationship." "You always ******** suggest that, Pyth." "i always ******** suggest that because it's the right ******** answer, and if you won't listen to me, i'll cut off your bulge with a pickaxe."
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:03 pm
Espari quickly got bored of the situation. With not much else to talk about or do, she decided to retrieve her NOT-SO-FAVORITE FIDDLE from her DANCE DANCE SYLLADEX and practice playing some sweet, sweet music. In order to retrieve it, however, she had to flawlessly complete the SONG SEQUENCE associated to it. Since her FIDDLE was something she used often, retrieving it would not be too much of a hassle. She was used to the pattern of rhythm and steps that her SYLLADEX demanded.
Eventually, when she finally retrieved her fiddle, she began to play a lively tune to pass the time. Nothing funny or even vaguely perverted is coming from her for the moment being. This is ******** boring and I want nothing to do with this.
>Be some other loser.
Jadite was furiously typing away at her computer with her toes, more than likely in her supposedly 'private' journal. As per usual, she would rant about whatever came to her simple mind - most often rants about the other trolls from her warped mindset or concerns about having not yet reached God Tier. As of now, she only knew of one other that shared this trait, and the thought of some filthy mudblood even remotely understanding her pain was beyond mortifying.
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:26 pm
Said mudblood had messed with his broken computer enough and, deciding it was safer to have someone else try and fix it, he put all the pieces in a pile and went to go find Syndar.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:09 am
> Try to comfort your morail again.
Slightly disturbed, you pat Thalia on the back. "Calm dowN. There's no need to kill any of the humans, or any of us, eitheR."
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:25 pm
Jadite fiddled around with her computer for a short while longer, not noticing that the annoying troll with the fiddle just stopped playing. No, Jadite was far too preoccupied to notice a certain filthy red-blood sneaking up behind her, a megaphone ready in hand.
>This is going to be epic. Be the other troll
Barely able to stifle a snicker, Espari prepared herself for the prank ahead. With the megaphone at her lips, she yelled into it as loud as she could, "I3!TCHT!TS!" She quickly stepped back several feet as Jadite screamed in surprise, falling backwards onto the hard floor - her feet frozen in the air for several secconds. Espari watched the short, dillusional troll scream various verbose obscenities as she rolled about on her back like one of those aquatic leather-skinned shell beasts. Needless to say, Espari was soon on the floor herself, having fallen on her a** laughing so hard at Jadite's misery. "Bet arms would be pretty handy abou now, wouldn't they?!" she teased.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:27 pm
PP: I think i need to use this somehow. To get into the Game, or whatever.
You toss the brick up and down in your hand. It doesn't feel very heavy, certainly not like a brick should.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:30 pm
CT: and justhow do you proposeto do that? CT: ugh it'sgetting colderin here.
It was true. The temperature had been dropping ever since the power went out. Brie quickly put on her tomato jacket again, but left her gloves off so she could still type.
CT: we needto hurry
"No promises," The indigo blooded trolls said, but with a playful smirk at her moirail.
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:32 am
>Be the turtle.
Jadite squirmed about on the ground, glaring at Espari all the while. "You shall forever rue the very moment you committed this heinous act, Antilo! This one alacritously swears your accursed longevity shall come to the swiftest of ends!"
>Be the poofy-hair.
I cannot be the poofy hair, so I will instead be the troll that has it. Espari kicked Jadite lightly on her side so that it would be easier for her to get up before bolting off, giggeling like a fool all the while. Whelp, that was entertaining. Perhaps she should screw around with one of the humans once Jadite got bored of chasing her? Or perhaps she should see who else she could piss off today?
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:48 am
"NO. Thalia, we've been over thiS. There will be no playful joking about killinG. There will be no killing, perioD."
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:08 am
"You're no fun." Thalia said with a pout. "You know it's in my nature. I promise to do my best NOT to hurt anyone, but that's what you're for."
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:44 am
"It's in your best interest and everyone else's to not fight each otheR." You respond.
"will you let me auspiticise you and syndar?" you ask your morail.
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:41 am
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:17 am
Eventually, Jadite did indeed get bored of chasing Espari. Or more likely, she realized that it was a big ******** waste of time and that the low-blood just wanted someone to pay a sliver of attention to her. Espari eventually went on to lounge around in her respiteblock*, sitting herself in front of the private computer she kept in order to randomly bother one of the humans.
She was fairly certain that the other trolls were busy with their stupid, most likely temporary romances - or ******** over computers, as it may be. Couldn't they just stop being serious for five minutes and have a little fun for once? ...She quickly realized the stupidity of that thought, especially considering their personalities to begin with. They were never all that fun. Not unless they were pissed off and/or insincerely trying to kill her.
Espari pushed such thoughts aside, logging herself onto Trollian to see what the humans were doing. She decided to pester the one that had the least important task at hand, which of course, seemed to be the oddly awesome guy screwing around with the dice. As per usual, intentional or not, the first thing out of her mouth just had to sound dirty.
musicalSocialite [MS] began trolling somehowAmazing [SA].
MS: Yo I3!tcht!ts! ! don't have anyth!ng better to do, so !'ve dec!ded to ******** around with you for a l!ttle wh!le. Hope you can keep me sat!sf!ed.