Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:50 pm
((....Hush. >.> *begins Jedi mind trick* There is no plot hole here. These are not the droids you are looking for.))
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:52 pm
((Well clearly we'll have to come up with an explanation sooner or later. Personally, I would have preferred to just go with the cold open of trolling kids, but whatever.))
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:55 pm
((Again, I am making this s**t up as I go along. >_< Also I mentioned this kind of stuff in my initial troll idea in one of my posts a few pages back. >->))
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:00 pm
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:29 pm
>>Moiran: Be the rebel. Screw the system.
Shouting impudently at the intercom is completely pointless and makes you look like a moron. Still, it's plenty fun to do and you will continue to do so in the future. Even if you aren't the one playing the troll Will Smith movies. (Though you certainly like to watch them anyway)
Anyway, not long afterwards you approach Lumari from behind, your usual cheshire like grin settled upon your ebony lips. (What the ******** is a cheshire and why is this stylized like some bad, purple-prosed Sue fiction again?) You ponder whether or not you should use this opprotunity to 'strike'.
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:57 pm
>Be the troll.
What in the hell does that me-
You are Sedhor Ildner now.
>Wake up, have a bad feeling. u You wake up and suddenly have a bad feeling. What? Did your minuscule brain think I was going to be overly complex about that? Wrap your brain around it. You woke up. You got a bad feeling. Deal with the simplicity! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
.... Anyways you decide to begin trolling your few friends to discover the validity of your fear when you hear the announcement.
masterSwordsman began trolling wiseLeader MS: I hope you are fuMS: After all, we fuery badly, and I doubt anyone else MS: So please tell me you are >ery mu
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:16 pm
"I HEARD THAT, moiran."
WL: WHY WOULD I LIE? WL: if i'm wrong, WHICH IS QUITE POSSIBLE, then i wasted a few days or hours of our life. WL: WE HAVE ESSENTIALLY AN ETERNITY on our hands.
> Be Jack
"I'm Jack. Nice to meet you."
You extend your hand, but you're interrupted by a familiar beeping.
> Be future Aleron.
You can do that, and you are not pleased.
wiseLeader [WL] has started trolling thematicallyBrilliant
TB: Oh, it's you again. WL: hey you. PAY ATTENTION. WL: wait, WHAT? oh well. WL: you're about to be SCHOOLFED. TB: What the balls? I'm talking to someone. It's rude to interrupt, you know. WL: i see that, and NOW IS A BETTER TIME THAN ANY to EXPLAIN THE NATURE OF YOUR MYRIAD OF MISTAKES. WL: I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO DO. i will only tell you this once, so PAY ATTENTION. WL: do NOT under any circumstances combine the gun and the key. TB: That sounds like such a great idea, though. WL: i don't swear often, but GOSH DARNIT, DON'T COMBINE THE GUN AND THE KEY.
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:40 pm
MS: Perhaps simply to praMS: You ery mu
Double s**t. You were right. So some idiots started playing. Which meant a second game of this s**t was started. And who knew what could happen if they screwed up as badly as your own game did.
Stupid little children (The stupid ones that started a new game you meant).
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:42 pm
"Good! Now m^k3 it h^pp3n!"
How you enjoy teasing that know-it-all. Wait....
Well, s**t. You've shouted while you were right behind Lumari before you knew what you were doing. At least now you can get on with helping her.
"Sorry 'bout th^t. Now...wh^t w^s it you n33d3d h3lp with?"
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:34 pm
"Nice to meet you Jack."
You say when Jack answers his...whatever he made that doubles as a computer.
"What's up, who's on the line?"
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:41 pm
Your glasses appear to be fogged up, but you're still mid-conversation with this guy who's been trolling you like, forever.
WL: don't do it!
You ignore him, and do it anyways. It takes up a ******** of your grist, but you get THE SLEUTH'S REVOLVER. Okay, you guess.
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:18 pm
You jump a little when you hear Moiran suddenly behind you and then sigh.
"I was w()ndering if we c()uld get in t()uch with that ()ther universe and try t() get s()me idea ()f what they've been up t()~"
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:25 pm
"Ooh, what's that?"
You ask full of curiosity at your friend's new weapon.
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:35 pm
"Uhm...sur3, I gu3ss. Just giv3 m3 ^ minut3."
With that you step over to stand beside Lumari, looking over her computer screen for a couple moments before taking over the scene entirely. It isn't too long before you set the stage for the show to begin, so to speak. You look to your friend, hoping that she was paying attention as you fiddled about with her computer.
"Will this work for you?"
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:49 pm
You're going to be honest. The computer jargon kinda went over your head. But Moiran was always putting up with your technological incompetence and you hate troubling others so you just kind of nod your head while staring at the screen. Looks like a bunch of timelines were added and a view screen. Seemed simple enough. You hope.