Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:12 am
((Hey guys. Um, just letting you know I may or may not be posting between now and next Wednesday. I'm at my grandmother's house and found out that my laptop won't connect with her network, so...yeah...if I post, don't expect the posts to be pretty like they normally are 'cause my post styles are all on my laptop.)) I am no peaceful, beautiful dove...Snow Raven followed Shadow, at the same time sending her soulself in the shape of a shadowlike clone of herself to fly beside the armored figure chasing Shadow's shadow creature. "Take my hand," the soulself-clone said. "I can get you closer." The real Snow Raven faced Shadow, her eyes blank white as they always turned when she sent out her soulself. "It sounds to me like you are equating this woman to the villain in many a fairytale." ...But nor am I an ugly, spiteful crow.
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:37 am
Tempest nearly lost his balance and ate it hard when the spirit suddenly appeared beside him. Looking ahead at the creature he had caught up some distance but with it's leaps and bounds he was still a ways behind it. "Your sure that's a good idea" he asked jumping and sliding over a low over hang. "Never mind fine" changing his mind if he didn't catch up quickly there was no telling if he would lose this thing. Reaching his hand out he grabbed the hand of the spirit not sure of what was gonna happen.
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:53 am
I am no peaceful, beautiful dove...The soulself clone grasped his hand and teleported so they were flying directly above the shadow creature. "Your move, friend." ...But nor am I an ugly, spiteful crow.
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:49 pm
"Thanks" Tempest said letting go of the spirits hand as he landed infront of the creature holding the girl. "Xray" he muttered his right eye changing to display the bone structure of the girl being held by the creature. "Drop her now if you want to leave out of here intact" Tempest said drawing two of his swords and adopting a twin blade fighting stance. "Your move ugly" Tempest warned his voice having a metallic undertone to it.
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:07 am
I am no peaceful, beautiful dove...Rather than recalling her soulself, Snow Raven kept it hovering above the young armored man and the creature, keeping the clone ready to aid the young man if he needed it. The real Snow still waited for Shadow's reply. ...But nor am I an ugly, spiteful crow. ((Okay, so I was lying about posts not being pretty. I've typed this poststyle up enough times that I've memorized it. But I wasn't lying about not being sure when I'll next be able to post.))
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:10 pm
( Lol I know what you mean, but if it comes to it: quote your post. ) ( Honestly I have a lot of work to do myself so I believe it should be fine) Are your eyes truth? Or are your eyes blind to the lies? Do you speak your mind? Or do you speak for their's?
Shadow noticed the eyes shifted to white, well aware of her course of action. Her ruby now bright, as her topaz very dim. " You have interrupted my task for the last time.... bask in the chime of yours!!" She threatened, implying her own time. Her shadow drawn, she charged full force. Her shadow already in form of a scythe, her 'blade' swung directly to her torso!......yet at the very last second, teleported behind her! Slashing at her backside instead!!!
Are you the one within the light? Or are you the one in the darkness? Does your actions speak as your voice? Or does your voice cloud your actions? ( I'm going to attempt to make this a good dramatic fight, that's why I'm using '!!' so much. If it seems silly, or something, just tell me) Let me be. Let me free. Let me be in the here and now
The creature holding Alex paused when someone blocked its path. A low demonic growl following as the creature lifted its head to see who. The creature black shadowy skin shifting as its face rose from underneath. A mask reveled, its white face almost glowing. The mask holding no expression...until suddenly the mask broke into two, revealing a large mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth. The creature growling louder until it gave out a loud roar towards the stranger.
Meanwhile Alex's own eyes glanced over to see the creatures true face. Her eyes widening at its teeth and her body shook with the creature's body when it roared. Just what is this thing?! She thought, struggling to be free.
The creature's skin shifted once more, the part of its body holding her now on its backside. Its head lifting towards him, as its mouth spat out an icky acid. The acid, if upon contact, burning intensely on whatever surface it would land on.
Let me soar. Let me fly. So I can escape this world for evermore.
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:46 pm
i am no peaceful, beautiful dove...Snow Raven moved back to avoid the swing, then she teleported a foot in front of where she'd been standing and whirled to face Shadow again. "An attack like that implies cowardice, Shadow. Only a coward would attack from behind," she said. She hadn't quite avoided the swipe from behind completely, and a section of her cloak was torn. Perhaps it was luck that more than that hadn't been cut. ...But nor am I an ugly, spiteful crow.
Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:21 am
"Woah there big ugly" Tempest said as the thing roared at him prompting him to jump back a foot or so. His blades quivered a tad bit showing a tinge of fear but that was removed when he saw the girl being moved towards the creature's backside. "Let her go" Tempest said rushing at the creature but having to make a sudden turn to dodge the spit as it landed harmlessly on the ground behind him. "Don't take orders very well do you" he asked having gotten closer to the creature in no time. With a quick movement and flash from his blade Tempest and jumped drawing his blade across the front of the creature and landed behind it.
Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:01 pm
Are your eyes truth? Or are your eyes blind to the lies? Do you speak your mind? Or do you speak for their's?
Shadow scoffed at the Woman...nay, perhaps the Girl of White. "Your shadow-self attacks from behind when you attack, working in unsion with your soul.....I simply hit your back, as this is my role." She says, then laughes more. Her bright ruby now slowly dimming, as if her amusement calmed her a bit.
"A true coward is not prepared and is scared of the outcome...are you frightened, or enlightened?" She finishes, attacking once more. Her attack now above aimed towards her head, and then quickly shifted her scythe to attack her side.
Are you the one within the light? Or are you the one in the darkness? Does your actions speak as your voice? Or does your voice cloud your actions? Let me be. Let me free. Let me be in the here and now
The creature stood still during the attack. The blade passing through its body as if the blade attacked mist in its stead. The body now shifting the creature's mask around to face the him. Yet, during this shift, a bit of its body lossened from the woman.
Alex, her mouth now free, spat out the foul taste. "Ick..she...made this thing... From a shadow..! I'm not sure how...but, she did!" She tells him, hoping it would help. The creature giving off a growl as she spoke, and quickly moved its body to cover her once more.
The creature's mouth opened wide, and with another roar, charged forward to bite the legs of the stranger. The creature drooling with antispation of its next meal.
Let me soar. Let me fly. So I can escape this world for evermore.
Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:33 pm
"Tch that didn't work" Tempest muttered noting his blade had simply cut thru the creature like nothing. Jumping away he again readied his blades till the girl screamed out being free for a moment. "A shadow" he muttered thinking about as she was once again engulfed. "Tch damn it" is all he is able to choke out as the creature lurches towards him trying to make legs the morning meal. Jumping back and away Tempest lands on the duct of the buildings AC. "Need a light source" he muttered to himself looking around the building before up to the spirit. "Light you got anything for that" he questioned up at the spirit before looking back to the creature.
Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:59 pm
I am no peaceful, beautiful dove...Snow Raven raised her arm to block the swing, then flung out her other hand to grab the handle of the shadow-scythe. The weapon was solid enough for her opponent to hold, so she hoped it was solid enough for her to stop.
The soulself clone shook it's head. "Light weakens me as much as it weakens a shadow. I am but a shadow of my true self's soul."
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:12 pm
Are your eyes truth? Or are your eyes blind to the lies? Do you speak your mind? Or do you speak for their's?
Her hand passed by it, though a black goo substance stuck to her hand afterword. Shadow shook her head, "Only the shadows partner can wield its other self..." She explained, thinking that girl would know such but apparently not...again she attacked! Taking no pause after her statement.
Are you the one within the light? Or are you the one in the darkness? Does your actions speak as your voice? Or does your voice cloud your actions? Let me be. Let me free. Let me be in the here and now
The creature almost grunted as the stranger dodged. Its solid mask turning to look at human. Although the mask held no eyes.... and the mask broken in half for its mouth. The mouth now growling at him once more.
Yet it didn't stay still for long.. the creature soon jumped high into the air. Going backwards, however, as if resuming its path as before. The woman muffling a scream at the height of the jump.
Let me soar. Let me fly. So I can escape this world for evermore.
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:20 pm
"So outside of a teleport your useless" Tempest complained for a moment looking at the creature as it continued growling. He needed to think quickly or the creature would move. What did he need to combat a shadow he pondered standing there waiting for a move.
The move came tho soon enough as the creature again jumped. This time tho it was backwards farther away from them. "Not a chance ugly" Tempest called rushing towards it. An idea tho sprung into his head mid run on what to cancel out the shadow. "Complete darkness" he muttered looking over towards the shade. "Can you surround it and cut it off from the sun at all" he questioned turning his attention back to the shadow creature. He needed to stall it.
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:07 am
I am no peaceful, beautiful dove...Snow Raven teleported, popping out just before the scythe hit her and back in after it passed. "So I see." She used her powers to pull the sticky substance from her palm and mould it into a ball, dropping it at her feet.
The soulself clone nodded. "Yes." It flitted after the shadow creature, losing its humanoid form as it flew, and formed into an orb around the shadow creature. ...But nor am I an ugly, spiteful crow.
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:10 pm
((Hey, lemme know when you need me to post.))