AntonidasArtisans Republic Prince (Knight)"Looks like we've got some things to do."SurdielArtisans Republic Adventurer (Red Wizard/Sage)"It's not every day that a human gets his or her dragon."TritonNoble of Atlantica (Ursula & Morgana's Brother)"Have devotion and kindness, for both Land & Sea's sake."DavidPrince of Corona, Germany (Rapunzel's Husband)"I will clear a path."talk.........[Artisans Castle, Dining Room to Artisans Harbor]
*Act 6*
April 24, Sunday, Early Morning
After the ship was moved we see Leryda swing on a rope and onto the ship in Peggy Jones' painter costume with the crowd cheering, Anton used Gate to invite Raps and David.
Seeing Leryda [dressed up like that almost looks like Loni Lanni was for real. Triton said to his friends.
She is real as she designed the Dragon's Castle in Artisans. Surdiel said to his sweetheart
And she left something awesome as we found it for you, Raps! Anton gives the Chest to Rapunzel so she can open it and inside the red chest was the Rainbow Paintbrush itself
The Rainbow Paintbrush! Raps, I thought it was just a story. What do you think of it, sundrop dear? Your very own Rainbow Paintbrush dear? I just can't believe you found it for her. Thank you, Ursula and Morgana.
Fun Fact, Raps is not just any painter, but she's the Best Painter Princess Ever and my beloved princess. David said to Raps, his friends then kissed Raps.