Well, I guess I never had really just in all actuality introduced myself. I'm Kabol, of course, of the Schezar family, which currently consists of me. Yes, I spawned myself. Don't ask me how. I don't know either. I think I popped out of a hole in Gaia. Maybe.
Anyhow, I like lots of stuff, anime, manga, videogames (especially PC), teh intarwebs, Gaia, phone secks, wait, what? No, I didn't say phone secks, I said T-
bone rex (norly, I did). Really good steaks you know, it's a special at my local Outback Steakhouse. Only mine. That only I know about. Regardless, lots of things I like.
3nodding I'm also crazy, weird, nice, funny (sometimes), affectionate, foolish, stupid, smart, witty (notrly), original (know that little backwards apostrophe type thing, that no one uses? ` Yeah, that right there, I invented that, norly, I did), bitchy, emo, and random.
wahmbulance emo ^My motto^ (orly? notrly, maybe, pssh
talk2hand )
But yeah, I've been with Gaia for a few years now, and I like to lurk around the forums, make gold, play games, chat, roleplay, be funny, attract attention (but not in a negative way), and overall have a fun time. I also like to get stuff to make new looks for my avi. Like my current? It's called "Young Summoner". My idea
4laugh I'm so proud
heart Donate to me
exclaim (norly, plz ^^)
domokun I also like emotes