Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:16 pm
You sigh. Of all the times to be difficult they had to choose now in the middle of a crisis.
"We've recently f()und that an()ther sessi()n of SGRUB has started~ We d()n't really kn()w anything ab()ut what kind ()f race started playing the game, but an()ther sessi()n is bad news either way~ Again, let's listen to what Aler()n dear has t() say and decide t()gether as t() h()w we sh()uld handle this new gr()up ()f players~ Please~?"((And I thought I should inform everyone that Bikki (yeah, she was in this, remember?) has called it quits and said she had little to no intention of continuing in this rp. ~_~ I've given up on keeping the boy/girl ratio even, but I can at least keep the Prospit/Derse ratio in tact, so if any Dersite wants to make the switch that'd be nice.))
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:23 pm
((I vote Fiyah off the planet.))
> Calm your tits.
You try, and you succeed, collapsing on your SECRET HORN PILE. Man this thing is comfortable. You should try charging for this.
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:01 pm
((Vote accepted Broseph!))
You call over to the woman at the front in your usual belligerent manner.
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:20 pm
(Sedhor) you laugh. You laugh hard. Why would you? Would it ruin his ideas? his plans? Actually you might do that now. You randomly log on to troll a random buggah not caring who it is. (Anyone please? I just wanna be very mean to someone who isn't my own species here.)
MS: Why hello foolish little one.
Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:44 am
>>Raye: Get trolled
You pause your gleeful slaughter of imps, letting Gale keep cleaning house with them to check a new message. It feels like it's been a while since you got one. LG: well check out the stones on Mr. Citrus here LG: what can this 'foolish little one' do for this new, orange fresh text?
Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:33 pm
MS: You en with me playing. MS: I don't need to worry pathetic
You really didn't care about any plan self proclaimed leader had. You were just going to have fun with these subordinates.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:37 pm
> Aleron: Use time powers. Be in two places at once.
"i'm BACK. and we are going to HAVE A DISCUSSION about the long-reaching effects of TROLLING THESE ALIENS."
Jack: Use time powers. Cheat.
Cheating? You are insulted by the implication! You are nothing if not a sportsman, and you are---oh who are you kidding you're cheating your a** off. You made a weighted die, for crap's sake. You roll all of the twenties. All of them. You and your compatriots--that is to say, also you, especially those of you who are from the future, have been discussing the various details of weighing things to your advantage.
"Here, take this code. It's something you shouldn't have until later, meaning you'll get it now. Because there's time travel for you." "Have I mentioned how much I enjoy my company? Anyways, I should get back to, you know, the game."
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:48 pm
"Good for you, C^pt^in Dr^m^tic. Gl^d to s33 th^t your pow3rs of dillusion ^r3 still s3cond to non3."
You love snarking at Aleron, even when you have no clue what's going on. Like now, seeing as how you hadn't been paying a lick of attention to his little dramatic escapade. In fact, you were too busy fiddling around with your HAT OF MAGIC to care. Stupid thing seems to have stopped working for the moment being anyway...
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:05 pm
"moiran, PLEASE. i suggest we OBSERVE, and PLAN, like RATIONAL PEOPLE."
((By 'observe and plan,' I mean 'out of character, where do we want this to go?' I think we should have Jack somehow ******** everything up temporally. Prince of Time, after all.))
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:13 pm
((Perhaps Jack messes things up along with Sedhor. Two Princes after all, I mean It's very likely Sedhor already ******** up his own session with the other trolls, no matter how well things went in the end. You know, along with all the other slip ups that everyone makes.))
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:15 pm
((Sounds like a good idea.))
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:32 pm
(*nods* Then I look forward to messing things up. Sounds like it'll be fun.))
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:37 pm
> Jack: Pester Blue upon your return to the game.
TB: Hey, guess who is apparently a time-traveling narcissist?
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:58 pm
((Sorry for being quiet for a while again. >_<;; Classes started for me and between my jam packed monday/wednesday schedule to adjust to and my running around trying to fix assorted school ******** (how did every store on campus manage to order the wrong book for one of my classes? emotion_facepalm ) down time has been....slim. sweatdrop )) LG: I'm a gamer LG: SBURB sounded awesome LG: logic suggests I'd play it LG: duh LG: and I'm sorry, I must have missed the apocalypse warning on the box>>Raye: Be Lumari "Exactly~! We d()n't even kn()w anything ab()ut them~! I think we sh()uld try t() learn m()re ab()ut them bef()re we d() anything t()() drastic~"
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:30 pm
MS: SBURB? Is that what you MS: Whate>er strange things you e existed. MS: And
You sit back a moment, wondering what to say next. But before you say anything you reach over to one of your spare buster swords, using it to jam the door so stuck if anyone tried to break in they would have a hard time. You resume trolling the weakling.
MS: But I suppose your failures might end up affeMS: Of ery way and obey my e>ery order without question. MS: After all, unlike you my game is already o>er and done with, more or less with su<