Don't mind me, just going to be writing a few random fanfiction-like tidbits that have been floating about in my head the past couple days."Right, then," said Crowley, getting into his car and turning it on, rolling the passenger side window down. "Shall we ride?"
Instantly an arrangement of instruments and words poured out the window. "Drop of a hat she's as willing as playful as a p***y cat, then momentarily out of action, temporarily out of gas, to absolutely drive you wild, wild. She's out to get you. She's a Killer Queen, gunpowder, gelatin, dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind. Anytime."
Charity chuckled as she leaned down to look at Crowley. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say your car is trying to flirt with me."
Although Charity couldn't see his eyes and no immediate reaction was revealed on his face, she had a feeling he was both embarrassed at the suggestion and impressed she had caught on to his car's unique behavior so quickly.