Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:15 pm
{...I like your analogy better than mine. XD Sorry for not posting for too long in Pumpkin Love. I admittably have a little block for her. >.<}
"You're too concerned about what other people think." Justine said somewhat disapprovingly, rolling her eyes at the thought. "I'm dressed like I am because you couldn't stand the thought of wearing a skirt. That alone can get me labled as a harlot or a heretic." she then pointed out, a little irritated at this point that he was so concerned about every little thing she did. "If I were anything like a normal, high class lady, I'd be utterly useless to you. I wouldn't be able to sneak about, defend myself, manage money, or even dress myself without my own corset choking me half to death. You wanted a body. Last time I checked, the original criteria for that wasn't some traditional, domestic doormat." Believe it or not, this was sort of a sore topic for Justine. Otherwise, she would not have snapped back at Raphael so easilly.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:20 pm
((Think of it this way, once you're done with Lucy you might actually get over the block by chatting up Lucien. :3 And thank you, I try. XD ))
"Forgive me if I find the process of getting into a new body rather troublesome as a soul. One can't be too picky or you risk passing on entirely. If I had my way I wouldn't even be in a woman's body to begin with." Raphael told her.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:29 pm
"Could you at least try to see past the fact that I am female even for a moment?" Justine asked, her voice sounding somewhat mopey as she started walking along once more. Her head was beginning to hurt. Trying to argue with Raphael when he wanted to be this difficult only gave her headaches - no new insight on either party's part.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:35 pm
"No." Raphael said simply. "You try imagining waking up in the body of the wrong gender. Especially since this is decidedly an around downgrade. You're female and thus weaker than I'd like and you won't get the proper respect a male would normally receive, not to mention mortal so I can't satisfy my cravings for blood until I'm out and honestly physically inferior in general, man or woman." he explained, listing all the problems he had with this arrangement.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:46 pm
Justine stopped dead in her tracks, rather furious at Raphael for how he was treating her. She plopped herself to the ground, refusing to go anywhere closer to town until this arguement was settled. "You want to know what is worse...?" she asked, her voice sounding eerilly calm. After a few moments she snapped, "Having a powerless child inside your body! No matter what you do to make things better, no matter how skilled or talented you might actually be, all you'll ever be seen as is some insignificant nursemaid! Waaa, waa, feed me I'm hungry. No, not food. Go cut off the head of that cattle and drink that! Boo hoo, you're not wearing the right clothes! Take off that skirt right now and wear those itchy pants instead! Oh no, you're not holding your teacup just so! You're a useless harlot!" From then on, she went on to list every complaint that Raphael had thrown at her thus far. "You think this is ideal for me?! I try to be nice, I try to be helpful. What do I get? An immature whiner who can't be patient and actually help things along for even a split seccond!" Of course, normally she did not feel this way at all. She was just pissed.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:55 pm
((I admit, I lol'd at the teacup part.))
Well, this wasn't going anywhere. "Move over." he said with a frustrated grumble as he made to take control. "I am not having this conversation in the middle of nowhere. I'd like to have at least some semblance of comfort if we're going to b***h each other out."
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:15 pm
{Thank you, I try my best~ ^.^}
"...Fine. My body is yours." Justine mumbled, not resisting Raphael as he took over her body for the moment being. At this point, she didn't bother saying anything else. After her rant, she just felt depressed. No matter what she did, she was useless. It seemed as if this fact would never change.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:21 pm
"Good. Less resistance means there's at least some small chance that we can work this out." Raphael grumbled as he stood up and gingerly brushed himself off before heading back to Justine's home. Or would it be herself? This was something of a confusing situation at times.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:41 pm
Justine offered not a word in reply, just letting Raphael do as he would. Instead, she silently brooded over how unvalued she was and how difficult it was to get Raphael to be at least semi-civil about the situation at hand.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:48 pm
"I'm frankly surprised you waited this long to let it all out." Raphael said as the hint of a wry smirk creased his lips as he walked, trying not to let his hips sway too much. "Or is that just another female quirk? Letting things bubble and stew until you burst?"
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:01 pm
Justine sighed, seeming to hold back the urge to snap at Raphael again for his insensitive comments. "Not unless it's a male quirk to be a condescending a** when he's in no position to be." That comment could not be helped. She didn't sound particularly malicious, but that normally sultry serenity she usually talked with was utterly absent.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:28 pm
"I like to think it's a vampire quirk personally." Raphael said with a smirk. "Humans and other such creatures have always been nothing but food and toys to me for the longest time. When you have the kind of power I do--or at least, I used to--you tend to start developing something of an ego. Now imagine being locked in a room with your favorite foods and being told not to eat any of it and you'll know how I feel."
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:02 pm
"You consider all humans to be beneath you?" Justine asked, sounding mildly surprised. "Has there never been a human that you respected, at least somewhat considered a friend?" Somehow, it was a relief to know that this treatment was nothing personal.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:09 pm
"If I don't drink from them, they'd die of old age anyway. Anyone that I chose to turn would cease being a human and eventually adopt the same traits I have. And above all else, it's hard to have respect for someone weaker than yourself." Raphael said as they neared the town. "So to answer your question, no, there hasn't."
((*pokes to post in Pumpkin* Almost there! Just timeskip to the museum!))
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:32 pm
{If you're still interested in the idea, I've got Hierarchy up. 3nodding }
"I must disagree. It's very easy to respect someone with favorable personality traits. Even if someone is weaker, you can respect their intelligence or their wit." Justine replied in a nonchallant manner. Had she control of her body, she would've shrugged. "But I suppose that sort of thing depends on the person."