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Maya Freana

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:21 pm

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:06 am

heart heart heart Open! heart heart heart

Maya Freana

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Maya Freana

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:07 am

Amaya yawned as she woke from her deep sleep with the morning sun shining in her eyes. She groaned a little before sitting up to find her hair tangled in knots. The Vestec girl reached into her pack and pulled out a comb, brushing out all the little knots in her long, silver hair. When she was finished with that little chore, which took about a minute, Amaya put the comb back in her pack, then rose to her feet to walk over to the nearby stream, kneeling as she splashed water in her face. The cool water tingled as it hit her skin, then dripped down her face. It was a refreshing and relaxing way to start the hectic day ahead of her.

Now fully awake, Amaya began to take care of the squad's horses, seeing as everyone was still asleep. With all the horses squared away now, the silver-haired girl shook her head and began to make breakfast for her squad. Once they all decided to get up and eat, they would be able to continue on their journey together. Usually a Vestec was not known of this kind of compassion, but, it was not compassion. Amaya was merely taught to feed her squad if she was the first up, as she usually was. Vestec did not need to eat that often, but they were taught that the humans put in their squad needed to eat regularly. An inconvenience, but it could not be avoided. While Amaya did feel concern for her squad and other vestec, she still lacked a normal sense of human compassion that the others in her squad most likely possessed. She did not understand emotions all that well, as she was taught only how to fight and kill the Vestec counter-parts, Deathwalkers.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:12 pm

Maverick soon awoke to the smell of food being cooked. He arose out of bed slowly and headed over to the stream and cleaned up his face using a cloth towel to wipe the water off his face. He then went over to his blades sharpened them slightly and washed them before sheathing them and re-equiping them to himself as well as slinging his shield over his shoulder. He then walked over to Amaya and simply said "Morning."


Devoted Streaker


PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:30 pm

Zaneth's eyes blinked open to the sound of horses. He was usually a light sleeper but especially this morning. He stayed in his tent staring at the ceiling just listening. It was probably Amaya. She was usually up early. Last night had been another bad night for him. Sleep refused to come as pictures from is past plagued his dreams. Most of the people he saw, he didn't even remember but like all other nights this had happened, he had gotten up and took his his spear a small distance away from camp to train. He found that it helped clear his head. He heard Mav leave his tent. Zaneth took a stayed where he was a little while longer then took a deep breath and got up. He headed towards the river with a tired look on his face as Mav came back. He forced the thoughts of the previous night out of his head before heading back. "So, any idea how much further we have to go?" he asked as he sat next to Mav.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:09 am

Ari had woken when she heard Amaya moving, but she chose to continue to lay in her bedroll and hope for a few more minutes of sleep. After about two minutes, which felt much longer, she gave up on the attempt and got up, deftly repacking her gear. She strapped her rapiers around her hips, covering a yawn as she went to the stream to wash up some, hoping the water would help wake her up. Upon returning to their camp she sat beside Amaya at the fire, giving the Vestec a quick smile. "Morning. Smell's great, thanks." she said, streaching back to tug her pack towards her, fishing a bowl out and helping herself. Zaneth sat and spoke as she did so, and she glanced to Amaya for the answer.

"Oh Rikiya..." The name was sing-songed from atop the hill, where Kai stood, a small cat-sized dragon wrapped around her shoulders like a lady would wear a mink stole. Patchwork-looking skirts swirled around her ankles, the blouse falling from her shoulders, somehow remaining on her torso despite the apparent lack of support. Her sword, sheathed on one hip and held by a low-sitting belt, completly contrasting the bohemian look she otherwise presented. The Fallen absently reached up and stroked the dragon's head, smiling at the resulting purr.

"He said he had something for us, didn't he Ri? About the princess? Or did I lose the time again... He couldn't have forgotten, never has before. Always liked us, didn't he Ri. After we lost control, and didn't crater him too... But where is the shadow man?" the mumblings were spoken clearly, in her sing-song lilt. It wasn't clear if she spoke to herself or to the dragon on her shoulders, or to some third party only she could see. She was completely aware of what was occuring around her, despite swaying lightly side to side, seemingly absorbed in her thoughts and dragon.


Firebreathing Gekko

Maya Freana

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:44 am

It was almost astonishing to Amaya how quickly her squad got moving at the smell of food. Sure, she had heard some of them awaken not long after she had gotten up, but they didn't seem to really move until they could smell food. She waited until they were all seated by the fire, nodding quietly in response to Maverick's bidding of 'morning' to her and also to Ari's words before she sighed, looking back into the fire. "We should be there a little after noon if we move out as soon as you three are done eating. The horses have already been taken care of, so it's just a matter of putting out the fire and packing up. Frelle is our next target. Apparently there are at least seven Deathwalkers there." She murmured. Seven was not too much of a problem to Amaya, to a less skilled fighter, it might have been, but to Amaya it was merely a training exercise. Though the guild had taken to lying squad 12 about the exact number of Deathwalkers they'd be fighting lately, which annoyed Amaya.

Darting through the forest, Rikiya knew he was a little late meeting his fellow Fallen, Kai. But She was usually patient with him, and he was unconcerned with handling her if she was angry, so he didn't push himself, after all, he had been checking up on other matters beforehand. Coming upon the hill, he saw Kai waiting for him, so he slowed his pace and calmly approached her. "Kai, you're looking radiant as always." He said with a light smile. Rikiya was known to be a polite man to those whose company he enjoyed. "I trust you weren't waiting too long." The Fallen murmured, stopping at her side now.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:43 am

Kai turned as he started up the hill, smiling brightly at his approach, and compliment. At a chirp from Ri she seemed to remember her manners. "Always so sweet, and not long. Only a tick-tock or two...." Kai trailed off, tilting her head as she seemed to go off into space, her mind elsewhere. "Something's dying. Ash to dust, dust to ash, but no ash, no flames, not yet. They're screaming..." she murmured, a small smile gracing her lips, and a pleasant shudder rippling through her body. Ri gracefully lauched herself from Kai's shoulders, flying off to seek out what she, and Kai, had sensed. Kai blinked back to herself, looking at Rikiya, head tilting the other way, much like a bird. "You called me, Rikiya? What fun is there for us now?" she asked, acting as if she hadn't just said anything at all.

"Which means there's probably closer to ten, judging on the guild's skill with counting," Ari said dryly. She too, wasn't amused by the lack of information they were given concerning what they were up against. "And that's assuming the deathwalkers haven't eaten and turned anyone since the guild got their information." she mused, shrugging. She wasn't intentionally being a pessimist, it just happened when she was laying out the situation, as she saw it, in her head and outloud. And if the situation was as bad as she imagined, then she'd be with Amaya in the middle of the battle so she could unlock her powers, rather than on the outskirts where she preferred to be, as an archer. But either way, she'd be just as deadly.


Firebreathing Gekko


PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:03 pm

"Well, we got the message yesterday so they had only 1 night so far so at most there are 10 more than we expect right?" he said as he helped himself to a bowl. "Nothing we can't handle. The only problem is finding them but if they think they have the numbers, maybe they will come to us. It would make our job easier." That was what he hoped at least. When the number was small, Amaya usually handled it. Standing on the sidelines while he watched someone else doing all the work wasn't exactly his idea of revenge though Zaneth never showed his discontent for small jobs.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:22 pm

Maverick grabbed a bowl and helped himself to the food. He ate at a moderate pace, listening carefully to what his comrades were saying. His eyes darted from person to person as they spoke. He didn't have much of an opinion on the information of how many there would or wouldn't be. He was focused on the mission maybe today he would have to actually fight. He spoke up and simply said "We'll find out once we're there."


Devoted Streaker

Maya Freana

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:15 pm

It seemed Ari shared Amaya's annoyance at the Guild's decision to give them incorrect information lately, though Zaneth's count of just ten more seemed like it was still to low a number. Even with seventeen, a fighter at Amaya's level would have no problem. No, there would be more. Looking to Maverick now as he spoke, Amaya nodded in agreement. "We will indeed..." She murmured before rising to her feet and walking off to her horse to get its saddle on and get her pack all ready.

Watching as Kai rambled, Rikiya merely put his hands behind his back and waited for the girl to return to some small sense of reality. At least one where he could speak to her. Giving a light smile to her question, he began to walk away, waving his fingers over his shoulder for her to follow. "The Silver Guard as recently given them a new task. They've been told there are seven Deathwalkers in the next town over. Of course, that was a lie, the entire town was taken over months ago. A sum of nearly seventy Deathwalkers now resides in that town. I thought you'd enjoy to watch them struggle." He told Kai with a slight grin.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:16 pm

Zaneth finished if food without saying much else. He got up and washed his bowl in the river before returning it to his pack. He then packed up his sleeping back and tent and secured both to his pack. "Well the faster we get there, the faster we can get this over with." He said as he quickly checked his equipment before moving to put his saddle on his horse. So many years of training and for the past two years I've basically done nothing but watch. Are humans really so weak that we can't even help ourselves? If vectors are so strong, what are we guards suppose to do if she lose it one day when we can't even count on our own strength to protect ourselves? It had been a thought that had crossed his mind many times and still could not find an answer for. It had happened before. There were 2 out there already. Maybe I should count myself lucky that we haven't encountered anything huge yet. He thought bitterly to himself.



Devoted Streaker

PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:34 pm

Maverick finished his food shortly after Zaneth and washed his bowl as well. He rolled up his sleeping bag and tent and slung them over his other shoulder. He walked patted his comrade on the shoulder in agreeance and headed over his horse. He attached his back to the rear of the saddle and said "I have a very odd feeling today will be a long and trying day." He mounted up onto his horse and pet his horses head.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:19 am

"Aww, don't jinx us Mav! Who knows, it could turn out to be filled with sunshine and rainbows and an easy battle." Ari called with a grin, quickly packing up. She made sure her rapiers were strapped within easy reach on her horse before slinging her quiver over her back. "Here we go again. Ready Tyri?" she murmured to her horse, stroking the black mare's nose soothingly. She then mounted up, setting her bow on her lap. She could ride like this easily, and she wasn't about to make the mistake of not having it ready and strung again. It hadn't ended well last time. Well, it wasn't bad, but Amaya hadn't been amused when she had to keep a rapid bear from beheading her handler. Where the bear came from, none of them knew, but that had been at least a year ago.

A bright grin lit up Kai's face, followed by a delighted laugh. "Of course!" A moment later she paused, tilting her head like a bird to look at the other Fallen. "Seventy, together? Still in their spawning hole? How? So many isn't normal..." She was certainly very interested in how this would go, though she suspected it wouldn't end well for the Guard. She remembered enough to know that she had been an incredibly strong Vestec, but she couldn't have handled seventy deatheaters. Now, of course she could. But that was primarily due to her ability to turn into a fire-breathing dragon when she relinquished all control over her power.


Firebreathing Gekko

Maya Freana

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:24 pm

"Can't jinx what's already promised." Amaya muttered as she swung up onto her horse. The next few hours were pretty quiet, just full of riding until about noon. As the town came into view, Amaya slowed her horse, already concerned. "Something is wrong...I sense far more than I ever expected..." She murmured as the horse now came to a stop.

"Because my dear, regular Deathwalkers can be easily swayed by their far more powerful and intelligent, Fallen counterparts." Rikiya told Kai with a grin. "I gathered them, told them they'd have an easy target to pick off. The guard are not the only ones interested in testing her limits." He murmured, motioning for the woman to follow.
"RPC" *Roleplay Central*

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