We'll use my cousin as an example of why them supporting Trump is beyond stupid.

Point 1: Trump told a woman she was disgusting for wanting to stop during a trial to pump milk for her baby.

Why this is an issue: My cousin breastfeeds. Now me personally I find it offensive when someone tells me that something that is natural that nourishes my child is disgusting.

Point 2: All his racist comments

Why this is an issue: Okay YOU might be a white woman married to a white man with white children but guess what? Your sister's husband is half Korean. My husband is half Korean. Basically you're saying you don't care that Trump doesn't like minorities.

Point 3: He made fun of physically disabled people

Why this is an issue: Your SISTER is mentally disabled. He made fun of physically (by acting mentally handicapped). WHY DO YOU THINK THIS IS OKAY.

Play the whole thing with banning all Muslims. No. You want to ban Middle Easterners. Islam isn't a race, it's a religion. Muslims can be any race or ethnicity.

AND GUESS WHAT ELSE?! Jesus was Middle Eastern. You'd be racially profiling him.

Usually I don't care for politics but Trump sends me into a rage.