Shallow Carnage
Shallow Carnage
Shallow Carnage
How dare you Kinkshame him! heart
And I dunno about my face but when I get one of those really juicy grapes in my mouth and sink my teeth into it and it just explodes shooting its delicious innards all over my taste buds is like one of my favorite feelings in life.. Kinda like what we all imagined fruit gushers should have been like as kids.
how dare you kinkshame my kinkshaming
Im... im not sure where we go from here?.. The Kinkshame can only go so far!? Do we feed delicious fruit to each other in the hopes that one of us will have it explode all over our face.
you fool, kinkshaming is my kink!!
butt b-butt... burning
Wow that's some kink you got there bro. cool xd rofl