You've really been blessed with the opportunities for great photos, a good camera, and a steady hand. While all of these are lovely, I'd like to see something more challenging. I think the flower shows the most talent and the best eye for photography, and you could probably do something even cooler.
Try really searching for interesting things to photograph that give you a well-constructed end result. I'm talking about composition of the piece, not just content. The challenge for photographers is solely in the composition. Painters and the like can get by with ok composition and interesting techniques. Since you're capturing only what is truly seen, you'll need to work much harder than a painter to get a beautiful
and interesting picture.
You can also try extreme closeups of an item that give the illusion that it is something else. It's hard to explain.
This, for instance, is a leaf (of course), but you almost lose the sense of the leaf (when you fullview it) because you're looking so closely.
I hope that helps. Your pictures thus far are lovely, so keep it up!