Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:15 pm
((Good job))
"Trust me, I could still be just as scary if I were a normal person. I'd probably be ten times as strict too." Amaya told him, rolling her eyes as they approached the apartment.
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:30 pm
"So you want to have powers so you can be scary too, is that it?" Adrian asked as they walked inside.
"Yeah! And so those jerks at school will leave me alone already!" Riley said as he kicked off his shoes and rushed off to his room.
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:32 pm
"Riley. Hold on a sec." Amaya called, motioning with her finger for him to come back and sit on the couch. Him wanting to have powers was one thing. Him wanting to have powers to scare people was another thing.
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:37 pm
"Awww...." Riley groaned as he slumped back out and plopped down on the couch.
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:41 pm
"Riley, if you do have powers...it's one thing to have them and use them because you're actually in trouble, or use them with permission like Cali's doing. But you can't use your powers to scare people. That can get you in a lot of trouble." Amaya told him. "I may come off as scary, but I don't try to actually use my powers to scare you or anyone, and neither does your father. We don't want people to be afraid of us because of what we look like or what we can do. Do you understand?"
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:46 pm
"I can't even use 'em on the jerks at school? I just want 'em to stop making fun of me." Riley mumbled as he stared down at his feet. "If they see I've got powers, then they might actually leave me alone."
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:55 pm
"No. Because that will get you in a lot of trouble. I know you want them to stop, but if you get powers and use them on the people who have been making fun of you, other people aren't going to see it as you just trying to make them stop. They'll see it as you lashing out at 'normal' kids. And a lot of people will not like that." Amaya told him, sighing lightly.
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:01 pm
"So if I don't have 'em they'll laugh at me but if I do have 'em they'll freak out and I'll get in trouble? That's not fair!" Riley whined. "It sounds like I can't win no matter how I am!"
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:06 pm
"That's part of having powers, Riley. I before I got caught, I got chased people all the time who wanted to hurt me just because I had powers. And they did. I got beat up a lot just for being different. It's something you have to learn to live with." She told him with a frown.
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:22 pm
"We're not trying to put you off of the idea of having powers, or some other mutation like me, but we want you to understand that it's not as great as you think." Adrian said sitting on the other side of Riley. "When these things grew in," he said pointing to the horns on his head. "I lost just about everyone close to me. Friends, family, I was borderline disowned because they couldn't accept me.They couldn't believe I wanted to stay like this after I got back from the arena. Pretty sure they still don't. So yeah, having powers and the like is awesome and all, but a lot of normal people are gonna give you the stink eye because of it. Even more so if you get a more physical mutation like me, which really really hurt when they grow in. It's great that you want to be mutates like us, but it's okay if you're normal too. You'll get to grow up in a way that we never had the chance to, and we'll still love you just us much. I want you to understand that a mutation isn't all it's cracked up to be."
Riley kept staring at his feet the entire time. He had always glorified the thought of having powers and now that idea was crumbling away with every word from his parents. He wasn't sure anymore if he wanted them or not, but he still didn't want to turn out to be the only normal one in the family. Without another word, he just got up and walked back to his room.
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:48 pm
((Enter the video game/comic nerd. First off, Scott Pilgrim is amazing, and you both need to watch/read it. Also, join in Scott Pilgrim day, occuring on Scott's birthday, where you celebrate by watching the movie, reading all six graphic novels, playing the game, and listening to the CD. If you want to know Scott's birthday, read book #4. Also, Deadpool, though hilarious, is most definitly not meant for kids. His superpower is basically the ability to break the 4th wall (and heal) and as a side note due to the comment you did make, I'm fairly certain he is a part of the X-Men universe.))
The zoo was packed. People everywhere, for it was a Saturday, and a nice day at that. Heading to security, Roran gave his information, and he and his dogs were allowed in. Security did know him, after all. Being taken to the building in which the animals are kept when not outside, the rhino in qestion was laying in a corner. "Oi, what's wrong?" Roran asked.
Walking up to the keeper, who was in the staff lounge, Roran gave her instructions, "Your rhino isn't eating because he is sick of his diet. You need to find something else for him to eat." The woman then questioned him as to how he knew, so he responded bluntly, "I gave him food and he ate it. Simple as that." Heading for the exit, he stopped at the door and turned around, "Also, my agent will be sending you the bill. Have a nice day."
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:31 am
((I BLAME ZELLY! *Throws Zelly under the X-men bus.* And as for Scott Pilgrim, odd how much this has come up recently, I had no desire to see it what so ever. I have an ex who absolutely adores Scott Pilgrim and this ex crushed my heart, stomped on it, kicked it in the gutter, and then started dating my best friend to top it all off. So anything that reminds me of him, I have no interest in knowing about. So right now Scott Pilgrim is definitely off the list.))
She listened to Adrian tell Riley how it really was in silence. When Riley just left without a word, she sighed, laying her head on Adrian's shoulder. "Well that went well." She muttered sarcastically.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:54 am
((I told you I was clueless, don't blame me! gonk ))
Adrian sighed and rested his head back on the back of the couch. "I can't decide if trying to talk to him about sex would have gone better or worse."
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:41 am
"Probably a whole lot better. He would have just been grossed out and moved on with his day." She muttered, her head still on his shoulder as she sat there.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:42 am
"Well, better call the doctor. I think at this point he's going to want to know whether he wants to have powers or not." Adrian said as he moved to get up.