Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 12:23 pm
Have you ever been pranked via hidden camera?No.Do you like teas? My nickname - Kissa - means "Tea Drinking" in Japanese. What do you think?Are you any good at sketching? Sketching what?Do you gain a few pounds during the winter? No. My weight stays pretty much the same year round.Do you know any of those people who are depressed during the winter? If I do, they haven't brought up the subject to me.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 12:25 pm
What do you use to make your hair soft? It just is...Is hair gel a turn off on guys? Not really my thing. Especially if they use a whole lot of it.Do you think cursing makes people sound unintelligent? Hmm... depends on how they using it.What’s something you can cook extremely well? I'm sure there's quite a few things I can do well with.Do you obsess over your appearance? Not really.https://hughxjackman.tumblr.com/page/796https://itakesurveys.tumblr.com/page/4
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:12 pm
Today's lunch option was actually worthy - fried chicken with mashed potatoes and carrots. Yummy!
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:17 pm
exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim
If you are reading this post, give me two celebrities and I'll tell you which one I find more attractive.
exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim exclaim
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:19 pm
Ugh... I'm already bored with that survey blog. So, I'm gonna stop going through their posts.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:21 pm
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:26 pm
• What Hogwarts house are you?Ravenclaw• Favorite Doctor? Favorite companion?Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and River Song are my favorites.• ‘67 Impala or Batmobile?Impala, for sure!• Favorite Avenger?When I first entered the MCU, it was Iron Man. Doctor Strange has since taken the top spot as favorite.• Snape: misunderstood hero or snarky bad guy, even with his “redemption” scene?I've always seen him as a hero of sorts.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:30 pm
• Star Wars or Star Trek?Star Trek• Which District are you from? Where would you be in the Hunger Games–first to die, middle, or victor?District 7 - Timber. If I was one of the tributes... realistically, I would probably be in the middle. I'm clever enough to avoid the initial fighting but once the numbers narrowed down, there probably would be other contestants who would be more equipped to take the lead over me.• Are you Sam, Dean, or Castiel?Castiel, for sure.• Are you Merlin or Arthur?I only watched maybe a season or so of the show. I do plan on giving it another chance. So, I can't say for sure which one I'm more like until then.• Are you Sherlock or John?Sherlock.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:40 pm
• Are you Kirk, Spock, or Bones?Spock.• Which Fellowship of the Ring member are you?Galadriel.
Haha. But, in more serious response, I would have to say Legolas.• Which member of the Galactic Rebellion are you?Hmm... not sure. Maybe R2D2. Willing to offer my assistance when needed... but not exactly someone who is always on the frontlines of the fight.• Nazgul or Dementors?Dementors, I guess.• Favorite Martin Freeman role: John Watson, Bilbo Baggins, or Arthur Dent?John, for sure.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:49 pm
• Favorite Harrison Ford role?Han Solo or Indiana Jones, I guess.• Favorite Benedict Cumberbatch role?He's had so many great roles but Sherlock and Doctor Strange are at the top of my list.• Favorite thing you’ve ever heard Benedict Cumberbatch called (e.g. Benadryl Cumbermuffin)?I don't remember the beginning part of his name but the last part was "Cucumberpatch."• Did you like the ending to Merlin? Do you want a movie?I haven't watched the full series, so I don't know.• The Force Awakens, Rogue One, Fantastic Beasts, and Cursed Child: should they really have been canon?I thought the new Star Wars films were great additions. There were a few aspects I wasn't certain about at first but after thinking them over, I was pretty content. Maybe I don't have as much of a negative view of them because I'm not into the series as much as others are.
I love the Fantastic Beasts series. Enough said.
Cursed Child... As a fan of the universe, I was happy for more content written by the author herself. However, there's a part of me that feels like it was just a cop-out that J.K. Rowling did because so many fans have wanted more Potter content. I think there was a lot of aspects of the story that seemed to conflict with what we had come to know in the original series... or seemed a bit too far-fetched. *shrugs* It's good... just... I don't know. Somewhere in the middle. Not quite canon but sort of is.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:06 pm
• Rose Tyler: awesome or annoying?Of the modern era companions, I place at the bottom. She's neat in some episodes but I never really connected well with her like I do with others. I think I liked her "Bad Wolf" persona more than Rose herself.• Zachary Quinto or Leonard Nimoy? What about that crying!Spock–right or wrong?They both have their own perfect qualities for the role. Same with Ethan Peek with his role of Spock in Star Trek: Discovery. Spock's my favorite character from the Original Series era, so I love all of the versions, lol.
Crying Spock? I'm afraid I don't know what you are specifically referring to. But you should remember Spock isn't pure Vulcan. He's only part Vulcan. The other half is Human. So, emotions are more likely to happen with him than your typical Vulcan. He's just been raised with the Vulcan mentality on keeping emotions in check.• Favorite alien species from Doctor Who?The tree people are pretty cool. Otherwise, probably the Weeping Angels or Silence.• Favorite alien species from Star Wars?Whatever species Yoda and "Baby Yoda" are.• Favorite alien species from Star Trek?Vulcans.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:15 pm
• Favorite alien species overall?Gallifreyan - Time Lord.
I probably could've listed them for the favorite Doctor Who alien species but I was trying to list something besides them, lol.• Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, or Men?I've always been drawn to elves the most, Middle Earth or otherwise.• Scariest villain: Sauron, Voldemort, or Darth Vader?Probably Voldemort. Vader and Sauron just let their emotions or desire for power overwhelm them. Voldie at least has thought through all of his motives.• Who’s worse: Metatron or Umbridge?Umbridge.• Most misunderstood villain: Lucifer, Morgana, or the Master?Which Lucifer are we talking about? The one on Supernatural or the one on the show of the same name?
Again, I haven't watched much of the show Merlin to have the ability to properly answer any questions regarding it or its characters.
Yeah, I suppose you could say that, if you don't know how they became the way they are.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:27 pm
• Can you say Raxacoricofallapatorius? Can you spell it?It might take me awhile to say it outloud a few times before I get the pronounciation right. Well, with it written right there, I can spell it out, lol. But if you told me the word without being able to see the word visually... hmm... probably not.• Favorite nerdy quote?"Live long and prosper."• Who would win in a fight: the Winchesters or Buffy?Winchesters, for sure. They have been living their whole lives as hunters of the supernatural. And they've encountered a whole lot more of supernatural beings than Buffy ever did. Buffy has only been doing it for a few years in high school and wasn't always fully committed to her role. So, sorry, Buffy, but the Winchesters win.• Would you rather go to Hogwarts or Narnia?Hogwarts.• TARDIS, Enterprise, or Millennium Falcon?TARDIS.
My favorite Star Trek ship is Voyager. And nothing against the Falcon; it may be a cool ship but the blue box is more interesting to me.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:31 pm
• Obi-Wan Kenobi, Gandalf, or Dumbledore?Hmm... they're all pretty cool... but I have to go with Gandalf.• Which set of Narnia characters is your favorite (Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy; Jill and Eustace; Polly and Digory)?Um... besides the main four kids, I don't even remember the others. So... I don't know.• Puddleglum or JarJar Binks?I had to look up who Puddleglum was because I didn't recognize the name. And I don't even remember the character now that I know where he comes from.• C-3PO, R2-D2 or BB-8?BB-8 or R2D2.
C-3PO is too much of a worry wart that he would eventually get on my nerves.• Steven Moffat: villain or creative genius (or both)?Creative genius, for sure! I know that if I see his name attached to a production, it's bound to be good.
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:33 pm
• Vampires or werewolves?I think I typically find myself aligning with the vampires in most franchises with the vampire vs. werewolves scenario. Not to say, there weren't a couple werewolf characters I was found of. Like Alcide from True Blood.• Pirates or ninjas?Pirates.• Do you carry salt with you?No.• Do you read or write fanfiction?I used to read some fanfiction when I was younger. I don't do that as much now a days.• Do you role play?I cosplay and play D&D once awhile. That's as close as I've gotten lately.