Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:04 pm
 The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn nuzzled her leg, looking up at Ashriel. "I know." He whispered softly. "I do trust you. More than you'll ever know. I stayed didn't I? I trust that you'll never expose me. You're the first human I've ever shown myself to." He seemed to sigh and was quiet for a moment. "Please. I do trust you. But you have to realize how hard this is for me. No one but my mother and brothers know about this day. And they only know because they were there when I was born. I've never shown a Were this, never mind a human." He nuzzled her marked hand. "But you're my mate. You deserve to know."  The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:13 am
Ashriel nodded, understanding. Her eyes looked at him softly. "I understand...I understand it is hard. I won't tell anyone, I swear." It wasn't like it was a stretch for her to have another secret. She hadn't told Jennalin or Lucian about having seen...her parents with a baby, but she knew, somehow, that it was theirs. Her eyes looked at Raevyn again, and she smiled softly. "And...you deserve to know that I will never tell anyone anything you don't want them to know." She told him quietly, her glow going back down.
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:32 pm
 The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn's eyes seemed to glow with affection for her. He nuzzled Ashriel's leg, lying contentedly with his head in her lap. He ignored his occasional shifting, simply relaxing with her. "Thank you. I'm sorry that came out the wrong way. Sometimes I just say things without realizing how they sound. I NEVER mean to offend you." He told her reassuringly.  The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:49 pm
Ashriel pet Raevyn's head quietly, nodding as he spoke. She was slowly dozing off, and her glow was down to just a shimmer. The shimmer stayed there, as if hinting that that hadn't been the only thing bothering her. It stayed as she fell completely to sleep, her hand resting on Raevyn's head as she collasped against the arm of the couch.
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:58 am
 The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn's eyes closed, relaxing under the petting. When she fell asleep, he opened his eyes lazily to look at her. He frowned slightly, noting the shimmer of her aura. He made a mental note to ask her about that later, not wanting to wake her up only to upset her. He sighed, wishing her could take her to bed to sleep properly, but he knew it was impossible. So he settled for working and adjusting her until Ashriel was laid out on the couch rather than leaning against the side. He himself lay on the floor, as comfortable as he could get.  The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:13 pm
Ashriel wound up curling up as Raevyn laid her out on the couch, seemingly trying to protect herself. She was quiet in her sleep; it was several hours before she even stirred. When she did, she got up quietly, sneaking into the bathroom. The door shut as silently as she could manage, and she locked it. Her eyes stared in the mirror as she thought about everything that had happened that day.
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:42 pm
 The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn lay stretched on the floor, looking like he was asleep despite the shifting. As Ashriel locked herself in the bathroom though, he opened his eyes. He lifted his head, watching the door steadily. He cocked his head to the side, ears pricked as he listened carefully. She didn't usually lock the bathroom like that unless she was upset, so he paid careful attention to her right now.  The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:57 pm
Ashriel smacked the mirror once with her palm before she walked over and started the bathtub. She stared at the water silently, wondering about what she'd done wrong. As the tub filled up, she stood and undressed, glancing to the door now and again to make sure Raevyn wasn't trying to unlock it.
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:48 pm
 The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn's ears twitched at the sound of Ashriel smacking the mirror. He was starting to get a little worried. "Ashriel?" He called, worry coloring his tone. "Are you alright? What happened?"  The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:01 am
Ashriel frowned as she heard Raevyn. She knew she was worrying him, but this wasn't much of something she was open to sharing, not even to him. So, when her mouth opened to answer, a lie slipped out fluidly. "Yeah, I'm alright; nothing happened." What she was actually thinking was: 'No, I'm not alright. My parents had another kid that they actually care about. What are the odds that they'd do the same thing to them?' She got into the tub, just laying down in the water.
Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:16 pm
 The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn growled quietly. She was lying. Again. He sighed, his growled dying off as he put his head down. "Alright." He whispered, trying to hide the pain in his voice. He watched the bathroom door with hurt amber eyes. He knew she was lying and that something was wrong. But still she pretended nothing was wrong and refused to talk to him.  The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:04 am
Ashriel heard the pain in his voice, her stomach churning in guilt. She immediately got back out of the tub; she couldn't relax knowing her felt bad. "Are...are you okay, Rae?" She asked softly to the door, and she pulled the plug out of the tub. Her hand grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself while her eyes stared at her hand again. In her mind, she was thinking that he was the only one who would ever treat her like she was family; she was always forgetting how many times Jen and Luke had taken her in when they were little and she was running away from her parents.
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:30 am
 The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn didn't answer the question, instead telling her quietly, "I didn't mean to upset you. Go back to your bath." He turned away from the door, curling up as best he could.  The tiger that should be....isn't....
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:17 am
Ashriel unlocked the bathroom door, opening it suddenly to look at Raevyn. She leaned against the doorway, not bothering to dress. "I asked a question; I'd like for it to be answered." She said stubbornly, pouting. "Did...did I do something wrong?" Her voice was questioning again, insisting to be answered. She felt a bit bad about lying to him before, but she...she just didn't know how she could tell him about her family.
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:51 pm
 The tiger that shouldn't be....is.... Raevyn flicked an ear back as he heard the door open. He didn't turn to look though. "I'm fine. Go enjoy your bath." He said shortly.  The tiger that should be....isn't....