Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:03 pm
TubaGirl091 I HATE ALGEBRA II. I failed it so now I have to take summer school and it's TORTURE. I have to do 300 really hard problems in a week! crying Dx That sucks. And here I thought polynomials were hard. I'd better not go for that School Of Science And Math if I know what's good for me, then. But if my cousin can do it, so can I (I hope). Anyway... I. HATE. SLASH. PAIRINGS. ESPECIALLY ZimxDib. You can practically hear me retching right now, can't you?
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:08 pm
I hate snow. It's cold and wet. I hate being cold.
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:00 pm
I hate being cold....It's not fun at all and the only way I ever DON'T MIND being cold is when I happen to have my human space heater around me, then it's perfectly fine for me to be cold. lol heart
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:16 pm
ChaoticCatDemon I hate people who tease/make fun of/ insult people with disabilities, especially if it's in front of me. WHY: Both of my brothers are autistic, and it's not only insulting to my family, but it's just plain sad that there are some people out there who have to insult someone with an disability of any form just to make themselves feel better, like a 1st or 2nd grader.. And these people are in high school, getting ready for collage.. You would think that they would mature by now or they're parents would have taught them from right and form wrong... I couldn't say anything truer. My best friend's brother is autistic, but it's nothing to make fun of. He's really smart and everything. I hate it when people do that too. Personally, I hate it when you get water in your ear and wax blocks it. Becuase then, the water can't come out even if you use alcohol, and you have to have the wax gotten rid of before the water can be dealt with, which can give you an ear infection.
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:14 am
I hate quarrels and fights. I hate how mankind hardly gets along with eachother and inflicts physical and mental scars upon eachother. I hate how ******** up the world basically is. I hate to lie in bed and hear all the quarrels to fear unlocking my door.
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:23 pm
I hate two-faced hypocritical people who talk about people behind their back.
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:04 am
I hate not being able to get more songs for DDR because it is so freaking difficult to do so!
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:23 am
I hate annoying, bratty little kids. And there are a lot of them.
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:01 am
i hate my brother and 2 sisters.......... y bc their annoyin,mean,rude,and spoiled brats.. and their all older then me so they expect for me to do everythin for them.. scream
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:24 am
i hate people who pretend 2 have a disability 2 get wat they want! Its very insulting 2 be people who actually have a disability (i know i have a disability myself).People should be thankful that they dont have a disability(if they dont) and leave people with disabilities alone! scream
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:47 am
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:17 pm
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:12 pm
I hate bullies. THat's how we get school shootings and suicides.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:23 am
I hate that there are things in the world that provoke hatred.
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:03 pm