Devastun Jarrous
There is no meaning of life. Life only occurs because of a series of fortuitous accidents that allowed molecules to arrange themselves into highly organized clusters of cells that form individual creatures. Essentially, we are nothing more than protons and neutrons, and whatever it is they are made of. There is no particular reason, or higher purpose, for which we exist. We just are until we die and our molecules break apart to reform into something else.

Or, at least, that's what I like to think.

As bleak as it seems, this is 100% correct. Why? Because everything else in the natural world lives and dies by this structure of "being" and we're no exclusion. The marginal difference separating humans is that we can form all kinds individual thoughts and from these chance thoughts stem a whole host of philosophies, beliefs, creeds, "meanings" and what have you. We are alive today because the mammalian kingdom and primate family are highly adaptive and opportunistic carrying our evolution thus far, we ourselves are in line to carry the primates through existence. I'm not trying to bash any strict beliefs or stands but this is the pure truth of organisms and essentially, life itself. I'm just saying that this is extremely evident in all of nature and we are a finite part of nature, but if you look at yourself as "above" the natural order, you won't fully develop your mind to think freely. I urge you to consider the natural world when considering yourself, things will become clearer.

"Alas!, this is it!, what i've been looking for all this time!, it's so scientific, so groundless, so completely impossible it must be true!
And since this is without a doubt "100% correct" who am i to question?
The Human Race: an Accident. there is no meaning to life.
And seeing as America was the result of Over-population of a race that shouldn't have existed in the first place, it's our job, Nay!, our duty as Americans to give back to Mother Earth in her time of need!, i invite you, join me, take that Weaponry you know our tax dollars have been paying for, put the gun to your head and pull the trigger! or, to save precious "fire-power", we could always just choke ourselves on our Opinions, Stupidity, and DIS-proven theories!
Give meaning to your meaningless lives!, Join me, together we'll stop Global Warming!."

is what i would like to say, but seeing as this IS in fact a dis-proven theory, i am forced to tell you...."This is a Dis-proven theory..."
But nice input!, it certainly IS something to think about.