Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:35 pm
Remy nodded with understanding and stood back. Keeping quiet as Jake cut himself with the knife. Waiting for what would happen next. He could've just gone and found a mirror. Remy thought to himself with a sigh.
((Funny thing that just happened, I made a typo while typing "Himself" so I did the spell check and the only other word that came up was "Fetishism" xd ))
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:35 pm
( Btw, monster info has been updated on the front page. new addition: Most vampire lore is crap )
Jack looked at Kari for a while, studying her movements. "No wonder they let us go...their confident she's going to take us out when she's done changing." he said, pressing a his hand to the cut.
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:42 pm
"Aw crap, c'mon man, I like her. Please for the love of Kentucky Fried Chicken tell me we don't have to waste Kari." Remy said with a sigh, wondering if they were going to be able to reverse this.
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:49 pm
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:59 pm
Jack ran out the door, but stopped short due to the blood on his arm. he watched the girl from the distance. "You should come back inside...better with those that know whats going on, then if you run into some poor unforutnate hobo."
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:02 pm
"Yeah, come on man. Please? We'll switch to candles." Remy offered. Hoping Kari would come back inside and help them out, as horrible as it sounded to him, she could help them figure out how to fight those vampire a-holes.
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:13 pm
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:17 pm
Please? Besides if you stay out in the woods when the sun comes up, there's no guarantee you'll make it to tomorrow night." Remy said, not wanting to lose a friend and potential girlfriend candidate. (The only other being Lily.)
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:17 pm
Lily shook her head at what was going on. It was a wonder in itself that they hadn't already died. The calm girl took a moment to access things, moved to the first aid kit, and took out a bandage big enough to cover Jack's wound. She didn't ask his permission as she wound the gauze around the boy's arm. "I think it will be a lot more comfortable to her without blood oozing everywhere, yes?" She finished wrapping the cut and grimaced at the bloody silver knife in his hand, finally deciding to take it from him by the handle with her hand full of gauze. She walked away to toss the blasted thing in the sink, removing all traces of blood and then leaving it there for good measure.
Lily reached the door and looked at her friend like the two boys next to her did. "Honestly, Kari, you're more useful inside where we can keep an eye on you AND you can keep searching for a way to kill vampires with us. And find a cure, of course."
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:32 pm
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:36 pm
"Well so far all we've figured out is that most vampire lore is as usefull as cheap knock off's at a grocery store." Jack said, looking down at his bandaged arm. He would have to thank Lilly for that later. "So, there may very well be a cure. And if there isn't....well..." He couldn't really come to say it...it wasn't a pleasent alternative, but required her to stay close.
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:41 pm
"Besides, we can't do this without you providing decent distractions." Remy said cheerily.
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:43 pm
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:32 pm
(And now on with the show~)
"Well, now that everything's settled..." Lily seemed to ignore the talk about killing Kari, under any circumstance. She took her place back on the couch, picking up the book that had come from the other bookshelf, and hesitated before checking the index. Six pages on vampires, pages ninety to ninety-five... She flipped through the book and scanned the pages listed, raising an eyebrow at the small eccentric writing on the margins of the book. Obviously the hunter had decided to write his own dictation of killing a vampire, just not in his journal, where it really belonged. Fool.
"Not to sound arrogant, but I'm amazing and lucky." She narrowed her eyes, reading the inky print. "Removal of the head after the injection of a dead mans blood with deter further maelstrom and mayhem..." She wrinkled her nose. "Dead mans blood? Am I even reading this right?" She held up the book between two fingers, looking at Jack to remove it from her possession. "You can read the journal. Read this dead goof's chicken scrawl."
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:58 pm
Jack went to grab the book from Lilly, looking down at the writing. "Finally..something that is worth using." he said, sitting down and going over the text. "...so we have to cut some vampire heads...that should be fun." He flipped over a few pages, "And here's the ingredients for a vampire cure....only works if Kari doens't drink any blood."