In Some Random 'Abandoned' Building...
"...Hello?" The only sound that emanated from the old phone was a crackling static noise. Not even breathing could be heard. The tall male holding the phone frowned and tightened his grip. He ran a hand through his short, red hair.
"Hey! HELL-O?!" "Bull, shut it!" Another male, this one with blue-black hair and obviously the less muscular of the two hissed from across the room. His position in his armchair -laying out to use as much space as possible- conveyed a very different tone than the one his voice carried.
"Kitty's right, you don't talk to the Boss like that~" A girl in green giggled from the corner, her orange beanie and hair almost managing to hide her crazed green eyes.
The dark-haired one, 'Kitty', sighed in exasperation.
"Rei, how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?" Rei giggled again and leaned against the wall.
"Oh shut it kitty," she said with a smile. Katsu - the one Rei kept referring to as 'Kitty', shifted, shooting her an angry glare.
"Your lucky I-""Would you two be QUIET?! GOD, I can't think with your jabbering!" Rei giggled yet again -it got on the nerves after a while-
"I didn't know you thought at all, Bull." "WHY YOU-""Please, do try to keep from killing each other." The room fell silent as a voice came from the phone in Bull's hand. They could all hear it.
"I have something for you all to do." Rei perked up.
"What's up, Boss? What do we get to do?" Bull shot her a glare for speaking up in the middle of their Boss' address. Katsu simply stared with a stoic face at the ceiling.
"I need you to go shake up someone...a pair of someones, actually.""Who, Boss?" Rei spoke for all of them, as the three people in the room seemed to lean forward. You could practically feel the electricity in the air.
"Tell me, have you ever heard...of the Ranch family?"Time seemed to freeze in the room. Ranch. Zaias Ranch. Of course they all knew him. There was no way to forget someone like him. The enforcer... someone who had of late been showing up less and less. Someone who used to be the cruelest of them all.
That Ranch? Who were these 'someones'? That couldn't be his parents, could it?
Time moved slowly until someone asked the burning question.
"I'm sorry sir, but...not Ranch as in Zaias Ranch?..." The room went back to being as quiet as before as his words sank in.
"Dang. I didn't even now Zaias had parents."A long pause came from the other end.
"Yes. There have been quite a few...disappointments concerning the parents. Adoptive, interestingly enough. I've a certain assignment I left to them that remains to yield results. Please...take care of them for me."As the line went dead and the phone static returned, the three in the room shared a look, each individual having their own emotion: excitement, distaste...even despair. Yet they all shared one thing: surprise.
But it mattered not who the target was. They were a part of something bigger than just themselves. And they had a job to do.