Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:34 pm
Tori nodded, remembering. She was really tough. Like nails, and rocks, and other hard-to-break stuff. She would get out fine. When he heard 30 more push-ups, he had to stop himself from groaning. Fang was doing this with him. He wouldn't complain. It was only a little hard for him, but he didn't like being this close to the ground. It reminded him of his father's room. And the work-outs. And the beatings after the work-outs. he sighed. Oh well. Suck it up Tori, it's only for a little while. He had to keep telling himself that as Teacher put on more weight, adding some to Fang's back as well.
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:45 pm
Fang continued, silently accepting the new weight, and thought of when she'd thrown Tori onto her back, while running from the guards. This was nothing. Her fingers touched the weight and she continued, breathing deeply as she did more. In a moment or two she was close to done, purposely staying slow to keep pace with Tori, looking to him from the corner of her eye.
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:52 pm
Tori had broken a very small sweat. He cursed himself. It reminded him of how weak he really was. He thought of Fang. Well, he would just have to change that, now wouldn't he? 'For a girl, your guard no less?' asked Gestrian in his head, 'Kind of weak, grandson. However, I respect the sentiment. Nice thinking, anyway.' He finished up, Standing and stretching. The weights fell to the ground, and he smiled. He liked the sound. "I'm sorry Teacher, but we really need to go. Is that ok?"
Seiries rolled his eyes. "Just this once Lad, jut this once." He laughed as Tori practically ran to the door shouting thank yous at him.
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:57 pm
Fang finished when he did, and held her weights with the hand that had been behind her back, as she stood, setting them on the ground, "That's my que. See y'all." she waved once, before talking her falcon form and going after Tori, "I've got to pack some...will you be alright while I go back to my home?"
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:13 pm
Tori smiled, nodding. Of course she would need to go home and pack. They were going on a long trip. "Make sure to get warm stuff," he said, almost like a housewife to her husband. Of course, Tori didn't know he sounded like that. He was racing to his room, hoping he could grab some of his really warm coats and maybe some snacks. When he got to his room, he found Uncle Sebastion in there, packing things for him. "Thanks Uncle!" he said with a sigh, "I would have fallen behind, I just know it!"
Sebastion smiled as Tori came busting in. "No problem Squirt, no problem."
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:24 pm
It was a similar story with Fang and Meiyu...only difference, so took one look at the things he packed for her, ushered him out, and had to start all over. With a large sigh, she started piling in the clothes SHE wanted, along with a few sweaters and pulled on a jean jacket and gave herself wings...then found the problem, taking off the jacket to grab a more ragged one she didn't mind cutting holes in the back of, before putting it back on, before headed back to The castle with Meiyu. Meiyu with a suitcase and a bag over his shoulder, and Fang with just a backpack.
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:30 pm
Tori and Sebastion were at the door waiting for them, carriage waiting and all. "Welcome back!" he said, wearing a light long-sleeved shirt and a pair of maroon pants, "Ready to go? Or do you want dinner first? We're going to be traveling all night from what Uncle says."
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:37 pm
"I'm good," Fang opened the first pouch of her bag, which was stuffed to the brim with junk-food. She cracked a smirk and got in the carriage. Now she sported a long-sleeved, semi-tight black shirt and a pair of skinny jeans with clung to her long thin legs like a second skin, half covered by her favorite pleather cargo boots, and the jacket described earlier. She stuck her head out, "Who else is ready to go?" she popped a candy bar to stick 3/4ths of the way out of her mouth.
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:51 pm
Tori looked in her pouch, seeing all of the food. He had gotten stuff too, like gummy sharks and licorice, but no chocolate. He wasn't allowed to have any. However, he haad already stuffed is face while waiting, so he was good. "All of us," he said with a smile, stretching his wings and wincing. He cursed himself. He needed to stop doing that. He climbed into the carriage after Uncle, smiling. This was going to be fun!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:58 pm
Fang took her spot in the corner, backpack by her feet and curled up happily. Meiyu climbed in after Tori and and asked, "So how long will this trip take, anyway?"
((What's the seating arraingements, facing eachother?))
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:03 pm
((Tori and Sebastion are sitting next to eachother, facing Meiyu and Fang.)) Tori had to think for a second. "Well, You two wanted to find that weird animal thing," he said with a pensive look, "But the ride takes two days. Uncle wanted to be there for two weeks, but it's up to you."
"That's right," said Sebastion, smiling at his friend. Oh how wonderful it would be to find that beast!
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:18 pm
Meiyu opened his suitcase to reveal a bunch of his equipment, "I'm completely ready to find the creature." he closed up the suitcase again, putting it on the floor. Fang nibbled on her candy bar like a cute over-sized squirrel, and swallowed, saying, "Two days? Any pit stops?'
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:29 pm
Tori nodded, smiling at how she was eating. She was so cute!!! "One in a town called Mansten, and another in a town by our destination called Chestor. We're going to be staying with some distant relatives." Tori gave a grimace. There were some "cousins" he was going to see that he didn't like. Not one bit. They were...different.
Sebastion smiled, nodding at Tori. "The Le Sentire and Re Falkin Families. You may know one of them Fang, they're legendary for getting rid of the class system in their town."
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:33 pm
"Ooo, I can't wait!" Fang clapped once, tucking the candy wrapper back in her bag. "Hey, Tori, why do you not look...enthused?" She quirked her head to the side, shifting in her seat.
"Oh, that's quite interesting. Do I sense a story?" Meiyu leant forward excitedly.
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:44 pm
Tori glared at the floor of the coach. "Cousins. I hate my cousins," he said, almost growling. He hated his extended family almost as mush as he hated his father. "Especially the legendary one."
Sebastion nodded to Meiyu, completely ignoring what Tori had said. "Kujaku Re Falkin," he said with a flair of his hand, "He's very compassionate. Loving. But above all, he's spoiled rotten and very vain." With a sigh, he remembered his nephew. Not much older than Tori, but very jaded. "He saw what was happening to and errand boy one day and cracked. He said that he didn't want anyone to suffer like that. So those royals live in a big house and help make rules, but they aren't supreme leaders like in our City. You can also work up, if you work hard enough, and you can be rich. Not much like our city, huh?" he said with a smile. Sebastion liked that town. It was very peaceful.