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Digimon: Tamer Island Guild

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#1 Digimon Guild where you can actually be a Tamer with your very own Digimon. 

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:04 pm
I am glad that I entered, even if it was pointless, it makes me feel better about being given a digimon.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:55 am
Okay my RP is done, though I´ll be fixing spelling mistakes now and then if I find them.
And wow, Draco_Lord, how could you make something that pretty in MS paint? eek

Story: Sugar kitty
Made by Pummel_musss

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"If you had a million bits, what would you do with the money?"
That was the last question, the final question, the one that would determine whether Kit would be the winner of the pageant or not. It was weird to imagine that only one and a half hour earlier she and the other digimons had been watching this show from the seats that were now in front of her, she had been part of the crowd that was watching her with prying eyes and judging silence, only one and a half hour ago…

.:One and a half hour ago:.

The audience was alive, clapping and cheering as each of the contestants entered the stage and showed of their inner beauty, some of them showed how they could be fun even though the looked absolutely gruesome, others showed the onlookers how they could be caring and gentle despite of their fearsome exterior..
Kaya was not unfamiliar with any of it, having several scary, monstrous digimons herself. She thought of them as she sat next to their rookie forms in the crowded building that smelt like popcorn and expensive perfume. Kaya was the proud owner of a Raremon, her Piedmon´s champion form, and even though the slime like beast smelled like rotten eggs and was poisonous to the touch he had the soul of a puppy, always happy and always begging people or digimons around him with those giant eyes for a scrap of food or a game of fetch-the-stick, he was truly an adorable partner even though Piedmon refused to change into that form most of the time, claiming that his IQ dropped to minus -4 whenever he did it, something both Patamon and Elecmon knew only too well, Angemon and Myotismon´s mega forms where Virus Cherubimon and Venommyotismon, both creatures that looked like something from a small child´s darkest nightmares, and yes, they were dangerous as well and lacked the ability to communicate due to their animalistic mindset but anyone who had just once seen the two of them cuddle up next to each other to protect themselves against the cold of the night and heard them purr in contempt whilst nuzzling each other lovingly would, like Kaya, find it very hard to truly fear either of them ever again.
“Kaya what are you thinking off, you´re not paying attention to the contest at all!”
Kaya flinched in surprise at the abrupt intrusion on her private thoughts. The girl looked down at the digimon in her lap, Kit, her female Gatomon, stared up at her with beautiful blue eyes.
Kit, yes, Kit was a beautiful digimon, she was also different from other Gatomon´s, the other cat digimons had purple ear tips and tail Kit´s was a pale pink, she had a stripe of pink down her forehead and her paw gloves were extremely pale, as if they had been washed out or bleached a long time ago.
Kit scowled up at her tamer and hissed
“H-e-l-l-o! Earth to Kaya”
Kaya looked down once more and smiled but continued to ignore her digimon just to irritate her, Kit however recognized what her human partner was doing and smiled evilly
“Okay! Your asking for it missy!”
The cat leaped forwards and landed on the back of the chair in front of Kaya, Kaya´s other digimon´s stopped whatever they were doing which consisted of either following the contest on stage or talking about how stupid beauty contest were. SnowAgumon was talking about how Arukenimon was better than all the pretty digimons.
Kit stood on her tip toes and waved her tail back and forth, narrowly missing the head of the Floramon sitting in the seat she had landed on. Other digimons and tamers in the crowd turned around to look at the Gatomon. Kit smiled, cleared her throat and announced “Fear my terribly kittyness!” and then began dancing and singing, either shocking or amusing the innocent onlookers. Kaya burst out laughing when the cat digimon started her song

Are we ready to go here?
May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Sugar baby please speak up?
We're gonna have a problem here!

Y'all act like you've never heard a little white cat before
Jaws all on the floor
Acting like you can buy me in a sugar store
Cruising the halls
You must be looking for more
Cos I'm bigger than that
And I won’t be stuck on the floor

Your all talking like, oh wait, no way! You're kidding!
She didn't just meow what I think she did did she?
Hey-Hey-Hey where's sugar?
I'm right here! Kicking digi butt!
Sugar-sugar-sugar-sugar-sugar sugar-baby, sugar-baby!

I'm sugar baby, the REAL sugar baby
All you other sugar babies are just imitating
So wont the real sugar baby please jump up,
please jump up, please jump up!
Cos I'm sugar baby, the REAL sugar baby
All you other sugar babies are just imitating
So wont the real sugar baby please jump up,
please jump up, please jump up me..OOWW!”

The song was cut off rather abrubtly as was the dance when a Commandramon in the neighbor seat grabbed the cats tail and held her up with a fierce growl
“Would you shut up your ruining the contest!”
Kaya and the rest of her digimons all stopped laughing at once and numerous sets of blazing eyes, some burning with a hell-like fire, others cold as a glazier, settled on the reptile digimon.
The Commandroman was not stupid, he was clever enough to back off when he saw just how many digimons the red haired tamer owned and put the pink tinted Gatomon down before he returned to his own seat. Kit smirked, then jumped down and landed heavily on Kaya´s lap and settled down with a content purr. Kaya stroked the white cat digimons soft fur
“And that was TOTALLY necessary Kit?”
Kit´s only answer was a wag of the tail and a wiggle of the long white and pink ears.
Kaya shook her head, a smile curving her crimson lips
“You think you can get away with anything just because your adorable”
Kit beamed at her tamer, sharp canines flashing in the multi colored lights as the best-dress-on-tamers beauty contest started
But then…
The cats eyes dropped to the sides and her eyes lost their streak of mischief
“..or perhaps not”
Kit looked up at the stage, watching a blond haired tamer with a moss green dress and a Fanbeemon buzzing in the air next to her talk about world peace.. yuck... The audience started clapping and after a few seconds the blond turned and walked back towards the stage exit, making room for the next contestant, a girl with orange streaked hair and a Solarmon.
Kaya tilted her head curiously
“What do you mean Kit”
The cat looked at her human partner with sad eyes
“Do you think Myotismon will ever learn to like me”
Kaya flinched and stared down at her newest family member, amber eyes darkening
“Aww Kit, I’m sure he´s gonna like you soon, he´s just… Not that fond of Gatomons, you know that”
The cat hissed, tail bristling
“Yes I KNOW! But I’m not her, I didn’t kill him, I don’t even WANT to kill him despite of the fact that he HATES me, he makes Angemon happy, I don’t want to take that away from the old feather ball”
Kaya snickered and ruffled her digimons fur
“Aren’t you a feather ball too little angel”
The smile her digimon gave her in return was outstandingly diabolic
“Fallen angel please!”
Kaya nodded. She leaned back against the back of her seat and managed to look up at the stage just in time to see a dark colored tamer trip over something on the floor, there was several shocked gasps as she fell over and landed face first on the stage, her Monodramon ran to her immediately and helped her up with the help of the medic digimons from backstage.
Kaya´s Gazimon was laughing so hard that he fell sideways and landed on Dorimon who burst out laughing as well. Kaya shook her head..
"Boys be nice"
..And then turned her attention back to the conversation
“Don’t lose hope Kit, I think he´s warming up to you already”
The cat digimons ears twitched, she rolled over so that she was lying on her back, playfully pawing at Kaya´s hair with her claws.
“You really think so?”
Kaya nodded
“Remember one week ago when you met that weird guy whilst training, and he tried capturing you, what did Myo-chan do?”
Kit closed her eyes and called forth the memory of that day.. Yes… What did Myo-chan do?

.:Flashback everybody!:.

“Is this better Kaya-san?” The white cat digimon asked looking over her shoulder, paw still stuck in the old rusty shell of something that was once a truck. Kaya smiled, looking at the dent in the metal her newest partner had made, this kitty was a strong one.
“That’s great Kit, you’re getting pretty good at this”
The cat nodded, her ears bobbing up and down as she did so making her look even cuter but Kaya had already learned the hard way that her cute, clean cat look was a disguise, she was clever and strong and had already become the protective “Big sister” of some of the younger digimon members in Kaya´s weird little digital family, Bearmon and Snowagumon in particular seemed to like the cat digimon.
Kit was slightly smaller than normal digimon and she also had different markings, a normal Gatomon was white and purple with strong colors on the paw-gloves, Kit was white and pink and the color of her gloves was washed out, bleached, almost as if the color had faded overtime and turned pale.
And then there was the faintest trace of a black virus sign forming in the cats left right shoulder, just like Angemon, being with her made them “fallen angels” so they were signed with virus marks..
But even though Kit was different Kaya had already decided that she loved this cat digimon more than she would love a normal Gatomon.
“Lightning Punch!!”
The cat digimon leaped forwards and attacked the old machine once more, the truck screeched and fell apart, its old corpse no longer able to take the abuse from the kitty being.
Kaya smiled at the now beaming digimon positively glowing with pride and clapped just like a mother would during her daughters first ballet show, Gazimon, Snowagumon and Metamormon, in the form of a normal Gatomon herself, all cheered… well… al except Metamormon who never as much as smiled.
Kaya walked over to her newest member and kneeled down on the ground, petting the purring cat on her head, the feel of her silky white fur was cool and soft
“Great job kit, you´ll be able to digivolve again very soon I’m sure of it!”
Snowagumon walked towards the two, claws clicking against the hard ground
“It will be fun to see who digivolves first kitty”
Kit snorted
“I can beat you any time bandana face!”
The ice Agumon chuckled, Kaya had already explained to all of her digimons that Snowagumon was actually the reborn form of Mummymon, the girl hoped he would digivolve into that form again, she had never seen a Mummymon herself and neither had Meta so he had been unable to show her how the undead digimon looked, they were apparently extremely rare.
“Oy you two, knock it off, we´re here to train not to kill each other!”
Kaya chuckled warmly, patting the reptilian digimons head
“Why don’t you and Kit train with each other for a while, I need to get Gazimon an Meta started on their training as well”
The two rookies both nodded and then turned to each other, Kit´s clear blue eyes glittered with excitement. “You sure you can handle this lil´ kitty bandana face?”
Snowagumon smirked evilly
“I sure can try… Frozen wind!”
The cat digimon yelped and leaped to the side, barely avoiding the ball of blue ice energy. The cat turned around and swiftly used her tail as a weapon, smacking the reptile on the side of his skull with the heavy metal ring on the tip. Snowagumon growled, blue eyes glowing and whipped his head around, the cat screamed when her tail was caught in the white Agumons powerful jaws, she put one hind paw down and swung around to scratch the other rookie but her sharp claws couldn’t reach him because he stepped backwards before she hit…
... Oh the fight was ON!

Kaya shook her head, a fond smile curving her lips as she left the two fighting rookies, both new to the group and both training daily to become stronger so that they could achieve their next digivolution level.
The air was warm and the ground was hot and dry, it really was like being in a milder version of Africa when one was in the Gear savannah and the area was perfect for training digimons who were still too weak to take on wild digimons above their own level. She would allow her two rookies digimons to train here and little longer and then head to the swamps where they could fight the local Otamamons and Gekomons, ah she could remember training Dorumon in that area..
Speaking of Dorumon
Kaya looked around but could not see the purple digimon anywhere, the former knight digimon that she had killed and taken to the dark-pit to be reborn, who would have though he would turn out to be her partner, she still couldn’t believe it.
“I’m here!”
Kaya spun around just in time to see the purple fox-hound digimon leap from the top of the rusted military jeep next to her and into her arms, the girl almost fell backwards but was lucky enough to regain her balance before she fell
“Hey, where have you been you little monster!”
The rookie digimon giggled gleefully and licked Kaya´s cheek
“I was playing, are we gonna train now?”
Kaya tilted her head, thinking and then turned around to follow the path she was walking before the digimon –glomped- her
“We´ll see, if Meta and Pieds are ready then we can begin”
The fox nodded, smiling and showing dangerous rows of shark like teeth that would have been threatening had the digimon not been wagging his tail like a puppy
“I call first round!”
Kaya nodded, smiling once more and walked towards the giant bus lying upside down near some cliffs, Gazimon and Metamormon were already there, the ragged grey digimon waved his claws in the air
“Hey princess, is the runt ready to train yet?”
Dorumon growled playfully and jumped out of Kaya´s arms, landing on the ground with a low thump, tail waving back and forth slowly like a cat ready to kill its prey, the orange eyes narrowed
“I’m ready! First rounds mine! I’m gonna kick your butt Pied´s!”
The Gazimon smirked and fingered the ace of hearts hanging around his neck in a strip of leather
“We´ll see runt… My dear princes if you would be so kind to..?”
Kaya reached into the brown belt pouch hanging on her hip and took out the black D-3 digivice, the dark crest around Kaya´s neck started glowing
“Okay you guys, today we´ll train long range attack, so Dorumon you´ll go to champion level and Pied´s will stay in rookie kay?”
The ragged stray-dog digimon nodded, one claws still touching the card necklace
Dorumon nodded as well
“I’m ready!”
Kaya held the D-3 up and immediately a grey tinted purple light emitted from the devices screen
“Dorumon .. digivolve to…”
The light body of Dorumon started growing rapidly, the soft fur thickened around the neck. Two small wings sprouted from the fox-hound digimons back, the soft eyes grew cold and bestial.
Kaya stepped back and observed as Gazimon leaped forwards and started fleeing with great speed, the bestial fur dragon growled and opened his jaws to attack, small nanites of metal started gathering themselves
“Power Metal!”
Numerous golf ball sized spheres of metal were launched from the beasts jaws and all of them sailed through the air and hit the ground…. Gazimon stood beside the holes in the desert sand, smirking and waving at the two digimons and the tamer.
Kaya smiled at DORUgamon and petted the thick fur on the side of his neck, the digimon was snarling, showing rows of teeth even bigger and sharper that the former Dorumon´s
“Don’t be mad sweetie, you just need to practice your aim a little and you´ll get him for sure”
The champion level dragon snorted and took aim, he fired another wave of metal balls but none of them hit, Gazimon was simply too fast. Kaya did her best not to laugh when her champion digimon cursed in three different languages and dug his clawed feet into the sand, fuming with rage.
Kaya looked back at Metamormon, the shape shifter was lying on a flat rock, basking in the warm rays of the sun

“Lightning paw!”
Gatomon tried once more to hit Snowagumon but her paws was –again- blocked by the white Agumons giant claws
“Getting tired kitty?”
“Not a chance toilet paper-mummy!”
The cat digimon delivered yet another attack and this time she did get a punch in but she was given just as much as she gave when an icy fist connected with the side of her head.
Kit staggered backwards and placed a paw on a car next to her
“Kit… You okay?”
The kitten nodded, pink ears laying flat against her skull
“Yup, I´ll be ready in two second.. just need the ground to stop spinning”
They both laughed but soon went quiet, cat and reptile dived towards safety behind an old car..
Kit peeked at the digimon walking a few meters away from them, he was passing the car and was seemingly unaware of the two rookie digimons. Gatomon blinked and flicked her ears towards the Mon
“What is that?”
Snowagumon frowned at the cat, then pushed past her to have a look
“Let me see..”
The white rookie stared at the machine digimon for a few seconds and then glanced back at Kit¨
“It’s an Andromon”
“An Anto-what?”
Snowagumon shook his head and stared hard at the cat digimon
“AnDROmon, a Digimon developed as a prototype of a Cyborg type Digimon called Boltmon and made at the same time. Whilst Boltmon is purely flesh, Andromon is purely metal. He has neither a free will nor feelings: only programmed actions are undertaken. The development technology used to make Andromon is used by other machine-based Digimon such as Megadramon”
Kit´s ears dropped to the sides, her eyes widened and then narrowed as a smile grew on her furry lips
“You’re a bookworm aren’t you?”
Snowagumon sniffled and proudly lifted his head like a king would, eyes closed
A snicker
“I had to do something while Arukenimon was busy when Myo-chan didn’t have any work for us”
Gatomon´s eyes turned sad
“Speaking of Myotismon.. why does he hate me so much?”
Snowagumon licked the cats cheek gently, earning him a girlish giggle from Kit
“He doesn’t hate you kitty, he just doesn’t like Gatomon´s, he was killed by one –remember? Kaya told you that didn’t she?”
Kit nodded, frowning
“Yes, but still.. Don’t you think he could at least LEARN to like me? Up until now he´s done nothing but growl at me, hiss at me and ignore me and threaten me once”
The white Agumon nodded with a broad smile showing off pearly white predatory teeth
“ He´s an okay guy, you´ll see, as soon as Patamon come´s back from what-ever Kaya send him out to do he´ll be an entirely different mon, he´s always grumpy when Ange isent there”
The cat blinked
“Oh yeah… Bearmon told me they kinda liked each other”
Snowagumon smirked
“You should have seen them at the Masquerade, Myo-chan got drunk on blood and Ange had to stay with him all night, they kissed twice!”
Gatomon huffed
“Love birds”
“Quiet.. We don’t want the Andromon to see us believe me!”
Gatomon watched the machine digimon for a few second, then turned her head back to Snowagumon
The ice digimon rolled his eyes
“Because that´s an ultimate digimon and we´re just two rookies who can´t even digivolve yet!”
Kit frowned, staring at the machine digimon for a while, then her eye lit up
“HEY! We could fight him!”
“No! I can take him, I´ll show you and Kaya just how tough a girl can be!”
“If this is about you being the only female digimon Kaya has again then please stay here there are other and better ways to KILL YOURSELF!”
“Okay, okay I won’t fight him… buuuut I will go see who the hell that boy standing over there is”
Snowagumon stood up slightly to get a better look, and yup, there was a male tamer.
“Don’t go to him, the Andromon is probably his”
“Great! He can help us train”
“What! NO!”
“Come on your scaredy-cat, most humans are nice, It would benefit us to train with a Mon we don’t know”
Kit bounced up and down a few times and then ran away from the cover of the car, Snowagumon stayed behind, whispering
“Kit don’t do it, get back here, he´ll kill you for sure!”
The cat didn’t listen, she ran forwards as fast as she could and didn’t stop until she was standing only a few feet from the boy, the Andromon was far away by now so she was sure he wasn’t dangerous at all
The cat stood on all four, tail waving back and forth in the air. If only Kraven knew that the cat rookie was actually the white and pink digi-egg Kaya had picked up in the Toy and Tama town one day ago
“My name is Kit, do you wanna train with me?”
The cat paused then and stared at the boy. Her eyes widened and her ears dropped in shock
"...is that... blood on your clothes..?"

. razz resent:.

Kit opened her eyes
“The guy had his Andromon attack me, he had just finished off some other rookie digimons… Myotismon saved me didn’t he?”
There was a laugh from the seat next to Gatomons, she bended her neck and stared at the image of the digimon, upside down as he was now that she was lying on her back. Muchomon chirped and flapped his small wings
“You wouldn’t know Kit, you were unconscious when we found you, but he was very worried about you, he almost killed Andromon when he found out that he had hurt you”
Bearmon stood up on his seat and landed on the armrest so that he was able to see Gatomon, his head was placed ontop of Muchomons. The bird allowed it and merely smiled. The bear giggled
“Yeah, he would have too if Angemon hadn’t been there, he was really really mad”
Kit blinked, then smiled and turned her gaze back to Kaya
“Your right, he´ll learn to like me eventually.. Thank you guys”
Bearmon and Muchomon both insisted that it was nothing and turned their attention back to the stage.
A Rosemon walked out onto the stage with a microphone clasped between her slender white fingers
“And that my ladies, Mons and gentlemen were our tamer dress contest, next is out flower pageant, were we will select the digi-lady who ones both grace and good looks right here on stage in the middle of hundreds of pretty flowers, who will be the daisy of the digimons? There are still three open spaces for participants so if you believe that YOU have what it takes to win the trophy and become the Lady of the Flowers please report to the judges table now an you might just be the winner of… THE FLOWER PAGEANT! We will return in exactly one hour, please enjoy our dinner and drinks in the hall while you wait”
Kaya tilted her head, then looked down at Gatomon, the vaccine digimon was grinning evilly.. again!
“Kaya, I wanna enter that contest and WIN it!”
Kaya blinked in surprise, Kit was not one to be feminine and she sure as Dark Pit never seemed to care about looks, living with several demon digimon would do that to anyone.
Kit looked up and smiled
“Cause I wanna show those low IQ blond digi-bimbos that the bad girls rules and goodie girls drools”
And with no further comment the cat jumped down onto the floor and started running towards the judges table, dodging the legs of both digimons and tamers seated on the same row as them, it took Kaya 15 seconds to realize what her digimon had just said and 2 to get up and storm after her
“Kit wait! You´ll have to digivolve to enter! You can’t do that without me!!”

.:Back to the start on stage:.

And that was why she was here own, after spending several minutes walking back and forth between flowers and potted plants in different types of clothing and jewelery she was at the end of the pageant and the judges were all watching her with great interest, her, the only Nefertimon in the contest, her fur was gleaming as if thosands of tiny diamonds had been sprayed onto her skin and gold necklaces around her neck.
The judges asked that final question that would either make her fail or make her win. The cat beast digimon lifted her head and her unseen silver eyes stared at the crowd… God.. She couldn’t do this, all those eyes on her, she couldn’t do it, not at all! She was frozen in panic. Lilymon, Angewomon and Mummymon all stared at her with cold eyes, they repeated the question again after 10 seconds had passed in silence, there were murmurs from the audience and with her keen hearing she could pick up every whisper as if they had shouted it at her
“Who does she think she is”
“Why isn’t she saying anything?”
“That’s typical”
“Poor thing”

Mummymon repeated the question once again
"If you had a million bits, what would you do with the money?"
Oh god I can’t…
-For Lucemon´s sake blue eyes, just answer the damned question-
Nefertimon gasped in shock as a deep, warm male voice entered her head, she turned her head and stared down at the audience, tail snapping back and forth in surprise and there, on the front row, seated with his legs crossed and Angemon sitting next to him with an arm around his waist was Myotismon, looking up at her with blue eyes that were a perfect copy of her own, the same shade of blue, the same innocence, the same streak of evil in their depth and for just a second the rest of the room disappeared until only the two were staring at each other
-But Myo-chan, I don’t know what to say to them, I dont belive inn world peace and the good of all digimon-kind, were evil digimon, we work for the demon lords and I can no tell them that, they will hate me if I tell them that-
The vampire tilted his head, a habit he had without a doubt picked up from Kaya
-Say whatever you want, who cares what the “pretty” digimons think, besides, you dont have to tell them that your evil, just tell them what YOU would do with the money-
Nefertimon would have smiled had she been able to, she took a deep breath and then spread out her rose clad wings
“If I had one million bits I would share them with my family and my tamer, Psychemon has fallen in love with a little mansion not far from the dark ocean where he would like to live along with some of my tamers other digimons when they are now traveling with her, that’s what I would do with the money, I would buy things for me and my family, not things for the poor or the starving in the digi-world because unlike some of the other contestants I will not lie, my family means everything to me and they are what I care about the most”

There was silence…


And then the crowd broke into cheers, whistling, clapping and all the judges nodded with a smile, looking at each other and whispering compliments.
Nefertimon turned her head again and stared into blue eyes just like her´s and for a second she thought that perhaps losing this contest would mean nothing, she might just have won the real prize after all.
The vampire heard her thoughts and smirked, fangs gleaming in the light
-You wish blue eyes, you wish-

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Little Pinch of Ginger


PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:13 am
Wow... Pummel that was good! I liked your roleplay. Even if I had to stop about half way through to refocus my eyes...  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:41 am
Oh, thank you Draco heart  

Little Pinch of Ginger


PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:40 am
get roleplay!
wish i was that good!  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:03 am
Oh my god, people like my RP, Im so happy blaugh
So... Does anyone know when this contest ends?

Little Pinch of Ginger


PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:19 am
I have no idea... but I can't wait for my DemiVeemon!  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:21 am
I love Demiveemon, he is so cute XD  


Unbeatable Survivor

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:27 am
Yes and I have great plans for him! He will become a GOD!  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:28 am
I don't evolve mine he is my favorite digimon XD  


Unbeatable Survivor

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:33 am
I understand! Which is why I will never give up my BlackWarGreymon! But I do want a Fanglongmon  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:39 am
you realize that you need anothe sovereign to make that, which no one has...  


Unbeatable Survivor

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:46 am
I WILL FIND AWAY! Anyways the digivolving follows the DMA list way right? Then I know how to get a sovereign  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:52 am
DNA digivolving the right two devas XD  


Unbeatable Survivor

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:54 am
Well... I know which of the three to choose from... and I already have limited it to one... so I guess I will just have to guess.

Also any of the sovereign DNAed will work right and turn into Fanglongmon?  
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