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Extra-terrestrials in our schools?(Accepting!/Open!) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 [>] [»|]

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Ruthless Elder

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:35 pm

Elton almost groaned as the teacher began to do basic algebra on the board, with the air of one who intends to impart knowledge as-of-yet unknown. Pathetic, really. At least half the students in the class were Spacers, one was obviously an android. The only Spacer that could reasonably be expected to not know the basics of anything less than advanced calculus was the half-solid young woman that had just sat down next to him. Interesting, to be sure, that she had offworld materiel with her. Elton had heard that exotic elements were confiscated at the customs buildings. He'd have to talk with the local magistrate about it when he got a moment.

As he thought and watched, his butterflies landed idly throughout the room. Most of them landed on desks or the walls, but two or three landed on people. The Earthsiders couldn't feel the effect of the chemical that his Tease secreted through their wings, but Spacers - sensitized by a lifetime of exposure to the unique radiations of hyperspatial travel - would get something like a live feed of Elton's thoughts. It worked both ways, regardless of whether or not the 'host' could hear Elton's thoughts, so he quickly redirected the two that had landed on Earthsiders to go somewhere else. The third had landed gently on the back of the girl next to him, the half-solid one fiddling with her pencil case, and he curbed a few of his more adolescent thought processes back as the harmless chemical communication facilitator soaked into her skin. Directing his thoughts into a specific channel, he formed the mental image of tapping the middle of his throat with three fingers. "I shall speak no lies," in the culture of his home planet.

He did not initiate mental contact, merely left the image there for the girl to find should she extend her own mind, either consciously - looking for a mentalist Spacer - or unconsciously, through something such as daydreaming, for instance.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:58 pm

Englith sat up a bit straighter as the butterfly landed on the back of her neck. Oh she'd known he was an Asata! And probably from Coruscant of all places. Why was he even in a human school then? He was probably hundreds of years old by now, even without travel time. Seeing as how she had no reason to pay attention to the teacher (She knew her Algebra, knew it long before half these Earthers had even begun breathing) she accepted his mind link with a little hesitation, but she usually hesitated with most things.

Still cautious, and rather fond of images rather than words, she extended a image similar in meaning to his, of her crossing her left arm over her heart.

The Eternaly Damned

Eloquent Bloodsucker


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:30 pm

Elton sighed inwardly as she returned the greeting. Many, even Spacers, didn't enjoy mind-to-mind. They saw it as being too intimate. Elton knew what they meant, since all the persons' personal conceptions about themselves were manifest in their mental imagery, but he still found it preferable to passing notes.

Elton's mental speech, unlike his actual mind and physical body, was as uncontrolled and chaotic as any other average Spacer. It was still perfectly understandable, but speaking it out loud would present problems. Some words were 'said' in unison, some 'said' in rapid succession, and others repeated as an undercurrent to the entire sentence. "(curiosity) Greeting-salutations sistermind gaseous/insubstantial/mistform/child. I wonder/think/ask how we/you/I/us are here/thisplace/present/attendant now?"

((Rough translation: (tone of the statement) words/said/simultaneously words-said-sequentially "separate thoughts"

Hope that's clear. >.<))
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:48 pm

Adrian smiled and went off to his desk, sorta next to Englith but diagonaly. He looked over to her and smiled, waving lightly. "Hi." He whispered to the alien he never really met. He wanted to know more about her. She seemed more interesting to him then the rest of the aliens here. Well the alien that shook his hand was pretty cool and he liked his shades a lot. He then turned around and opened his briefcase, taking out his pen and started to take notes.


Lupine Pup

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The Eternaly Damned

Eloquent Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:56 pm

(That's a rather well thought-out process, I'm very impressed. biggrin )

Englith smiled, still looking forward so as not to let the human teacher in the front know of the secret conversations going on in the back of the room. That was a facade, she didn't even put any thought into it.

In her mind, or theirs, truly, she held the equivalent of her 'true' form on her home planet. She drifted in and out of focus, solid yet gaseous, and just as varying as her thoughts. "(intrigue)Hello Brothermind-SpaceKin, butterfly/thoughtful/gigantic/elder~" "(Directed elsewhere)Oh-my this class is childsplay/monotonous/boring" "(Focus)I/we perhaps thought/misunderstood that we/I were here to learn/teach. I feel/think/understand otherwise, I haven't yet/begun-to learn as/in-the-way I thought/understood/believed I/we would."

As her thought ended her attention was caught by the human to her diagonal left. She smiled in Earth-fashion and waved her hand slightly. Still, as she waved, her thoughts moved to him for the moment, leading to a rather open part of her brain that was connected less to her link and more to herself. More analyzing the boy than thinking. Hair-Color/bright/white, briefcase, welcome..
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:13 pm

Leaning forwards the android rested his hand on the side of his glasses seeming to be bored but pressing a few button's as it rested against the brim the glasses came to work. A series of screens appeared on the shades only one with IR vision would likely be able to see as he started to surf thru them. Computers in the school turned on randomly as he effortlessly hacked into them quickly surfing thru the system and finding out what all was to know paperwork wise on each of the earth students. He was less interested in the spacers as some had been referring to them as at times. Thru the think shades his eyes moved quickly downloading and defragmenting data as he surfed thru the school finding every last detail about it down to what was being served for breakfast three days from then.

As all this was happening Kale kept the same form of that of a human who had gotten bored simply leaning his head against his palm. Only a small sliver of light showed up on his glasses from time to time as he searched. Unlike most races he wasn't one who could communicate really thru the mind as his mind was simply composed of in a less complicated term a large series of flash drives. The butterfly that was on his shoulder was likely not picking up much from him if anything at all.


Omnipresent Mystic

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:43 pm

Elton smiled at the dual conversation. He doubted the Earthsider would be able to 'hear,' let alone 'speak,' on the mental plane that Spacer used without thinking. Hyperspace was a strange sight, and the radiation therein unlocked a sort of dormant hive-mind in the races that used it. It was the sole reason that individualistic races could communicate mind-to-mind. "(reproachful) Littlesisterfriendchild don't-think sofoolish/petty/unkind of human/youngling/idiotrace. They think/feel/see/perceive we/us as young/littleling/tinyones and think/believe/perceive us/we/all as helpless/stupid/untaught/unlearning."

As he 'spoke,' his mental image was surrounded by an image of the buildings across the street from school. The mental undercurrent of his imagery communicated quite well that he lived there, and that he would be glad to receive her should she wish to visit.

((Thanks. ^^))
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:56 pm

As Adrian took notes, he quickly and secretly wrote a note and put it on Eglith's desk as he smiled at her again. He then went back to work, making sure he didn't get caught at all. The note read:
Dear Alien,
Welcome to Earth! I know it may be weird for me to ask this but I was wondering if you would like to be friends with me. I don't have many friends at all and was really hoping that you could be my first alien friend. If you don't like being called an alien, could you tell me what you are? Actually, I'd rather like to call you by your name. It's more polite that way. Thank you for taking time to read this and I hope we can be really good friends!
With High Hopes,
Adrian Sharp


Lupine Pup

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:43 am

Jeckt smiled lightly to her and felt a small insect land on the back of his neck. He smiled as he accepted the mental link, 'Hello My brother/friend/elder/ Its a pleasure to meet/encounter/have known you. I am/know as/ Jeckt' the mental image he was displaying was a beautiful sceenary of an icy mountain top with a man blind folded with many arms with scales with in its hands.Jeckt quickly wrote a note and passed it to Katie with a smile.
'I'm very sorry that I ran into you earlier. I'm very pleased to have met you. If you would like we could maybe show me around since i am new to your town. Singed,

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:45 am

Elton felt an unwelcome presence in his mind, that of the ice elemental next to him, and it was all he could do not to shudder. Unwanted and uninvited mental contact was infinitely worse than the physical sort. "(annoyanceconfusionrage) Farewellgreetings brotherfoolishmind littleicyone/annoyance/tinypest it-is rude/impolite/harsh/unkind to-initiate contact/conversation/speech-without consent/invitation too-it-interrupts/breaksin/violatessanctity of-my otherfriend goodbye."

Without waiting for a response Elton not only removed the Tease from Jeckt's neck but dissolved it and every Tease within five feet of the elemental. Disgusting, to have another mind forced on you like that.

((I get that you want to be a part of the whole 'mental conversation' thing, Daryu, but the Tease insects are an extension of Elton's body and under his complete control, and I stated quite specifically that they landed only on Englith and inanimate objects.

Also, perhaps a little explanation should come into play here. Words like/this in mental speak should only be put next to each other with a /backslash/ if they are the same concept or could be interchanged in the sentence without contextual screwiness. Hyphens connect small words that can't be cut out of the concept of the sentence. Combinedwords are concepts in the sentence so linked that they can be expressed as a single thought. For example, the mental sentence above could be translated to verbal language as follows:

"Hello for the moment, my stupid little (annoying/infuriating/elemental, take your pick) friend. It's (rude/impolite/harsh/unkind, take your pick) to initiate mental conversation without (consent or invitation, take your pick). Also, it (interrupts/breaks/violates) the sanctity of my other friend. Goodbye."

You could pick any of the words in parentheses in any combination and the sentence would still pretty much work.))


Ruthless Elder

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:52 am

((My bad. I guess i didn't read your pst well enough. I had just gotten off working 10 hrs and was a little tired. Sorry Oh and by the way im not an android. I shall edit if you wish))
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:59 am

(Yea I was gonna say Kale is the android.)


Omnipresent Mystic

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:36 am

((It happens. Just be sure to read carefully before posting. And you can go ahead and keep your post as is.

Likewise to myself. I've edited.))
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:23 am

Englith smiled, listening in her mind to Elton, and was suddenly interupted by not only the note on her desk but also the disrupting link. She shuddered and tried to ignore it for as long as she could by focusing on the note in front of her. The human boy was indeed being welcoming, it was inviting and his ideals were 'cute', if she had the words connotation correct. Englith knew he didn't have a mind link so she immediately set about to write an answer. She'd studied several Earth languages in an attempt to prepare herself for these sort of activities, so she would be understandable, at least.

Hello Adrian Sharp,
Thank you for the welcome. It is kind and caring for you to have written me and I enjoy the thought of company. Perhaps we can be friends, it would be beneficial to the both of us from what I can see. I do prefer my name to Alien, however. It is Englith, in your language, and it is more polite, yes.

This note she passed over as equally secretive as he'd passed his own, and she, sensing the intruding link from earlier had been disbanded, turned her full attention back to her earlier conversation. Elton had made her feel a bit bad about the way she thought about her time on Earth, but it hadn't been her choice to be her, and in her defense she truly was young.

"(embarrassed) I suppose/agree to that/what-you-said. (Reproachful) It was/is not/never my choice/passion/idea to be/arrive/congregate here/on-Earth. I am/stay/have-lessening bitter/bitterness, I/I'll/I'm try/trying to deal-with/forget my discourage/rage/annoyance. (thankful) Thank-you Brothermind/Elder you have/are/have-been very/always encouraging/helpful/sweet."

The Eternaly Damned

Eloquent Bloodsucker


Ruthless Elder

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:32 am

Elton felt the discomfort behind Englith's image when he broke the connection, not realizing that it would spill over. "(regret) Sincere-regret/apologies sisterchildmind for interruption/intrusion/idiocy-other. Earthside/terrestrial/nativestuff-food is-notgood/unsuitable/poison to-some(yourself?)/myself I/we/Embassy own synthesis/creation/cornucopia if-when we/I/you/us wish/want/need/desire foodstuffs. Lunch?"
"RPC" *Roleplay Central*

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