-//1. the existance of the universe //-
This is known as the Kalam argument. The premise of this argument is this:
I. The universe either had (a) a beginning or (b) no beginning.
II. If it had a beginning, the beginning was either (a) caused or (b) uncaused.
III. If it had a cause, the cause was either (a) personal or (b) not personal.
The above is a site that has the Kalam argument.
This is known as the Kalam argument. The premise of this argument is this:
I. The universe either had (a) a beginning or (b) no beginning.
II. If it had a beginning, the beginning was either (a) caused or (b) uncaused.
III. If it had a cause, the cause was either (a) personal or (b) not personal.
The above is a site that has the Kalam argument.
This (and is readily admitted to in the site) assumes that the universe is not infinite, or that time is not infinite. Time, like most things, is a concept that depends on interpretation. For all we know, the entire universe popped into existence five minutes ago, as well as all the scientific evidence proving otherwise.
According to the expansion of the universe (which is scientifically proven and a point we are in agreement of), the universe coalesced into a single point around 14 billion years ago. This proves that the universe that we know has a beginning, but what about beyond that universe? There is a lesser known theory that believes the universe did have a big bang in a sense, but holds that the total universe is cyclic, in a never-ending series of big bangs and big crunches.
Further still, it depends on the scale and scope of your viewpoint. Even if this universe is singular and has a beginning, time could extend far beyond the scope of what we know. This universe may be but on of many others, some older, some newer. Like the existence of a higher power, there will probably never be any scientific evidence to prove otherwise. Regardless, the Kalam argument (biased in its own right, I suppose) is not without its flaws.
-//2 & 3 the scientific laws & complexity of universe//-
The existance of scientific laws and complexity of the universe and their complexity can either be explained by extremely unprobable chance or simply a designer: thus God.
Apologies but after I gave some thought to it I realized they were basically the same argument except in different viewpoint and thus I have combined the two. one analyzes the scientific views while the other analyzes the complexity beyond. For the comoplexity of the world to prove that God exists. I must:
1. prove that they are complex, powerful, ingenius and the likes
2. analyze the probabilty of it appearing by chance and if it is not by chance then we can conclude that someone must have done it: hence a designer.
Though it is common knowledge amongst scientists that the universe is extremely complex and powerful while haning on a delicate balance, I will still go through a few of the complex and powerful here while doing the balance part in the next argument. I will do it only for the sake of "providing evidence/support". I shall simply list out some stuff and describe some of their functions. If you want more details or why it is considered complex, by all means do more external readings.
examples Wrote:
The gravitational constant. The force of gravity between any object is a law described by the mathematical forumla: Fg = Gm1m2/r^2. And within this formula G represents the gravitational constant. This constant is one of the many in this universe. If G was to be changed by even 0.000000001 then the universe would collapse. One reason that it will is becuase all orbits (thus planets, moons and the such) orbit around a body by centripedal force[its physics, I'm not going to explain though you can look it up] therefore, if the gravitational constant is changed by even 0.0000001 all orbits will fall out of place and create mass chaos. Similar effects will occur if you change ANY of the universal constants[corresponding their functions of course]
The chemical reactions. Some chemical reactions have the ability to go backwards from products back to the reactants. This scienfic law is also well known and is taught even in schools. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis is one such reaction. What the plants take in adn change into glucose we change back and use the energy. If the reaction was unable to reverse, then we could not possibly survive. Yet at the same time if all reactions could forward adn backward easily then we would also die because the chemicals in the air[essentially refering to the particals and components in air] would react and create an atmosphere that is not suitable for us to live in.
Law of friction. If friction did not exist, it would be impossible for us to even walk. Friction is a force that exist only to counter a pre-existing force. Ff = -uFn if you want to knwo the equation. If there was no friction then fish can not swim and meteorites would fall through the sky at a much higher rate than it is now. Our atmosphere has atmospheric friction which burns out most small meteorites as they pass through. Since meteorites are usually moving at such high speeds, if one was to fall onto the earth, they would cause a crator if not more damage [porportional to its speed and mass of course].
Law that binds electromagnetic waves and thus light. A small fraction of electromagnetic waves (at around 450-700Hz frequency) is what we can perceive as light. If light did nto have the reflection property then we would only be able to see sources of light and not the objects around us. We would live un utter darkness with the exception of looking up and seeing a blinding sun and stars at night. If light - since it has properties of a wave - moved only with properties of light and not matter then it would never reach us from the sun becuase space is a vacuum which is the absence of a medium[all waves need a medium to travel through...electromagnetic waves are exception]
DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid is the basic genetic coding that determines how each organism will be. The structure of the DNA is composed of long chains of base pairs known as adenine (abbreviated A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). A can only pair with T while C can only pair with G. It is the combination of these molecules that determines whether you have blue eyes or brown eyes, black hair or blond. Yet before we delve any deeper, you can already ask a question: How can 4 such molecules be the code that determines the attributes of my body? Indeed, if you were to study the actual making, working, and structure of the DNA you would realize that it is very unlikely that they came about on their own. Again, I apologize for not elaborating on the details of complexity but you can find out more should you decide to search deeper ie. external readings.
If you have not realized by now, these laws ALL benefit and contribute to the existance of mankind. If anyone of these were to be altered, humanity may cease to exist. These laws are powerful in that they have much more uses than what little I mentioned. In addition, the brilliance of having these laws in the right place and calibrated correctly that humans can live seems...a little improbable for it to be chance. The complexity of the laws and their placement and calibration are something that is well acknowledge.
What is the probability that all these scientific laws appeared by chance? First we must consider how the universe and its laws might have come about if we are going to look at it through the eyes of chance. How did the the universe come to be - if it did - ? How probable is it that these laws all contribute to the maintanence of the universe? If the universal constant that guides the structure of atoms were changed by 0.01 then all atoms in the universe would break apart, what are the chances that it is calibrated to exactly what it is now? What is the probability that these laws work together for maintanence of this universe? And what is the probability that these laws supports life on earth? If the earth was 5% closer to the sun humanity would end by the heat and if earth was 5% way mankind would cease by the coldness. How probable that we are just at the right place at the right time to be able to have life? Now if we think about it, which is more probable? All these coming together by chance, or someone who designed it all? [note: this is not proving that that someone exist but analyzing which is more probable: to have a designer or to have chance make all this]
The existance of scientific laws and complexity of the universe and their complexity can either be explained by extremely unprobable chance or simply a designer: thus God.
Apologies but after I gave some thought to it I realized they were basically the same argument except in different viewpoint and thus I have combined the two. one analyzes the scientific views while the other analyzes the complexity beyond. For the comoplexity of the world to prove that God exists. I must:
1. prove that they are complex, powerful, ingenius and the likes
2. analyze the probabilty of it appearing by chance and if it is not by chance then we can conclude that someone must have done it: hence a designer.
Though it is common knowledge amongst scientists that the universe is extremely complex and powerful while haning on a delicate balance, I will still go through a few of the complex and powerful here while doing the balance part in the next argument. I will do it only for the sake of "providing evidence/support". I shall simply list out some stuff and describe some of their functions. If you want more details or why it is considered complex, by all means do more external readings.
examples Wrote:
The gravitational constant. The force of gravity between any object is a law described by the mathematical forumla: Fg = Gm1m2/r^2. And within this formula G represents the gravitational constant. This constant is one of the many in this universe. If G was to be changed by even 0.000000001 then the universe would collapse. One reason that it will is becuase all orbits (thus planets, moons and the such) orbit around a body by centripedal force[its physics, I'm not going to explain though you can look it up] therefore, if the gravitational constant is changed by even 0.0000001 all orbits will fall out of place and create mass chaos. Similar effects will occur if you change ANY of the universal constants[corresponding their functions of course]
The chemical reactions. Some chemical reactions have the ability to go backwards from products back to the reactants. This scienfic law is also well known and is taught even in schools. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis is one such reaction. What the plants take in adn change into glucose we change back and use the energy. If the reaction was unable to reverse, then we could not possibly survive. Yet at the same time if all reactions could forward adn backward easily then we would also die because the chemicals in the air[essentially refering to the particals and components in air] would react and create an atmosphere that is not suitable for us to live in.
Law of friction. If friction did not exist, it would be impossible for us to even walk. Friction is a force that exist only to counter a pre-existing force. Ff = -uFn if you want to knwo the equation. If there was no friction then fish can not swim and meteorites would fall through the sky at a much higher rate than it is now. Our atmosphere has atmospheric friction which burns out most small meteorites as they pass through. Since meteorites are usually moving at such high speeds, if one was to fall onto the earth, they would cause a crator if not more damage [porportional to its speed and mass of course].
Law that binds electromagnetic waves and thus light. A small fraction of electromagnetic waves (at around 450-700Hz frequency) is what we can perceive as light. If light did nto have the reflection property then we would only be able to see sources of light and not the objects around us. We would live un utter darkness with the exception of looking up and seeing a blinding sun and stars at night. If light - since it has properties of a wave - moved only with properties of light and not matter then it would never reach us from the sun becuase space is a vacuum which is the absence of a medium[all waves need a medium to travel through...electromagnetic waves are exception]
DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid is the basic genetic coding that determines how each organism will be. The structure of the DNA is composed of long chains of base pairs known as adenine (abbreviated A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). A can only pair with T while C can only pair with G. It is the combination of these molecules that determines whether you have blue eyes or brown eyes, black hair or blond. Yet before we delve any deeper, you can already ask a question: How can 4 such molecules be the code that determines the attributes of my body? Indeed, if you were to study the actual making, working, and structure of the DNA you would realize that it is very unlikely that they came about on their own. Again, I apologize for not elaborating on the details of complexity but you can find out more should you decide to search deeper ie. external readings.
If you have not realized by now, these laws ALL benefit and contribute to the existance of mankind. If anyone of these were to be altered, humanity may cease to exist. These laws are powerful in that they have much more uses than what little I mentioned. In addition, the brilliance of having these laws in the right place and calibrated correctly that humans can live seems...a little improbable for it to be chance. The complexity of the laws and their placement and calibration are something that is well acknowledge.
What is the probability that all these scientific laws appeared by chance? First we must consider how the universe and its laws might have come about if we are going to look at it through the eyes of chance. How did the the universe come to be - if it did - ? How probable is it that these laws all contribute to the maintanence of the universe? If the universal constant that guides the structure of atoms were changed by 0.01 then all atoms in the universe would break apart, what are the chances that it is calibrated to exactly what it is now? What is the probability that these laws work together for maintanence of this universe? And what is the probability that these laws supports life on earth? If the earth was 5% closer to the sun humanity would end by the heat and if earth was 5% way mankind would cease by the coldness. How probable that we are just at the right place at the right time to be able to have life? Now if we think about it, which is more probable? All these coming together by chance, or someone who designed it all? [note: this is not proving that that someone exist but analyzing which is more probable: to have a designer or to have chance make all this]
As you said, these are all scientific and definitely exist, but you do not produce any evidence to prove that they are the work of a higher being. Simply because things are complex and in balance does not imply that they had to have been designed by a deity. This is essentially the same argument taken by those who support Intelligent Design, which is located in another thread in this forum, if you’re willing to look for it.
In any case, for you to prove this true, you must first define what is designed intelligently, and what is not. However, because this applies to everything in the known universe, there is no way to have a separate experimental group to find the difference between that which is creator design and that which is not. Therefore, there is no way to test or experiment with this argument.
It is also possible that because the universe was formed the way it was, that we were placed in the specific niche that we find ourselves in, not the other way around. If the earth was 5% closer to the sun, we would have developed in a way that suited us for it. The same goes for specific pH balances, scientific constants, and the like. The way we are and the way life exists is not the cause of the universe’s scientific laws and principles, but rather, the laws and principles are the cause for the way we are. Once again, this is a bit of a chicken-and-egg phenomenon (used only for its symbolic meaning, I have much contention with the actual discussion, mostly due to scientific reasons), in that there is no way to prove whether one side is true or not, due to the scope of the experiment.
You’ll find that the majority of my responses to your argument will follow as thus. I find that the more we learn as a species, the more we realize we do not know, and to make assumptions or take leaps of faith seems rather foolish in my opinion. This does not mean, however, that I do not put my faith in things; I am just more particular what I put my faith in.
-//4. the fact that the universe is moving //-
This is called the prime mover argument. The things in the universe are moving and many scientist say they are moving outwards. The universe moving is a well knwon fact so I won't go into proving it. But the question now is "how come it is moving?". Acording to inertia moving body tends to stay moving while body at rest stays at rest. However, if the universe is moving then there must be something that started its movements. What or who was it? Random chance cause movement? You can try putting a piece of cardboard on the floor in your house. Do not let anyone or anything move it or touch it. Would it move after you leave it there for say...10 years? no it would not. You would need a netforce to move it. Thus someone or somthign must have started the univese and moved it.
This is called the prime mover argument. The things in the universe are moving and many scientist say they are moving outwards. The universe moving is a well knwon fact so I won't go into proving it. But the question now is "how come it is moving?". Acording to inertia moving body tends to stay moving while body at rest stays at rest. However, if the universe is moving then there must be something that started its movements. What or who was it? Random chance cause movement? You can try putting a piece of cardboard on the floor in your house. Do not let anyone or anything move it or touch it. Would it move after you leave it there for say...10 years? no it would not. You would need a netforce to move it. Thus someone or somthign must have started the univese and moved it.
While the expansion of the universe is indeed a proven phenomenon, simply because it has a cause does not necessarily imply that this cause is a higher deity. That is, one can say that it is the work of a divine being, but it may just as well be the work of cosmic or inter-dimensional forces we are not yet familiar with.
Using your analogy, let’s say you come back to your house and see the cardboard had moved. Would you immediately assume that a person had moved it? Or how about a cat, a mouse, or maybe even the wind? I suppose with enough time, effort, and equipment one could deduce what moved the cardboard judging by its position and clues left by the mover, but we don’t have that luxury for dealing with the expansion of the universe. Yes, I realize that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but I’m confident that even though science may not be able prove or figure anything out at the moment, science is always progressing and improving, so a time will come when it can.
-//5. the existance of morality //-
The question here is either (a) there is a God or (b) there is no God.
There is a God.
Before we do anything, I would like to ask some questions. Does evil exist in the world? Is it okay to kill off all those who are weak and do nothing but leech off society? Is it wrong to rape an innocent little girl? If you answered yes or no to any of these questions you have demonstrated the existance of morality. You can not say somethign is good or evil unless you first know that there is something called good and something called evil. Even if you should deny its existance, society and the rest of the world acknowledges it.
Yet now that we have established that there is soemthing called "good" and something called "evil" we know that there is a standard that exist somewhere. If there isn't a standard, then who is to say killing off the useless people are wrong? Who is to say raping women is wrong? If you think about it, killing off all the "weak people" - those who doesn't benefit society - will free up resources for the rest of humanity. And if everyone continues to rape everyone then the human species will flourish with more reproduction. So what's wrong? Obviously there is something wrong with this picture.
You might say people have rights and by doing all that you violate their rights. Oh? And who gave them those rights? Do they intrinsically have something more than just another species of animals we can slaughter for food and use for experiments? [note: first world countries slaughter millions of animals every year for food and use other animals for experiments and such] If they intrinsically have something more, where did that something come from? Or better yet, what is it? If you say humans and animals are the same then what's wrong with the above picture? Or a better question may be "why is it wrong"?
There is a standard whether you acknowledge it or not. If you can say something is right or wrong, then you must have a standard that you use to make that statement. And standards are set. They are not there for no reason and made by no one. So who set the standards for morality? Humans? So for now lets imagine that is is. If it is, then my standard will be different from yours. If I say I can take your car becuase I think its right, obviously you are going to say that is wrong. So who's right? If you look in today's society you'd realize you don't need to argue. There are laws that says what is right adn what is wrong. So I ask you then. Does a society set the standard? If they do, then would it not be the same as my standard against yours? ie. one society's standards against another? If that's true, then who's right? If you look through history you would find similar standards spaning through time and space in different countries with different people. "Protect the weak", "Bravery", "integrity", "do to others as you would have them done to you" These are virtues that are highly regarded Regardless of where you are. Now, if we consider that fact, we realize something is very peculiar. A common standard spans through humanity. Why do we have similar standards. It has to be set by someone we know that, but who? If it was set by man, then what reason does another have to follow it? And why would different people's standards have similarities? Perhaps it is because this standard is made not by humans but by something/someone above us. If we say, the creator made the standard and wired it into all of us then it would make sense.
The question here is either (a) there is a God or (b) there is no God.
There is a God.
Before we do anything, I would like to ask some questions. Does evil exist in the world? Is it okay to kill off all those who are weak and do nothing but leech off society? Is it wrong to rape an innocent little girl? If you answered yes or no to any of these questions you have demonstrated the existance of morality. You can not say somethign is good or evil unless you first know that there is something called good and something called evil. Even if you should deny its existance, society and the rest of the world acknowledges it.
Yet now that we have established that there is soemthing called "good" and something called "evil" we know that there is a standard that exist somewhere. If there isn't a standard, then who is to say killing off the useless people are wrong? Who is to say raping women is wrong? If you think about it, killing off all the "weak people" - those who doesn't benefit society - will free up resources for the rest of humanity. And if everyone continues to rape everyone then the human species will flourish with more reproduction. So what's wrong? Obviously there is something wrong with this picture.
You might say people have rights and by doing all that you violate their rights. Oh? And who gave them those rights? Do they intrinsically have something more than just another species of animals we can slaughter for food and use for experiments? [note: first world countries slaughter millions of animals every year for food and use other animals for experiments and such] If they intrinsically have something more, where did that something come from? Or better yet, what is it? If you say humans and animals are the same then what's wrong with the above picture? Or a better question may be "why is it wrong"?
There is a standard whether you acknowledge it or not. If you can say something is right or wrong, then you must have a standard that you use to make that statement. And standards are set. They are not there for no reason and made by no one. So who set the standards for morality? Humans? So for now lets imagine that is is. If it is, then my standard will be different from yours. If I say I can take your car becuase I think its right, obviously you are going to say that is wrong. So who's right? If you look in today's society you'd realize you don't need to argue. There are laws that says what is right adn what is wrong. So I ask you then. Does a society set the standard? If they do, then would it not be the same as my standard against yours? ie. one society's standards against another? If that's true, then who's right? If you look through history you would find similar standards spaning through time and space in different countries with different people. "Protect the weak", "Bravery", "integrity", "do to others as you would have them done to you" These are virtues that are highly regarded Regardless of where you are. Now, if we consider that fact, we realize something is very peculiar. A common standard spans through humanity. Why do we have similar standards. It has to be set by someone we know that, but who? If it was set by man, then what reason does another have to follow it? And why would different people's standards have similarities? Perhaps it is because this standard is made not by humans but by something/someone above us. If we say, the creator made the standard and wired it into all of us then it would make sense.
Firstly, the existence of morality doesn’t necessarily prove the existence of a deity, and vice versa. It is not required that a deity provide a moral code, it simply exists that way in modern religions. Also, morals vary from one religion to another, who is to say which is the correct one?
Modern day morals have been dictated over centuries by society and religion, which has dominated civilization for thousands of years. However, this is not enough to prove that it exists. Before the onset of organized religion, before the onset of “civilization” (I use quotes because I’m referring to the rise of nation-states, the actual semantics of the word are open to interpretation), humans did behave much like animals, hunting and gathering and eating to survive. There was no “good” and there was no “evil,” these concepts were introduced into society with the introduction of society; that is, with so many people beginning to gather in one place, a more organized system of settling disputes was needed than whomever was the biggest or the strongest. Organized religion, which developed from shamanistic ritualism, also introduced this moral code, generally made to align with the laws of the land.
Morality itself is a man-made concept, and therefore there is no real “standard” to our morality other than the ones that we put on ourselves over millennium. Remember that all religions have similarities due to assimilations and sharing of culture over the centuries, so it would make sense that there would be some overlap. Also remember that the morals of different societies do not mix or get along, regardless of overlap, and thus we have war and conflict. I suppose that it would be hardwired into our genes to associate negative feelings with the death of human beings, so as the preserve the continuation of our species, but even this is not fail-safe, as seen by those who, shocking as it may sound, do not feel any regret or sorrow from the deaths of others.
-//6. the Bible[I can, of course, prove the Bible to be true] //-
The bible proves the existance of God.
To prove that the previous statement is true I must do two things:
1. prove that the Bible is true
2. prove that the Bible says that God is real[common knowledge...I won't expand unless requested to]
The Bible is constist of historical accounts and spiritual testimonies. If you can prove the historical account to be false then you can condemn the whole book to be invalid in terms of absolute truth. Thus I shall reinforce that the Bible to be true by the historical contents using these points:
1. Manuscript Evidence
2. Archeological Digs
Before I enter into details you must realize a few things.
-In Biblical times, the printing press (AD1456) did not exist.
-Most people could not even read.
-The individuals entrusted with the task of copying the scriptures were called scribes.
-The Jews are known to be a group of very religious nation adn only the most devout Jews were allowed to study this art and become a scribe.
In fact, their dedication was so severe that after each page of writing they would check letter by letter to see if they made a mistake. If they did they would throw it away and restart. In addition, every time they have to write the word God, they would ceremoniously wash their hands for 15 minutes. So if one sentence had the word God in it 10 times, they would go wash their hands 10 times. That is how devout and serious they were. And with that in mind, the possible error is extremely thin if any at all.
Manuscripts are tools that can be used to determine the accuracy and validity of different texts. The longer the time between the date written(original) and the oldest manuscript(copy that we have) found, the more possible errors there could be in the text. As well, we know that if the text was written while there were still eyewitness alive then the eyewitness could refute the text's contents base on validity and accuracy.
Up to 1947, the most widely used copy of the O.T.(old testiment) is dated around 900AD and is known as the masoretic text. It is also in this same year that a startling archaeological discovery was made, containing O.T. documents dating back to 150BC. These came to be known as the dead sea scrolls. For the N.T., over 5500 manuscripts exist today, which scientists can use to rebuild the original gospels. The oldest existing fragment comes from John 18 and is dated around 98-110AD from Egypt. The significance of this date is that it is written within the lifetime of an eyewitness. Thus if there was ANY flaw, the eyewitness can stand up point and thus crush the text.
Author/ Title/ Date written/ Manuscript date / number of copies
Mathew Mark Luke John/ Gospels of Jesus / 40-100AD/ 98-150AD/ 5500
Homer/ The Illiad/ 600BC/ 200-300AD/ 650
Aristotle/ Poetics/ 343BC/ 1000AD/ 5
Tacitus/ Anals of Imperial/ 116AD/ 850AD/ 1
Thus by these two points we know that the credibility and validity of the gospel alone is much stronger than that of "The Illiad", "Poetics", "Anals of Imperial". From looking at these books alone (you can go find more if you wish) we know that there is no other ancient text that has the same degree of manuscript evidence as the New Testament. In addition, by understanding the care taken by the scribes - out of reverence for the holy words they were writing - we know the copies are highly accurate.
Archeological finds can not by itself prove that the bible is correct but it can reinforce its validity. To the present day there are over 25000 archaeological sites that confirms the Bible [now how many confirms evolution again?]. Contrary to popular belief, dating of the artifacts found is NOT solely done by radioactive decay. Most scientists do not believe that this technique is accurate. So if that's the case, how are artifacts dated? Most are dated using the technique of extrapolation. Accurate timelines can be drawn out by comparing multiple sources and using simple deduction. Pottery style, inscriptions, and royal or family tree provide a wealth of information that can accurately date new discoveries.
<<(you can research on these if you like)
-The construction of Hazzor, Megiddo, and Gezer by Solomon [1 Ki 9:15]
-Belshazzar, the last king of Babylon [Daniel 5]
-Lysanias, Tetriarch of Abilene (AD 27) [Luke 3:1]
Pool of Bethesda [John 5:1-5]
Jacob's well [John 4:12]
The bible proves the existance of God.
To prove that the previous statement is true I must do two things:
1. prove that the Bible is true
2. prove that the Bible says that God is real[common knowledge...I won't expand unless requested to]
The Bible is constist of historical accounts and spiritual testimonies. If you can prove the historical account to be false then you can condemn the whole book to be invalid in terms of absolute truth. Thus I shall reinforce that the Bible to be true by the historical contents using these points:
1. Manuscript Evidence
2. Archeological Digs
Before I enter into details you must realize a few things.
-In Biblical times, the printing press (AD1456) did not exist.
-Most people could not even read.
-The individuals entrusted with the task of copying the scriptures were called scribes.
-The Jews are known to be a group of very religious nation adn only the most devout Jews were allowed to study this art and become a scribe.
In fact, their dedication was so severe that after each page of writing they would check letter by letter to see if they made a mistake. If they did they would throw it away and restart. In addition, every time they have to write the word God, they would ceremoniously wash their hands for 15 minutes. So if one sentence had the word God in it 10 times, they would go wash their hands 10 times. That is how devout and serious they were. And with that in mind, the possible error is extremely thin if any at all.
Manuscripts are tools that can be used to determine the accuracy and validity of different texts. The longer the time between the date written(original) and the oldest manuscript(copy that we have) found, the more possible errors there could be in the text. As well, we know that if the text was written while there were still eyewitness alive then the eyewitness could refute the text's contents base on validity and accuracy.
Up to 1947, the most widely used copy of the O.T.(old testiment) is dated around 900AD and is known as the masoretic text. It is also in this same year that a startling archaeological discovery was made, containing O.T. documents dating back to 150BC. These came to be known as the dead sea scrolls. For the N.T., over 5500 manuscripts exist today, which scientists can use to rebuild the original gospels. The oldest existing fragment comes from John 18 and is dated around 98-110AD from Egypt. The significance of this date is that it is written within the lifetime of an eyewitness. Thus if there was ANY flaw, the eyewitness can stand up point and thus crush the text.
Author/ Title/ Date written/ Manuscript date / number of copies
Mathew Mark Luke John/ Gospels of Jesus / 40-100AD/ 98-150AD/ 5500
Homer/ The Illiad/ 600BC/ 200-300AD/ 650
Aristotle/ Poetics/ 343BC/ 1000AD/ 5
Tacitus/ Anals of Imperial/ 116AD/ 850AD/ 1
Thus by these two points we know that the credibility and validity of the gospel alone is much stronger than that of "The Illiad", "Poetics", "Anals of Imperial". From looking at these books alone (you can go find more if you wish) we know that there is no other ancient text that has the same degree of manuscript evidence as the New Testament. In addition, by understanding the care taken by the scribes - out of reverence for the holy words they were writing - we know the copies are highly accurate.
Archeological finds can not by itself prove that the bible is correct but it can reinforce its validity. To the present day there are over 25000 archaeological sites that confirms the Bible [now how many confirms evolution again?]. Contrary to popular belief, dating of the artifacts found is NOT solely done by radioactive decay. Most scientists do not believe that this technique is accurate. So if that's the case, how are artifacts dated? Most are dated using the technique of extrapolation. Accurate timelines can be drawn out by comparing multiple sources and using simple deduction. Pottery style, inscriptions, and royal or family tree provide a wealth of information that can accurately date new discoveries.
-The construction of Hazzor, Megiddo, and Gezer by Solomon [1 Ki 9:15]
-Belshazzar, the last king of Babylon [Daniel 5]
-Lysanias, Tetriarch of Abilene (AD 27) [Luke 3:1]
Pool of Bethesda [John 5:1-5]
Jacob's well [John 4:12]
Firstly, regardless of whether or not any mistakes were made by the transcribers (and there have been many, many others who were not nearly as devout or dedicated as the originals, not to mention crossing languages and the like), this doesn’t prove that the source material is true. No matter how dedicated or historically accurate the book may be, there’s no way to prove that it is the word of a higher deity, other than it being assumed so. Simply because this book may be more accurate or credible than other books doesn’t prove that the source material is what people say it is, only that it is more accurate.
The Bible is not as historically valid as you believe it to be, and its accuracy is the subject of much debate among scholars. Not taking the evolution pop-shot to heart (by the way, there are hundreds of thousands of different examples, experiments, and researchers reinforcing the validity of evolution, and we know the Bible has yet to be “confirmed” as absolutely true because there is still researching going on to contend it), the Documentary Hypothesis talks about how many books in the Old Testament had to have been written by different authors, compiled and edited by a single person. In fact, no original manuscript has ever been found, and no matter how accurate the scribes were, that cannot match the weight of having a primary document.
Are you sure it’s called “extrapolation?” As far as I know and researched, it is solely a mathematical term. Still, the method you describe seems like a relative dating method, rather than an absolute method, like radioactive dating. Also, just what scientists believe that it is inaccurate? I have yet to meet any, as radiocarbon dating itself is a science and mathematic process which has yet to be proven drastically wrong. Do explain how people have criticized it.
I looked up the validity sources you provided, and even they seemed a bit unverified.
[1 Ki 9:15] The Exodus and Solomon’s construction of those cities is historically contended, as the dating methods used for different events lead to inconsistencies in the actual chronology of the events as they were recorded.
[Luke 3:1] Lysanias has never been mentioned in secular history, but for a single authority figure executed by Mark Antony before the time of the writing. They did uncover a temple inscription mentioning Lysanias, but they’ve also uncovered a tomb supposedly belonging to the brother of Jesus Christ, later proved to be false. Additional evidence is needed to make a compelling argument.
There are a number of sites that have been uncovered which are mentioned in the Bible, a number of which can be found here: [link]. Still, the evidence of these sites does not inherently prove that the entire Bible is true, only that it indicates various places and events in real history. It would be the same as taking a comic book which mentions both New York City and the Sept. 11th attack on the World Trade Center and then believing that the entire contents of that story is true, when it obviously is not.
hideously long link
Once again, I apologize for the sole use of Wikipedia, if you have any contention with the sources I will do my best to find a suitable replacement.